Sampa group website =================== This site uses [Jekyll][] and [bibble][] to generate a static Sampa website complete with publications, personnel, and news. Editing ------- Most pages are just Markdown files that you can edit directly. People are listed in `_data/people.yml` and the news is generated from `_data/news.yml`. Try editing directly in GitHub! It's like magic. News Items and Blog Posts ------------------------- For both long-form blog posts and short news updates, we use Jekyll's blogging system. To post a new item of either type, you create a file in the [_posts directory][postsdir] using the naming convention ``. The date part of the filename always matters; the title part is currently only used for full blog posts (but is still required for news updates). The file must begin with [YAML front matter][yfm]. For news updates, use this: --- layout: post shortnews: true --- For full blog posts, use this format: --- layout: post title: "Some Great Title Here" --- And concoct a page title for your post. The body of the post goes after the `---` in either case. [yfm]: [postsdir]: Building and Deploying ---------------------- The requirements for building the site are: * [Jekyll][]: run `gem install jekyll` * [Pybtex][]: run `pip install pybtex` * [bibble][]: included as a submodule. Because git is cruel, you need to use `git clone --recursive URL` or issue the commands `git submodule init ; git submodule update` to check out the dependency. * ssh and rsync, only if you want to deploy directly. `make` compiles the bibliography and the website content to the `_site` directory. To preview the site, run `jekyll serve`` and head to To upload a new version of the site via rsync over ssh, type `make deploy`. A web hook does this automatically when you push to GitHub. If you use an alternative Python when building the bibliography, use `make PYTHON=/path/to/python`. [Jekyll]: [bibble]: [pybtex]: