@ -15,68 +15,94 @@
namespace srsenb {
namespace sched_nr_impl {
slot_grid::slot_grid(const sched_cell_params& cfg_) :
cfg(cfg_), pdsch_mask(cfg.cell_cfg.nof_rbg), pusch_mask(cfg.cell_cfg.nof_rbg)
using pdsch_grant = sched_nr_interface::pdsch_grant;
using pusch_grant = sched_nr_interface::pusch_grant;
slot_sched::slot_sched(const sched_cell_params& cfg_, phy_cell_rb_grid& phy_grid_) :
logger(srslog::fetch_basic_logger("MAC")), cfg(cfg_), phy_grid(phy_grid_)
void slot_grid::new_tti(tti_point tti_rx_, sched_nr_res_t& sched_res_)
void slot_sched::new_tti(tti_point tti_rx_)
tti_rx = tti_rx_;
sched_res = &sched_res_;
*sched_res = {};
bool slot_grid::alloc_pdsch(slot_ue& ue, const rbgmask_t& dl_mask)
alloc_result slot_sched::alloc_pdsch(slot_ue& ue, const rbgmask_t& dl_mask)
const uint32_t tbs = 100, mcs = 20;
if (ue.h_dl == nullptr) {
return false;
logger.warning("SCHED: Trying to allocate PDSCH for rnti=0x%x with no available HARQs", ue.rnti);
return alloc_result::no_rnti_opportunity;
if ((pdsch_mask & dl_mask).any()) {
return false;
pdsch_list& pdsch_grants = phy_grid[ue.pdsch_tti.to_uint()].pdsch_grants;
if (pdsch_grants.full()) {
logger.warning("SCHED: Maximum number of DL allocations reached");
return alloc_result::no_grant_space;
if (sched_res->dl_res.data.full()) {
return false;
rbgmask_t& pdsch_mask = phy_grid[ue.pdsch_tti.to_uint()].pdsch_tot_mask;
if ((pdsch_mask & dl_mask).any()) {
return alloc_result::sch_collision;
if (not ue.h_dl->new_tx(tti_tx_dl(), dl_mask, mcs, cfg.cell_cfg.K1)) {
return false;
int mcs = -1, tbs = -1;
if (ue.h_dl->empty()) {
mcs = 20;
tbs = 100;
srsran_assert(ue.h_dl->new_tx(ue.pdsch_tti, ue.uci_tti, dl_mask, mcs, tbs, 4), "Failed to allocate DL HARQ");
} else {
srsran_assert(ue.h_dl->new_retx(ue.pdsch_tti, ue.uci_tti, dl_mask, &mcs, &tbs), "Failed to allocate DL HARQ retx");
// Allocation Successful
pdsch_grant& grant = pdsch_grants.back();
grant.dci.ctx.rnti = ue.rnti;
grant.dci.pid = ue.h_dl->pid;
grant.bitmap = dl_mask;
pdsch_mask |= dl_mask;
sched_nr_data_t& data = sched_res->dl_res.data.back();
data.tbs[0] = tbs;
return true;
return alloc_result::success;
bool slot_grid::alloc_pusch(slot_ue& ue, const rbgmask_t& ul_mask)
alloc_result slot_sched::alloc_pusch(slot_ue& ue, const rbgmask_t& ul_mask)
const uint32_t tbs = 100, mcs = 20;
if ((pusch_mask & ul_mask).any()) {
return false;
if (ue.h_ul == nullptr) {
logger.warning("SCHED: Trying to allocate PUSCH for rnti=0x%x with no available HARQs", ue.rnti);
return alloc_result::no_rnti_opportunity;
pusch_list& pusch_grants = phy_grid[ue.pusch_tti.to_uint()].pusch_grants;
if (pusch_grants.full()) {
logger.warning("SCHED: Maximum number of UL allocations reached");
return alloc_result::no_grant_space;
if (sched_res->ul_res.pusch.full()) {
return false;
rbgmask_t& pusch_mask = phy_grid[ue.pusch_tti.to_uint()].ul_tot_mask;
if ((pusch_mask & ul_mask).any()) {
return alloc_result::sch_collision;
if (not ue.h_ul->new_tx(tti_tx_ul(), ul_mask, mcs, 0)) {
return false;
int mcs = -1, tbs = -1;
if (ue.h_ul->empty()) {
mcs = 20;
tbs = 100;
bool ret = ue.h_ul->new_tx(ue.pusch_tti, ue.pusch_tti, ul_mask, mcs, tbs, ue.cfg->maxharq_tx);
srsran_assert(ret, "Failed to allocate UL HARQ");
} else {
srsran_assert(ue.h_ul->new_retx(ue.pusch_tti, ue.pusch_tti, ul_mask, &mcs, &tbs),
"Failed to allocate UL HARQ retx");
// Allocation Successful
pusch_grant& grant = pusch_grants.back();
grant.dci.ctx.rnti = ue.rnti;
grant.dci.pid = ue.h_dl->pid;
grant.dci.mcs = mcs;
grant.bitmap = ul_mask;
pusch_mask |= ul_mask;
sched_nr_data_t& data = sched_res->ul_res.pusch.back();
data.tbs[0] = tbs;
return true;
return alloc_result::success;
void slot_grid::generate_dcis() {}
void slot_sched::generate_dcis() {}
} // namespace sched_nr_impl
} // namespace srsenb