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53 lines
1009 B

#ifndef ENBTXRX_H
#define ENBTXRX_H
#include "srslte/common/log.h"
#include "srslte/common/threads.h"
#include "srslte/common/thread_pool.h"
#include "srslte/radio/radio.h"
#include "phy/phch_common.h"
#include "phy/prach_worker.h"
namespace srsenb {
typedef _Complex float cf_t;
class txrx : public thread
bool init(srslte::radio *radio_handler,
srslte::thread_pool *_workers_pool,
phch_common *worker_com,
prach_worker *prach,
srslte::log *log_h,
uint32_t prio);
void stop();
const static int MUTEX_X_WORKER = 4;
void run_thread();
srslte::radio *radio_h;
srslte::log *log_h;
srslte::thread_pool *workers_pool;
prach_worker *prach;
phch_common *worker_com;
uint32_t tx_mutex_cnt;
uint32_t nof_tx_mutex;
// Main system TTI counter
uint32_t tti;
bool running;
} // namespace srsenb
#endif // UEPHY_H