mirror of https://github.com/pvnis/srsRAN_4G.git
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
481 lines
19 KiB
481 lines
19 KiB
* \section COPYRIGHT
* Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited
* By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
* forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
* the distribution.
#include "srsepc/hdr/hss/hss.h"
#include "srsepc/hdr/mme/mme.h"
#include "srsepc/hdr/spgw/spgw.h"
#include "srsran/build_info.h"
#include "srsran/common/bcd_helpers.h"
#include "srsran/common/common_helper.h"
#include "srsran/common/config_file.h"
#include "srsran/common/crash_handler.h"
#include "srsran/srslog/srslog.h"
#include "srsran/srsran.h"
#include "srsran/support/emergency_handlers.h"
#include "srsran/support/signal_handler.h"
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace srsepc;
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
typedef struct {
std::string nas_level;
int nas_hex_limit;
std::string s1ap_level;
int s1ap_hex_limit;
std::string mme_gtpc_level;
int mme_gtpc_hex_limit;
std::string spgw_gtpc_level;
int spgw_gtpc_hex_limit;
std::string gtpu_level;
int gtpu_hex_limit;
std::string spgw_level;
int spgw_hex_limit;
std::string hss_level;
int hss_hex_limit;
std::string all_level;
int all_hex_limit;
std::string filename;
} log_args_t;
typedef struct {
mme_args_t mme_args;
hss_args_t hss_args;
spgw_args_t spgw_args;
log_args_t log_args;
} all_args_t;
static srslog::sink* log_sink = nullptr;
static std::atomic<bool> running = {true};
* Program arguments processing
string config_file;
void parse_args(all_args_t* args, int argc, char* argv[])
string mme_name;
string mme_code;
string mme_group;
string tac;
string mcc;
string mnc;
string mme_bind_addr;
string mme_apn;
string encryption_algo;
string integrity_algo;
uint16_t paging_timer = 0;
uint32_t max_paging_queue = 0;
string spgw_bind_addr;
string sgi_if_addr;
string sgi_if_name;
string dns_addr;
string full_net_name;
string short_net_name;
bool request_imeisv;
string hss_db_file;
string hss_auth_algo;
string log_filename;
string lac;
// Command line only options
bpo::options_description general("General options");
// clang-format off
("help,h", "Produce help message")
("version,v", "Print version information and exit")
// Command line or config file options
bpo::options_description common("Configuration options");
("mme.mme_code", bpo::value<string>(&mme_code)->default_value("0x01"), "MME Code")
("mme.name", bpo::value<string>(&mme_name)->default_value("srsmme01"), "MME Name")
("mme.mme_group", bpo::value<string>(&mme_group)->default_value("0x01"), "Cell ID")
("mme.tac", bpo::value<string>(&tac)->default_value("0x0"), "Tracking Area Code")
("mme.mcc", bpo::value<string>(&mcc)->default_value("001"), "Mobile Country Code")
("mme.mnc", bpo::value<string>(&mnc)->default_value("01"), "Mobile Network Code")
("mme.mme_bind_addr", bpo::value<string>(&mme_bind_addr)->default_value(""), "IP address of MME for S1 connection")
("mme.dns_addr", bpo::value<string>(&dns_addr)->default_value(""), "IP address of the DNS server for the UEs")
("mme.full_net_name", bpo::value<string>(&full_net_name)->default_value("Software Radio Systems RAN"), "Full name of the network")
("mme.short_net_name", bpo::value<string>(&short_net_name)->default_value("srsRAN"), "Short name of the network")
("mme.apn", bpo::value<string>(&mme_apn)->default_value(""), "Set Access Point Name (APN) for data services")
("mme.encryption_algo", bpo::value<string>(&encryption_algo)->default_value("EEA0"), "Set preferred encryption algorithm for NAS layer ")
("mme.integrity_algo", bpo::value<string>(&integrity_algo)->default_value("EIA1"), "Set preferred integrity protection algorithm for NAS")
("mme.paging_timer", bpo::value<uint16_t>(&paging_timer)->default_value(2), "Set paging timer value in seconds (T3413)")
("mme.request_imeisv", bpo::value<bool>(&request_imeisv)->default_value(false), "Enable IMEISV request in Security mode command")
("mme.lac", bpo::value<string>(&lac)->default_value("0x01"), "Location Area Code")
("hss.db_file", bpo::value<string>(&hss_db_file)->default_value("ue_db.csv"), ".csv file that stores UE's keys")
("spgw.gtpu_bind_addr", bpo::value<string>(&spgw_bind_addr)->default_value(""), "IP address of SP-GW for the S1-U connection")
("spgw.sgi_if_addr", bpo::value<string>(&sgi_if_addr)->default_value(""), "IP address of TUN interface for the SGi connection")
("spgw.sgi_if_name", bpo::value<string>(&sgi_if_name)->default_value("srs_spgw_sgi"), "Name of TUN interface for the SGi connection")
("spgw.max_paging_queue", bpo::value<uint32_t>(&max_paging_queue)->default_value(100), "Max number of packets in paging queue")
("pcap.enable", bpo::value<bool>(&args->mme_args.s1ap_args.pcap_enable)->default_value(false), "Enable S1AP PCAP")
("pcap.filename", bpo::value<string>(&args->mme_args.s1ap_args.pcap_filename)->default_value("/tmp/epc.pcap"), "PCAP filename")
("log.nas_level", bpo::value<string>(&args->log_args.nas_level), "MME NAS log level")
("log.nas_hex_limit", bpo::value<int>(&args->log_args.nas_hex_limit), "MME NAS log hex dump limit")
("log.s1ap_level", bpo::value<string>(&args->log_args.s1ap_level), "MME S1AP log level")
("log.s1ap_hex_limit", bpo::value<int>(&args->log_args.s1ap_hex_limit), "MME S1AP log hex dump limit")
("log.mme_gtpc_level", bpo::value<string>(&args->log_args.mme_gtpc_level), "MME GTPC log level")
("log.mme_gtpc_hex_limit", bpo::value<int>(&args->log_args.mme_gtpc_hex_limit), "MME GTPC log hex dump limit")
("log.spgw_gtpc_level", bpo::value<string>(&args->log_args.spgw_gtpc_level), "SPGW GTPC log level")
("log.spgw_gtpc_hex_limit", bpo::value<int>(&args->log_args.spgw_gtpc_hex_limit), "SPGW GTPC log hex dump limit")
("log.gtpu_level", bpo::value<string>(&args->log_args.gtpu_level), "GTP-U log level")
("log.gtpu_hex_limit", bpo::value<int>(&args->log_args.gtpu_hex_limit), "GTP-U log hex dump limit")
("log.spgw_level", bpo::value<string>(&args->log_args.spgw_level), "SPGW log level")
("log.spgw_hex_limit", bpo::value<int>(&args->log_args.spgw_hex_limit), "SPGW log hex dump limit")
("log.hss_level", bpo::value<string>(&args->log_args.hss_level), "HSS log level")
("log.hss_hex_limit", bpo::value<int>(&args->log_args.hss_hex_limit), "HSS log hex dump limit")
("log.all_level", bpo::value<string>(&args->log_args.all_level)->default_value("info"), "ALL log level")
("log.all_hex_limit", bpo::value<int>(&args->log_args.all_hex_limit)->default_value(32), "ALL log hex dump limit")
("log.filename", bpo::value<string>(&args->log_args.filename)->default_value("/tmp/epc.log"),"Log filename")
// Positional options - config file location
bpo::options_description position("Positional options");
("config_file", bpo::value< string >(&config_file), "MME configuration file")
// clang-format on
bpo::positional_options_description p;
p.add("config_file", -1);
// these options are allowed on the command line
bpo::options_description cmdline_options;
// parse the command line and store result in vm
bpo::variables_map vm;
try {
bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(cmdline_options).positional(p).run(), vm);
} catch (bpo::error& e) {
cerr << e.what() << endl;
// help option was given - print usage and exit
if (vm.count("help")) {
cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS] config_file" << endl << endl;
cout << common << endl << general << endl;
// if no config file given, check users home path
if (!vm.count("config_file")) {
if (!config_exists(config_file, "epc.conf")) {
cout << "Failed to read EPC configuration file " << config_file << " - exiting" << endl;
// Parsing Config File
cout << "Reading configuration file " << config_file << "..." << endl;
ifstream conf(config_file.c_str(), ios::in);
if (conf.fail()) {
cout << "Failed to read configuration file " << config_file << " - exiting" << endl;
// parse config file and handle errors gracefully
try {
bpo::store(bpo::parse_config_file(conf, common), vm);
} catch (const boost::program_options::error& e) {
cerr << e.what() << endl;
// Concert hex strings
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << std::hex << vm["mme.mme_group"].as<std::string>();
sstr >> args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mme_group;
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << std::hex << vm["mme.mme_code"].as<std::string>();
uint16_t tmp; // Need intermediate uint16_t as uint8_t is treated as char
sstr >> tmp;
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mme_code = tmp;
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << std::hex << vm["mme.tac"].as<std::string>();
sstr >> args->mme_args.s1ap_args.tac;
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << std::hex << vm["mme.lac"].as<std::string>();
sstr >> args->mme_args.s1ap_args.lac;
// Convert MCC/MNC strings
if (!srsran::string_to_mcc(mcc, &args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mcc)) {
cout << "Error parsing mme.mcc:" << mcc << " - must be a 3-digit string." << endl;
if (!srsran::string_to_mnc(mnc, &args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mnc)) {
cout << "Error parsing mme.mnc:" << mnc << " - must be a 2 or 3-digit string." << endl;
// Convert MCC/MNC strings
if (!srsran::string_to_mcc(mcc, &args->hss_args.mcc)) {
cout << "Error parsing mme.mcc:" << mcc << " - must be a 3-digit string." << endl;
if (!srsran::string_to_mnc(mnc, &args->hss_args.mnc)) {
cout << "Error parsing mme.mnc:" << mnc << " - must be a 2 or 3-digit string." << endl;
std::transform(encryption_algo.begin(), encryption_algo.end(), encryption_algo.begin(), ::tolower);
if (encryption_algo == "eea0") {
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.encryption_algo = srsran::CIPHERING_ALGORITHM_ID_EEA0;
} else if (encryption_algo == "eea1") {
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.encryption_algo = srsran::CIPHERING_ALGORITHM_ID_128_EEA1;
} else if (encryption_algo == "eea2") {
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.encryption_algo = srsran::CIPHERING_ALGORITHM_ID_128_EEA2;
} else if (encryption_algo == "eea3") {
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.encryption_algo = srsran::CIPHERING_ALGORITHM_ID_128_EEA3;
} else {
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.encryption_algo = srsran::CIPHERING_ALGORITHM_ID_EEA0;
cout << "Error parsing mme.encryption_algo:" << encryption_algo << " - must be EEA0, EEA1, EEA2 or EEA3." << endl;
cout << "Using default mme.encryption_algo: EEA0" << endl;
std::transform(integrity_algo.begin(), integrity_algo.end(), integrity_algo.begin(), ::tolower);
if (integrity_algo == "eia0") {
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.integrity_algo = srsran::INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_ID_EIA0;
cout << "Warning parsing mme.integrity_algo:" << encryption_algo
<< " - EIA0 will not supported by UEs use EIA1 or EIA2" << endl;
} else if (integrity_algo == "eia1") {
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.integrity_algo = srsran::INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_ID_128_EIA1;
} else if (integrity_algo == "eia2") {
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.integrity_algo = srsran::INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_ID_128_EIA2;
} else if (integrity_algo == "eia3") {
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.integrity_algo = srsran::INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_ID_128_EIA3;
} else {
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.integrity_algo = srsran::INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM_ID_128_EIA1;
cout << "Error parsing mme.integrity_algo:" << encryption_algo << " - must be EIA0, EIA1, EIA2 or EIA3." << endl;
cout << "Using default mme.integrity_algo: EIA1" << endl;
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mme_bind_addr = mme_bind_addr;
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mme_name = mme_name;
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.dns_addr = dns_addr;
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.full_net_name = full_net_name;
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.short_net_name = short_net_name;
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mme_apn = mme_apn;
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.paging_timer = paging_timer;
args->mme_args.s1ap_args.request_imeisv = request_imeisv;
args->spgw_args.gtpu_bind_addr = spgw_bind_addr;
args->spgw_args.sgi_if_addr = sgi_if_addr;
args->spgw_args.sgi_if_name = sgi_if_name;
args->spgw_args.max_paging_queue = max_paging_queue;
args->hss_args.db_file = hss_db_file;
// Apply all_level to any unset layers
if (vm.count("log.all_level")) {
if (!vm.count("log.nas_level")) {
args->log_args.nas_level = args->log_args.all_level;
if (!vm.count("log.s1ap_level")) {
args->log_args.s1ap_level = args->log_args.all_level;
if (!vm.count("log.mme_gtpc_level")) {
args->log_args.mme_gtpc_level = args->log_args.all_level;
if (!vm.count("log.spgw_gtpc_level")) {
args->log_args.spgw_gtpc_level = args->log_args.all_level;
if (!vm.count("log.gtpu_level")) {
args->log_args.gtpu_level = args->log_args.all_level;
if (!vm.count("log.spgw_level")) {
args->log_args.spgw_level = args->log_args.all_level;
if (!vm.count("log.hss_level")) {
args->log_args.hss_level = args->log_args.all_level;
// Apply all_hex_limit to any unset layers
if (vm.count("log.all_hex_limit")) {
if (!vm.count("log.s1ap_hex_limit")) {
args->log_args.s1ap_hex_limit = args->log_args.all_hex_limit;
if (!vm.count("log.mme_gtpc_hex_limit")) {
args->log_args.mme_gtpc_hex_limit = args->log_args.all_hex_limit;
if (!vm.count("log.spgw_gtpc_hex_limit")) {
args->log_args.spgw_gtpc_hex_limit = args->log_args.all_hex_limit;
if (!vm.count("log.gtpu_hex_limit")) {
args->log_args.gtpu_hex_limit = args->log_args.all_hex_limit;
if (!vm.count("log.spgw_hex_limit")) {
args->log_args.spgw_hex_limit = args->log_args.all_hex_limit;
if (!vm.count("log.hss_hex_limit")) {
args->log_args.hss_hex_limit = args->log_args.all_hex_limit;
if (!vm.count("log.nas_hex_limit")) {
args->log_args.nas_hex_limit = args->log_args.all_hex_limit;
// Check user database
if (!config_exists(args->hss_args.db_file, "user_db.csv")) {
cout << "Failed to read HSS user database file " << args->hss_args.db_file << " - exiting" << endl;
std::string get_build_mode()
return std::string(srsran_get_build_mode());
std::string get_build_info()
if (std::string(srsran_get_build_info()).find(" ") != std::string::npos) {
return std::string(srsran_get_version());
return std::string(srsran_get_build_info());
std::string get_build_string()
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Built in " << get_build_mode() << " mode using " << get_build_info() << "." << std::endl;
return ss.str();
static void emergency_cleanup_handler(void* data)
if (log_sink) {
static void signal_handler()
running = false;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
add_emergency_cleanup_handler(emergency_cleanup_handler, nullptr);
// print build info
cout << endl << get_build_string() << endl;
cout << endl << "--- Software Radio Systems EPC ---" << endl << endl;
srsran_debug_handle_crash(argc, argv);
all_args_t args = {};
parse_args(&args, argc, argv);
// Setup logging.
log_sink = (args.log_args.filename == "stdout") ? srslog::create_stdout_sink()
: srslog::create_file_sink(args.log_args.filename);
if (!log_sink) {
srslog::log_channel* chan = srslog::create_log_channel("main_channel", *log_sink);
if (!chan) {
// Start the log backend.
if (args.log_args.filename != "stdout") {
auto& epc_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("EPC", false);
epc_logger.info("\n\n%s\n--- Software Radio Systems EPC log ---\n\n", get_build_string().c_str());
srsran::log_args(argc, argv, "EPC");
srslog::basic_logger& nas_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("NAS", false);
auto& s1ap_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("S1AP", false);
auto& mme_gtpc_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("MME GTPC", false);
auto& hss_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("HSS", false);
auto& spgw_gtpc_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("SPGW GTPC", false);
auto& gtpu_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("GTPU", false);
auto& spgw_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("SPGW", false);
hss* hss = hss::get_instance();
if (hss->init(&args.hss_args)) {
cout << "Error initializing HSS" << endl;
mme* mme = mme::get_instance();
if (mme->init(&args.mme_args)) {
cout << "Error initializing MME" << endl;
spgw* spgw = spgw::get_instance();
if (spgw->init(&args.spgw_args, hss->get_ip_to_imsi())) {
cout << "Error initializing SP-GW" << endl;
while (running) {
cout << std::endl << "--- exiting ---" << endl;
return 0;