* Thanks to [Jekyll][], content is just text files. So even faculty should be able to figure it out.
* Publications list generated from BibTeX.
* Personnel list. Organize your professors, students, staff, and alumni.
* Combined news stream and blog posts.
* Easily extensible navigation bar.
1. Install the dependencies. You will need [Python][], [Pybtex][] (`pip install pybtex`), and [Jekyll][] (`gem install jekyll`).
2. Clone this repository. Use the `--recurse-submodules` flag to get the Bibble subrepository.
3. Customize. Start with the `_config.yml` file, where you enter the name of the site and its URL.
4. Type `make` to build the site and then run `jekyll serve -w` to view your site.
5. Keep adding content. See below for instructions for each of the various sections.
Publication List
The list of publications is in `bib/pubs.bib`. Typing `make` will generate `pubs.html`, which contains a pretty, sorted HTML-formatted list of papers. The public page, `publications.html`, also has a link to download the original BibTeX.
For both long-form blog posts and short news updates, we use Jekyll's blogging system. To post a new item of either type, you create a file in the `_posts` directory using the naming convention `YYYY-MM-DD-title-for-url.md`. The date part of the filename always matters; the title part is currently only used for full blog posts (but is still required for news updates).
People are listed in a [YAML][] file in `_data/people.yml`. You can list the name, link, bio, and role of each person. Roles (e.g., "Faculty", "Staff", and "Students") are defined in `_config.yml`.
To set up deployments, edit the Makefile and look for the lines where `HOST` and `DIR` are defined. Change these to the host where your HTML files should be copied to.
To upload a new version of the site via rsync over ssh, type `make deploy`. A web hook does this automatically when you push to GitHub. Be aware that the Makefile is configured to have rsync delete stray files from the destination directory.