--- layout: default title: Home notitle: true # groups of columns of {roles: list, width: num, image: bool} role-tables: - - roles: [faculty, postdoc, staff] width: 4 image: true - roles: [grad] width: 8 image: true - - roles: [collab, ugrad, ugrad-alum] width: 5 image: false - roles: [alum] width: 7 image: false ---

The Awesome Research Group at Example U does all sorts of research. Here is a place where we tell you exactly what that is!


{% assign numposts = site.posts | size %} {% if numposts >= 1 %}

Older posts…

{% endif %}


{% for p in site.projects %} {% if p.status != "inactive" %} {% include project-card.html project=p %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}


{% for role-table in page.role-tables %}
{% for role-column in role-table %}
{% for role in role-column.roles %} {% include role-people.html role=role image=role-column.image %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}