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%lteDLChannelEstimate Downlink channel estimation
% [HEST NOISEEST] = lteDLChannelEstimate(...) returns HEST, the estimated
% channel between each transmit and receive antenna and NOISEEST, an
% estimate of the noise power spectral density on the reference signal
% subcarriers.
% HEST is an M-by-N-by-NRxAnts-by-CellRefP (optionally
% M-by-N-by-NRxAnts-by-NLayers for UE-specific beamforming transmission
% schemes) array where M is the number of subcarriers, N is the number of
% OFDM symbols, NRxAnts is the number of receive antennas, CellRefP is
% the number of cell-specific reference signal antenna ports and NLayers
% is the number of transmission layers. Using the reference signals, an
% estimate of the power spectral density of the noise present on the
% estimated channel response coefficients is returned.
% [HEST NOISEEST] = lteDLChannelEstimate(ENB, RXGRID) returns the
% estimated channel coefficients using the method described in
% TS36.104/TS36.141 Annex E/F for the purposes of transmitter EVM
% testing.
% ENB is a structure and must contain the following fields:
% NDLRB - Number of downlink resource blocks
% CellRefP - Number of cell-specific reference signal antenna ports
% (1,2,4)
% NCellID - Physical layer cell identity
% NSubframe - Subframe number
% CyclicPrefix - Optional. Cyclic prefix length
% ('Normal'(default),'Extended')
% DuplexMode - Optional. Duplex mode ('FDD'(default),'TDD')
% Only required for 'TDD' duplex mode:
% TDDConfig - Optional. Uplink/Downlink Configuration (0...6)
% (default 0)
% SSC - Optional. Special Subframe Configuration (0...9)
% (default 0)
% Only required for CEC.Reference='CSIRS' below:
% CSIRefP - Number of CSI-RS antenna ports (1,2,4,8)
% CSIRSConfig - CSI-RS configuration index (TS 36.211 Table
% CSIRSPeriod - Optional. CSI-RS subframe configuration:
% ('On'(default),'Off',Icsi-rs,[Tcsi-rs Dcsi-rs])
% RXGRID is a 3-dimensional M-by-N-by-NRxAnts array of resource elements.
% The second dimension of RXGRID can contain any whole number of
% subframes worth of OFDM symbols i.e. for normal cyclic prefix each
% subframe contains 14 OFDM symbols, therefore N is a multiple of 14.
% Note: to adhere to the estimation method defined in TS36.104/TS36.141,
% RXGRID must contain 10 subframes.
% [HEST NOISEEST] = lteDLChannelEstimate(ENB, CEC, RXGRID) returns the
% estimated channel using the method and parameters defined by the
% configuration structure CEC.
% CEC is a structure which defines the type of channel estimation
% performed. CEC must contain a set of the following fields:
% PilotAverage - Type of pilot averaging ('TestEVM', 'UserDefined')
% FreqWindow - Size of window in resource elements used to average
% over frequency.
% TimeWindow - Size of window in resource elements used to average
% over time
% InterpType - Type of 2D interpolation used(see <a href="matlab:
% doc('griddata')">griddata</a> for types)
% InterpWindow - Interpolation window type: ('Causal','Non-causal',
% 'Centred','Centered'). Note: 'Centred' and 'Centered'
% are equivalent
% InterpWinSize - Interpolation window size:
% 'Causal','Non-causal' - any number >=1
% 'Centred','Centered' - odd numbers >=1
% The 'TestEVM' pilot averaging will ignore other structure fields in
% CEC, and the method follows that described in TS36.104/TS36.141 Annex
% E/F for the purposes of transmitter EVM testing.
% The 'UserDefined' pilot averaging uses a rectangular kernel of size
% CEC.FreqWindow-by-CEC.TimeWindow and performs a 2D filtering operation
% upon the pilots. Note that pilots near the edge of the resource grid
% will be averaged less as they have no neighbors outside of the grid,
% or a limited number of neighbors outside of the grid obtained by the
% creation of virtual pilots.
% [HEST NOISEEST] = lteDLChannelEstimate(ENB, CHS, CEC, RXGRID) returns
% the estimated channel given cell-wide settings structure ENB, PDSCH
% transmission configuration CHS and channel estimator configuration CEC.
% CHS must include the following fields:
% TxScheme - Transmission scheme, one of:
% 'Port0' - Single-antenna port, Port 0
% 'TxDiversity' - Transmit diversity scheme
% 'CDD' - Large delay CDD scheme
% 'SpatialMux' - Closed-loop spatial multiplexing scheme
% 'MultiUser' - Multi-user MIMO scheme
% 'Port5' - Single-antenna port, Port 5
% 'Port7-8' - Single-antenna port, port 7 (when
% NLayers=1); Dual layer transmission, port 7
% and 8 (when NLayers=2)
% 'Port8' - Single-antenna port, Port 8
% 'Port7-14' - Up to 8 layer transmission, ports 7-14
% PRBSet - A 1- or 2-column matrix, containing the 0-based Physical
% Resource Block indices (PRBs) corresponding to the resource
% allocations for this PDSCH.
% RNTI - Radio Network Temporary Identifier (16-bit)
% For the 'Port5', 'Port7-8', 'Port8' and 'Port7-14' transmission
% schemes, the channel estimator configuration structure CEC contains the
% following additional field:
% Reference - Optional. Specifies point of reference (signals to
% internally generate) for channel estimation.
% ('DMRS'(default), 'CSIRS')
% For the 'Port5', 'Port7-8', 'Port8' and 'Port7-14' transmission
% schemes, with Reference='DMRS', the channel estimation is performed
% using UE-specific reference signals and the returned channel estimate
% will be of size M-by-N-by-NRxAnts-by-NLayers. Alternatively, with
% Reference='CSIRS' the channel estimation is performed using the CSI
% reference signals (CSI) and the returned channel estimate will be of
% size M-by-N-by-NRxAnts-by-CSIRefP. For other transmission schemes the
% channel estimation is performed using cell-specific reference signals
% and the channel estimate will be of size M-by-N-by-NRxAnts-by-CellRefP.
% Note that CSI-RS based channel estimation and hence Reference='CSIRS'
% is strictly only valid within the standard for the 'Port7-14'
% transmission scheme. The optional CSIRSPeriod parameter controls the
% downlink subframes in which CSI-RS will be present, either always 'On'
% or 'Off', or defined by the scalar subframe configuration index Icsi-rs
% (0...154) or the explicit subframe periodicity and offset pair [Tcsi-rs
% Dcsi-rs] (TS 36.211 Section
% For the 'Port7-8' and 'Port7-14' transmission schemes with
% 'UserDefined' pilot averaging, if CEC.TimeWindow = 2 or 4 and
% CEC.FreqWindow=1 the estimator will enter a special case where an
% averaging window of 2 or 4 pilots in time will be used to average the
% pilot estimates; the averaging is always applied across 2 or 4 pilots,
% regardless of their separation in OFDM symbols. This operation ensures
% that averaging is always done on 2 or 4 pilots. This provides the
% appropriate "despreading" operation required for the case of UE RS
% ports / CSI-RS ports which occupy the same time/frequency locations but
% use different orthogonal covers to allow them to be differentiated at
% the receiver. For the CSI-RS and any number of configured CSI-RS ports
% (given by ENB.CSIRefP), the pilot REs occur in pairs, one pair per
% subframe, that require averaging with CEC.TimeWindow=2 and will result
% in a single estimate per subframe. For the UE RS with between 1 and 4
% layers (given by CHS.NLayers), the pilot REs occur in pairs, repeated
% in each slot, that require averaging with CEC.TimeWindow=2 and will
% result in two estimates per subframe, one for each slot; for between 5
% and 8 layers, the pairs are distinct between the slots of the subframe
% and the required averaging is CEC.TimeWindow=4, resulting in one
% estimate per subframe.
% Example:
% Transmit RMC R.12 (4-antenna transmit diversity), model the propagation
% channel by combining all transmit antennas onto one receive antenna,
% OFDM demodulate and finally channel estimate.
% enb = lteRMCDL('R.12');
% cec = struct('FreqWindow',1,'TimeWindow',1,'InterpType','cubic',...
% 'PilotAverage','UserDefined','InterpWinSize',3,...
% 'InterpWindow','Causal');
% txWaveform = lteRMCDLTool(enb,[1;0;0;1]);
% rxWaveform = sum(txWaveform,2);
% rxGrid = lteOFDMDemodulate(enb,rxWaveform);
% hest = lteDLChannelEstimate(enb,cec,rxGrid);
% See also lteOFDMDemodulate, lteEqualizeMMSE, lteEqualizeZF,
% lteDLPerfectChannelEstimate, griddata.
% Copyright 2009-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
function [H_EST, NoisePowerEst, AvgEstimates, Estimates] = lteDLChannelEstimate2(varargin)
PDSCH = varargin{2};
CEC = varargin{3};
RXGRID = varargin{4};
PDSCH = [];
CEC = varargin{2};
RXGRID = varargin{3};
% If no configuration structure then use the TestEVM method
PDSCH = [];
CEC.PilotAverage = 'TestEVM';
RXGRID = varargin{2};
ENB = varargin{1};
% Get dimensions of resource grid
Dims = lteDLResourceGridSize(ENB);
K = Dims(1);
Lsf = Dims(2);
% Determine number of subframes
nsfs = size(RXGRID,2)/Dims(2);
% Determine number of Tx- and RxAntennas
NRxAnts = size(RXGRID,3);
if (~isempty(PDSCH) && any(strcmpi(PDSCH.TxScheme,{'Port5' 'Port7-8' 'Port8' 'Port7-14'})))
if (~isfield(CEC,'Reference'))
if (strcmpi(CEC.Reference,'DMRS')==1)
NTx = PDSCH.NLayers;
elseif (strcmpi(CEC.Reference,'CSIRS')==1)
error('lte:error','Reference must be "DMRS" or "CSIRS", see help for details.');
if (~isfield(CEC,'Reference'))
NTx = ENB.CellRefP;
% Initialize size of estimated channel grid
H_EST = zeros([size(RXGRID,1) size(RXGRID,2) size(RXGRID,3) NTx]);
% Preallocate noise power estimate vector for speed
noiseVec = zeros(size(NRxAnts,NTx));
if (NTx == 4)
for rxANT = 1:NRxAnts
for nTxAntLayer = 1:NTx
% Extract pilot symbols from received grid and calculate least
% squares estimate
[ls_estimates,specialvec,DwPTS]= GetPilotEstimates(ENB,nTxAntLayer-1,RXGRID(:,:,rxANT),PDSCH,CEC);
Estimates(nTxAntLayer,1:length(ls_estimates(3,:))) = ls_estimates(3,:);
% Average the pilots as defined by CEC.PilotAverage, this can
% be 'UserDefined' or 'TestEVM'.
% Note: Setting the window size to 1x1 is equivalent to no
% averaging. It is recommended that no averaging should be
% carried out when a high SNR is present, as this would have an
% adverse effect on the least squares estimates
if strcmpi(CEC.PilotAverage,'UserDefined')&&(CEC.FreqWindow==1)&&(CEC.TimeWindow==1)
P_EST = ls_estimates;
ScalingVec = 0;
[P_EST, ScalingVec]= PilotAverage(PDSCH,CEC,H_EST,ls_estimates);
AvgEstimates(nTxAntLayer,1:length(P_EST(3,:))) = P_EST(3,:);
if strcmpi(CEC.PilotAverage,'TestEVM')
% Channel estimation as defined in TS36.141 Annex F.3.4 is
% performed, the pilots are averaged in time and frequency
% and the resulting vector is linearly interpolated.
% Interpolate eq coefficients extrapolating to account for
% missing pilots at the edges
interpEqCoeff = interp1(find(P_EST~=0),P_EST(P_EST~=0),(1:length(P_EST)).','linear','extrap');
% ---------------------
% The DC carrier needs to be accounted for during
% interpolation
% Get pilot symbol index values
ind = lteCellRSIndices(ENB,0);
% Using initial index value calculate position of pilot
% symbols within interpolated coefficients
if ind(1)-3>0
vec = (ind(1)-3):3:K;
vec = ind(1):3:K;
% Determine the index values of the pilots either side of
% the DC carrier
preDC = vec(length(vec)/2);
postDC = vec(1+length(vec)/2);
% Interpolate the section using the DC carrier and insert
% this into the interpolated vector containing the
% coefficients
interpEqCoeffTemp = interp1(1:4:5,[interpEqCoeff(preDC) interpEqCoeff(postDC)],1:5,'linear');
interpEqCoeff(preDC:K/2) = interpEqCoeffTemp(1:length(interpEqCoeff(preDC:K/2)));
interpEqCoeff(1+K/2:postDC) = interpEqCoeffTemp(2+length(interpEqCoeff(preDC:K/2)):end);
% Generate grid by replicating estimated equalizer channel
% coefficients
H_EST(:,:,rxANT,nTxAntLayer) = repmat(interpEqCoeff,1,Lsf*nsfs);
% The value of the noise averaged pilot symbols are placed
% into P_EST(3,:) matrix and these are used to determine
% the noise power present on the pilot symbol estimates of
% the channel.
P_EST = ls_estimates;
tempGrid = squeeze(H_EST(:,:,rxANT,nTxAntLayer));
P_EST(3,:) = tempGrid(sub2ind(size(H_EST),P_EST(1,:),P_EST(2,:)));
% Channel estimation is performed by analyzing up to
% 'CEC.InterpWinSize' subframes together and estimating
% virtual pilots outwith the bounds of the subframe.
% Averaging window can be set to Causal, Non-causal or
% Centred, Centered.
% Using the desired subframeAveraging type the initial
% position of the window is determined
if strcmpi(CEC.InterpWindow,'Centred')||strcmpi(CEC.InterpWindow,'Centered')
% For Centered averaging the window size must be odd
if ~mod(CEC.InterpWinSize,2)
error('lte:error','Window size must be odd for centered window type');
% For Centered windowing both current,future and past
% data are used to estimate current channel coefficients
x = floor(CEC.InterpWinSize/2);
y = floor(CEC.InterpWinSize/2);
elseif strcmpi(CEC.InterpWindow,'Causal')
% For causal windowing current and past data are used
% to estimate current subframe channel coefficients
x = 0;
y = CEC.InterpWinSize-1;
elseif strcmpi(CEC.InterpWindow,'Non-causal')
% For non-causal windowing current and future data are
% used to estimate current subframe channel
% coefficients
x = CEC.InterpWinSize-1;
y = 0;
error('lte:error','Channel estimation structure field InterpWindow must be one of the following: Causal,Non-causal,Centred,Centered');
error('lte:error','InterpWinSize cannot be less than 1');
% Interpolate using averaged pilot estimates and defined
% interpolation settings
for sf = 0:nsfs-1
if specialvec(sf+1)=='U'
H_EST(:,sf*Lsf+1:(sf+1)*Lsf,rxANT,nTxAntLayer) = NaN;
% Extract the pilots from required subframes
p_use = P_EST;
% Account for DC offset
p_use(1,(p_use(1,:)>K/2)) = p_use(1,(p_use(1,:)>K/2))+1;
if strcmpi(CEC.InterpType,'Cubic')||strcmpi(CEC.InterpType,'Linear')
% VPVEC is used to determine if virtual pilots are
% needed at the beginning or end of the
% interpolation window, if the current subframe,sf,
% is located at beginning or end of the window then
% virtual pilots are created accordingly
vpvec = unique(p_use(4,:));
if (strcmp(CEC.Reference,'CellRS')==1)
% Create virtual pilots and append to vector
% containing pilots using cell-specific RS
% methodology.
vps = createVirtualPilots(ENB,p_use(1:3,:),1,1,(sf+1==min(vpvec)),(sf+1==max(vpvec)));
p_use = [p_use(1:3,:) vps];
% Create edge virtual pilots suitable for
% UE RS which can have partial bandwidth,
% or CSI-RS.
if (~isempty(p_use))
vps = createEdgeVirtualPilots(ENB,p_use(1:3,:));
p_use = [p_use(1:3,:) vps];
% Perform 2D interpolation
% Interpolation is carried out on a (K+1)-by-L
% matrix to account for DC offset being added in
if (~isempty(p_use))
Htemp = griddata(p_use(2,:)-Lsf*sf,p_use(1,:),p_use(3,:),1:Lsf,(1:K+1)',CEC.InterpType); %#ok<GRIDD>
% Remove DC offset
Htemp(1+(K/2),:) = [];
if specialvec(sf+1)=='S'
Htemp(:,DwPTS+1:Lsf) = NaN;
H_EST(:,sf*Lsf+1:(sf+1)*Lsf,rxANT,nTxAntLayer) = Htemp;
if isnan(H_EST)
error('lte:error','H_EST NaN');
if nTxAntLayer<3 || (~isempty(PDSCH) && any(strcmpi(PDSCH.TxScheme,{'Port7-8' 'Port7-14'})))
% The noise level present can be determined using the noisy
% least squares estimates of the channel at pilot symbol
% locations and the noise averaged pilot symbol estimates of the
% channel
noise = ls_estimates(3,~isnan(ls_estimates(3,:))) - P_EST(3,~isnan(P_EST(3,:)));
if strcmpi(CEC.PilotAverage,'UserDefined')
noise = sqrt(ScalingVec./(ScalingVec+1)).*noise;
% Additional averaging for noise estimation in LTE-A case,
% to suppress interference from orthogonal sequences on
% other antennas in same time-frequency locations.
if (~isempty(PDSCH) && any(strcmpi(PDSCH.TxScheme,{'Port7-8' 'Port7-14'})) &&...
(CEC.TimeWindow==2 || CEC.TimeWindow==4) && CEC.FreqWindow==1)
if (~isempty(ls_estimates))
if (strcmpi(CEC.Reference,'DMRS')==1)
pilotSC = unique(ls_estimates(1,:));
for i = pilotSC
x=[x(1) x(end)];
temp=[temp mean(noise(x))*2]; %#ok<AGROW>
% Taking the variance of the noise present on the pilot symbols
% results in a value of the noise power for each transmit and
% receive antenna pair
if (isempty(noise))
noiseVec(rxANT,nTxAntLayer) = mean(noise.*conj(noise));
% The mean of the noise power across all the transmit/receive antenna
% pairs is used as the estimate of the noise power
NoisePowerEst = mean(mean(noiseVec));
%NoisePowerEst = noiseVec(2);
% GetPilotEstimates Obtain the least squares estimates of the reference
% signals
% [ls_estimates] = GetPilotEstimates(ENB,nTxAntLayer,RXGRID) Extracts the
% reference signals for a specific transmit/receive antenna pair and
% calculates their least squares estimate. The results are placed in a
% 3xNp matrix containing the subcarrier and OFDM symbol location, row and
% column subscripts, and value. Np is the number of cell specific
% reference (pilot) symbols per resource grid
% RXGRID is an MxN array where M is the number of subcarriers,
% N is the number of OFDM symbols. Dimension M must be
% 12*NDLRB where NDLRB must be {6,15,25,50,75,100}.
% Dimension N must be a multiple of number of symbols in a subframe L,
% where L=14 for normal cyclic prefix and L=12 for extended cyclic
% prefix.
% nTxAntLayer defines which transmit antennas' or layers' pilot symbols to extract
% ENB is a structure and must contain the following fields:
% NDLRB - Number of downlink resource blocks
% NCellID - Physical layer cell identity
% CellRefP - Number of transmit antenna ports {1,2,4}
% CyclicPrefix - Optional. Cyclic prefix length{'Normal'(default),'Extended'}
% Example
% Return the least squares estimate of the pilots symbols in a 3xNp array
% where the first row is the subcarrier index,k the second row is the OFDM
% symbol,l and the third row defines the least squares estimate of the
% pilot located at that position.
% enb=struct('NDLRB',6,'CellRefP',1,'NCellID',0,'CyclicPrefix','Normal');
% rxGrid=ones(lteDLResourceGridSize(enb));
% nTxAntLayer=0;
% ls_estimates = GetPilotEstimates(enb,nTxAntLayer,rxGrid).'
% ans =
% 1.0000 1.0000 -0.7071 - 0.7071i
% 7.0000 1.0000 -0.7071 - 0.7071i
% 13.0000 1.0000 -0.7071 - 0.7071i
% . . .
% . . .
% . . .
% 58.0000 12.0000 -0.7071 + 0.7071i
% 64.0000 12.0000 0.7071 - 0.7071i
% 70.0000 12.0000 0.7071 - 0.7071i
% Copyright 2009-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
function [ls_estimates,specialvec,DwPTS] = GetPilotEstimates(ENB,nTxAntLayer,RXGRID,PDSCH,CEC)
% Get dimensions of resource grid
Dims = lteDLResourceGridSize(ENB);
nsfs = size(RXGRID,2)/Dims(2);
K = Dims(1);
L = Dims(2);
if (rem(nsfs,1)~=0)
error('lte:error','The received grid input must contain a whole number of subframes.');
if (~isempty(PDSCH) && any(strcmpi(PDSCH.TxScheme,{'Port5' 'Port7-8' 'Port8' 'Port7-14'})))
if (strcmp(CEC.Reference,'DMRS')==1)
% create UE RS indices
linearIndSF = lteDMRSIndices(ENB,PDSCH,'mat');
% create CSI-RS indices and symbols and deal with zero removal
linearIndSF = lteCSIRSIndices(ENB,'mat');
CsiRS = lteCSIRS(ENB,'mat');
CsiRS = CsiRS(:,nTxAntLayer+1);
% If more than one TxAntenna is used we need to adjust indices values so that
% they start in first antenna plane
linearIndSF = linearIndSF(:,nTxAntLayer+1) - (K*L*nTxAntLayer);
% Extract linear indices of reference signals for particular TxAntenna
dumENB = ENB;
dumENB.NSubframe = 0;
linearIndSF = lteCellRSIndices(dumENB,nTxAntLayer);
% If more than one TxAntenna is used we need to adjust indices values so that
% they start in first antenna plane
linearIndSF = linearIndSF - (K*L*nTxAntLayer);
% Create grid for pilot symbols
linearIndGrid = zeros(size(linearIndSF,1),nsfs);
idealPilotGrid = zeros(size(linearIndSF,1),nsfs);
offset = double(ENB.NSubframe);
specialvec = char(zeros(1,0));
DwPTS = 0;
for sf = ENB.NSubframe:ENB.NSubframe+nsfs-1
ENB.NSubframe = mod(sf,10);
linearIndGrid(:,sf-offset+1) = (linearIndSF+(sf*K*L));
if (~isempty(PDSCH) && any(strcmpi(PDSCH.TxScheme,{'Port5' 'Port7-8' 'Port8' 'Port7-14'})))
if (strcmp(CEC.Reference,'DMRS')==1)
% create UE RS symbols
DMRS = lteDMRS(ENB,PDSCH,'mat');
idealPilotGrid(1:length(DMRS),sf-offset+1) = DMRS(:,nTxAntLayer+1);
% use CSI-RS symbols created earlier
idealPilotGrid(1:length(CsiRS),sf-offset+1) = CsiRS;
CellRS = lteCellRS(ENB, nTxAntLayer);
idealPilotGrid(1:length(CellRS),sf-offset+1) = CellRS;
dupinfo = lteDuplexingInfo(ENB);
if strcmpi(dupinfo.SubframeType,'Special')
specialvec = [specialvec 'S']; %#ok<AGROW>
DwPTS = dupinfo.NSymbolsDL;
elseif strcmpi(dupinfo.SubframeType,'Uplink')
specialvec = [specialvec 'U']; %#ok<AGROW>
elseif strcmpi(dupinfo.SubframeType,'Downlink')
specialvec = [specialvec 'D']; %#ok<AGROW>
error('lte:error','Invalid SubframeType, in structure dupinfo');
if (~isempty(idealPilotGrid))
ulvec = find(idealPilotGrid(size(idealPilotGrid,1),:)==0);
linearIndGrid(:,ulvec) = [];
idealPilotGrid(:,ulvec) = [];
ulvec = [];
linearIndGrid = linearIndGrid - (offset*K*L);
% Extract the row and column subscripts of the pilot symbols for entire
% grid
[p_estSC, p_estSym] = ind2sub(size(RXGRID),linearIndGrid);
% Calculate least squares channel estimates at pilot locations
p_est = RXGRID(linearIndGrid)./idealPilotGrid;
% Create a vector - [k;l;p_est]
sfref = repmat((1:nsfs),length(linearIndSF),1);
sfref(:,ulvec) = [];
ls_estimates = [double(p_estSC(:).') ; double(p_estSym(:).') ; p_est(:).';double(sfref(:)).'];
%PilotAverage Average reference signals
% [P_EST] = PilotAverage(PDSCH,CEC,H_EST,LS_EST) performs a moving average of pilot
% symbols
% LS_EST is a 3xNp matrix containing the least square estimates of the
% pilots symbols and their column and row indices within the received
% grid.
% LS_EST = [k;l;p_est]
% H_EST is an MxN matrix and defines the size of the grid that the
% averaging will be performed on
% CEC is a structure which defines the type of channel estimation
% performed. CEC must contain a set of the following fields:
% PilotAverage - Type of pilot averaging {'TestEVM', 'UserDefined'}
% FreqWindow - Size of window used to average in frequency in
% resource elements.
% TimeWindow - Size of window used to average in time in resource
% elements
% InterpType - Type of 2D interpolation used(see griddata for types)
% The dimensions of the averaging window are defined in structure CEC.
% The window is defined in terms of Resource Elements, and depending on
% the size of the averaging window, averaging will be performed in either
% the time or frequency direction only, or a combination of both creating
% a square/rectangular window. The pilot to be averaged will always be
% placed at the center of the window, therefore the window size must be
% an odd number.
% Frequency Direction: 9x1 Time Direction: 1x9
% x
% x
% x
% x
% P x x x x P x x x x
% x
% x
% x
% x
% Square window: 9x9
% x x x x x x x x x
% P x x x x x x P x
% x x x x x x x x x
% x x x x x x x x x
% x x x x P x x x x
% x x x x x x x x x
% x x x x x x x x x
% P x x x x x x P x
% x x x x x x x x x
% Performing EVM compliance testing as per TS36.141 AnnexF.3.4, requires
% time averaging be done over 10 subframes(i.e. 1 Frame) across each
% pilot symbol carrying subcarrier creating a TotalNumberPilotsx1 vector.
% This is then frequency averaged using a moving window average with a window
% size of 19. This type of averaging can be performed by setting the
% PilotAverage type in structure CEC to 'TestEVM'.
% Copyright 2009-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
function [P_EST, scalingVec] = PilotAverage(PDSCH,CEC,H_EST,P_EST)
switch lower(CEC.PilotAverage)
case 'userdefined'
error('lte:error','Frequency and time averaging window size cannot be less than 1');
if (~isempty(PDSCH) && any(strcmpi(PDSCH.TxScheme,{'Port7-8' 'Port7-14'})) &&...
(CEC.TimeWindow==2 || CEC.TimeWindow==4) && CEC.FreqWindow==1)
% Perform averaging in time direction using a moving window
% of size N = CEC.TimeWindow
N = CEC.TimeWindow;
if (~isempty(P_EST))
% Average only subcarriers which contain RS symbols. Extract RS
% symbols on a per subcarrier basis and use window to average.
for subcarrier = unique(P_EST(1,:))
% Store DRS symbols from relevant slot in vector for easy access
symbVec = (P_EST(3,P_EST(1,:)==subcarrier)).';
% Define temporary vector to store the averaged values
avgVec = zeros(size(symbVec));
% Check length of input at least equal to size of window;
% if not, reduce window size. Despreading will be incomplete
% here
if (length(symbVec) < N)
N = length(symbVec);
% Determines position of window w.r.t element being averaged,
% and performs the averaging
for symbNo = 1:length(symbVec)
if (symbNo-(N/2+1)<=0)
avgVec(symbNo)= sum(symbVec(1:N))/N;
avgVec(symbNo) = sum(symbVec(end-(N-1):end))/N;
% Update P_EST with averaged values
P_EST(3,P_EST(1,:)==subcarrier)= avgVec;
% This vector is used to scale the noise by the number of averaging
% elements in the window
scalingVec = ones(size(P_EST(3,:)))*N;
if (strcmpi(CEC.InterpWindow,'Centred')||strcmpi(CEC.InterpWindow,'Centered'))
if (~mod(CEC.FreqWindow,2)||~mod(CEC.TimeWindow,2))
error('lte:error','Window size must be odd in time and frequency for centred/centered window type');
% Define number of subcarriers
K = size(H_EST,1);
% Define an empty resource grid with the DC offset subcarrier
% inserted
grid = zeros(size(H_EST,1)+1,size(H_EST,2));
% Account for DC offset
P_EST(1,(P_EST(1,:)>K/2)) = P_EST(1,(P_EST(1,:)>K/2))+1;
% Place the pilot symbols back into the received grid with the
% DC offset subcarrier in place
grid(sub2ind(size(grid),P_EST(1,:),P_EST(2,:))) = P_EST(3,:);
% Define convolution window
kernel = ones(CEC.FreqWindow,CEC.TimeWindow);
% Perform convolution
grid = conv2(grid,kernel,'same');
% Extract only pilot symbol location values and set the rest of
% the grid to zero
tempGrid = zeros(size(grid));
tempGrid(sub2ind(size(grid),P_EST(1,:),P_EST(2,:))) = grid(sub2ind(size(grid),P_EST(1,:),P_EST(2,:)));
grid = tempGrid;
% Normalize pilot symbol values after convolution
[grid, scalingVec] = normalisePilotAverage(CEC,P_EST,grid);
% Place averaged values back into pilot symbol matrix
P_EST(3,:) = grid(sub2ind(size(tempGrid),P_EST(1,:),P_EST(2,:)));
% Remove DC offset
P_EST(1,(P_EST(1,:)>K/2)) = P_EST(1,(P_EST(1,:)>K/2))-1;
case 'testevm'
% As defined in TS36.141 Annex F.3.4 pilots are averaged in
% time across all pilot carrying subcarriers. The resulting
% vector is averaged in frequency direction with a moving
% averaging window of 19.
% Get phase (theta) and magnitude(radius) of complex estimates
[theta,radius] = cart2pol(real(P_EST(3,:)),imag(P_EST(3,:)));
% Declare vector to temporarily store averaged phase and
% magnitude
phasemagVec = zeros(size(H_EST,1),2);
% Perform averaging in time and frequency for phase and
% magnitude separately and recombine at end
for phaseOrMag = 1:2
% Define temporary P_EST vector and set estimates row to
% phase then magnitude
P_EST_temp = P_EST;
if phaseOrMag==1
P_EST_temp(3,:) = theta;
elseif phaseOrMag==2
P_EST_temp (3,:) = radius;
% Declare averaging vector
avgVec = zeros(size(H_EST,1),1);
vec = [];
% Average across pilot symbol carrying subcarriers in time,
% unwrapping performed on a subcarrier basis
for i = 1:size(H_EST,1)
if ~isempty(P_EST(3,(P_EST(1,:)==i)))
if phaseOrMag==1
avgVec(i) = mean(unwrap(P_EST_temp(3,(P_EST(1,:)==i))));
elseif phaseOrMag==2
avgVec(i) = mean(P_EST_temp(3,(P_EST(1,:)==i)));
vec = [vec i]; %#ok<AGROW>
% Remove subcarriers which contained no pilot symbols, then
% perform frequency averaging
avgVec = avgVec(vec);
% Perform averaging in frequency direction using a moving
% window of size N, N = 19 in TS36.141 Annex F.3.4
% Performs a moving average of window size N. At the edges, where less than
% N samples are span the window size is reduce to span 1, 3, 5, 7 ...
% samples.
N = 19;
% avgVec must be a column vector
if (size(avgVec,2) > 1)
error('lte:error','Input to moving average function must be a column vector.')
% N max window size 19 as defined in Annex F.3.4
if ~mod(N,2)
error('lte:error','Window size N must be odd');
if (length(avgVec) < N)
% sprintf ('Input signal must have at least %d elements',N);
error('lte:error','Input signal must have at least %d elements',N);
% Use filter to perform part of the averaging (not normalized)
zeroPad = zeros(N-1,1);
data = [avgVec; zeroPad];
weights = ones(N,1);
freqAvg = filter(weights,1,data);
% Remove unwanted elements
removeIdx = [ 2:2:N ( length(data)-(2:2:N)+1 )];
freqAvg(removeIdx) = [];
% Normalization factor
normFactor = [1:2:N-2 N*ones(1,length(freqAvg)-(N-1)) N-2:-2:1]';
freqAvg = freqAvg./normFactor;
% Place frequency averaged pilots into temporary storage
% vector
phasemagVec(vec,phaseOrMag) = freqAvg;
% Convert averaged symbols back to Cartesian coordinates
[X,Y] = pol2cart(phasemagVec(:,1),phasemagVec(:,2));
P_EST = complex(X,Y);
scalingVec = [];
error('lte:error','Channel estimation structure field PilotAverage must be one of the following: "UserDefined" or "TestEVM"');
function [avgGrid, scalingVec] = normalisePilotAverage(CEC,p_est,grid)
% Determine total number of pilots within half a subframe
nPilots = length(p_est);
avgGrid = zeros(size(grid));
scalingVec = zeros(1,size(p_est,2));
for n = 1:nPilots
% Determine in which subcarrier and OFDM symbol pilot is located
sc = p_est(1,n);
sym = p_est(2,n);
% Determine number of REs to look at either side of pilot
% symbol in time and frequency
half_freq_window = floor(CEC.FreqWindow/2);
half_time_window = floor(CEC.TimeWindow/2);
% Set the location of the window at the back of the pilot
% to be averaged in frequency direction
upperSC = sc-half_freq_window;
% If this location is outwith the grid dimensions set it to
% lowest subcarrier value
if upperSC<1
upperSC = 1;
% Set the location of the window in front of the pilot to
% be averaged in frequency direction
lowerSC = sc+half_freq_window;
% If this location is outwith the grid dimensions set it to
% highest subcarrier value
if lowerSC>size(grid,1)
lowerSC = size(grid,1);
% Set the location of the window in front of the pilot to
% be averaged in time direction
leftSYM = sym-half_time_window;
% If this location is outwith the grid dimensions set it to
% lowest OFDM symbol value
if leftSYM<1
leftSYM = 1;
% Set the location of the window at the back of the pilot
% to be averaged in time direction
rightSYM = sym+half_time_window;
% If this location is outwith the grid dimensions set it to
% highest OFDM symbol value
if rightSYM>size(grid,2)
rightSYM = size(grid,2);
% Define the window to average using the determined
% subcarrier and OFDM symbol values
avgVec = grid(upperSC:lowerSC,leftSYM:rightSYM);
% Remove the zero values from the window so that the average is
% calculated using only valid pilots
avgVec = avgVec(avgVec~=0);
% Average the desired pilot using all pilots within
% averaging window
if isempty(avgVec)
avgVec = 0;
avgGrid(sc,sym) = grid(sc,sym)/numel(avgVec);
scalingVec(n) = numel(avgVec);
%createVirtualPilots Create virtual pilots.
% [VP] = createVirtualPilots(..) returns a 3xNvp matrix which contains
% the time/frequency and least squares estimate of virtual pilots.
% Nvp is the number of virtual pilots.
% The inputs are:
% ENB structure which must contain the following fields:
% NDLRB - Number of downlink resource blocks
% CyclicPrefix - Optional. Cyclic prefix length {'Normal'(default),'Extended'}
% P_EST - A matrix containing the pilots within the grid. The matrix must
% have three rows. Each column contains the information for each pilot:
% [subcarrier_indices symbol_indices pilot_channel_estimate]
% ANTENNA - The current antenna port
% indicating whether to return virtual pilots in each position. A 1
% indicates virtual pilots should be returned, a 0 indicates they should
% not be returned.
% Example:
% Create virtual pilots on the top of a grid of pilots (estimates)
% VP_TOP = createVirtualPilots(ENB,estimates,0,1,0,0,0);
% Add virtual pilots to current pilot estimates for interpolation
% estimates = [estimates VP_TOP];
% Copyright 2009-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Initialize outputs
VP = zeros(3,0);
% Get resource grid dimensions
dims = lteDLResourceGridSize(ENB);
K = dims(1);
% Virtual pilot cut-off values - indices in time or frequency at which
% the virtual pilot shall be discarded. As the symbol indices of the
% pilots passed in may be positive and negative the start and end of
% the effective grid varies therefore affecting the front and end pilot
% cut-off values
coTop = -6; %
coBottom = K+6; %
coFront = min(P_EST(2,:))-7; % floor(min(P_EST(2,:))/L)*L-5; %
coEnd = max(P_EST(2,:))+7; % ceil(max(P_EST(2,:))/L)*L+5;
% Number of pilots in a subcarrier is dependent upon antenna
% noPilotinSC = (2-floor(ANTENNA/2))*nSF;
noPilotinSC = numel(P_EST(P_EST(1,:)==P_EST(1,1)));
% Number of pilots in a symbol
noPilotinSym = K/6;
% Sort by subcarrier
[~, indices] = sortrows(P_EST(1,:).');
p_est_sorted_sc = P_EST(:,indices).';
% Repeat first and second SC containing pilots
p_est_rep_above = p_est_sorted_sc(1+noPilotinSC:noPilotinSC*2,:);
p_est_rep_above = [p_est_rep_above.' p_est_sorted_sc(1:noPilotinSC,:).'].';
% Subtract six to normalize subcarrier indices
p_est_rep_above(:,1) = p_est_rep_above(:,1) - 6;
% Remove virtual pilots which are too far
p_est_rep_above(p_est_rep_above(:,1) < coTop,:) = [];
% Initialize vp vector
VP_TOP = zeros(size(p_est_rep_above));
% Create virtual pilots on top
for p = 1:size(p_est_rep_above)
VP_TOP(p,:) = calculatePilot(p_est_rep_above(p,:), p_est_sorted_sc);
% Transpose to make suitable for output
VP = [VP VP_TOP.'];
% Repeat last and second last SC containing pilots
p_est_rep_below = p_est_sorted_sc(end-noPilotinSC*2+1:end-noPilotinSC,:);
p_est_rep_below = [p_est_rep_below.' p_est_sorted_sc(end-noPilotinSC+1:end,:).'].';
% Add six to normalize subcarrier indices
p_est_rep_below(:,1) = p_est_rep_below(:,1) + 6;
% Remove virtual pilots which are too far
p_est_rep_below(p_est_rep_below(:,1) > coBottom,:) = [];
% Initialize vp vector
VP_BOTTOM = zeros(size(p_est_rep_below));
% Create virtual pilots on bottom
for p = 1:size(p_est_rep_below)
VP_BOTTOM(p,:) = calculatePilot(p_est_rep_below(p,:), p_est_sorted_sc);
% Transpose to make suitable for output
% Sort by symbol
[~, indices] = sortrows(P_EST(2,:).');
p_est_sorted_sym = P_EST(:,indices).';
% Repeat first symbol containing pilots
p_est_rep_front = p_est_sorted_sym(noPilotinSym+1:(noPilotinSym*2),:);
% Add subcarrier above and below
p_est_rep_front = addSCs(p_est_rep_front,noPilotinSym);
% Repeat second symbol containing pilots
p_est_rep_front_second = p_est_sorted_sym(1:noPilotinSym,:);
% Add subcarrier above and below
p_est_rep_front_second = addSCs(p_est_rep_front_second,noPilotinSym);
% Concatenate to create virtual pilots
p_est_rep_front = [p_est_rep_front.' p_est_rep_front_second.'].';
% Subtract seven to normalize symbol indices
p_est_rep_front(:,2) = p_est_rep_front(:,2) - 7;
% Remove virtual pilots which are too far
p_est_rep_front = removeTooFar(p_est_rep_front,p_est_sorted_sym,coTop,coBottom,coFront,coEnd);
% Initialize vp vector
VP_FRONT = zeros(size(p_est_rep_front));
% Create virtual pilots on front
for p = 1:length(p_est_rep_front)
VP_FRONT(p,:) = calculatePilot(p_est_rep_front(p,:), p_est_sorted_sc);
% Transpose for output
% Repeat last symbol containing pilots
p_est_rep_end = p_est_sorted_sym(end-(noPilotinSym*2)+1:end-noPilotinSym,:);
% Add subcarrier above and below
p_est_rep_end = addSCs(p_est_rep_end,noPilotinSym);
% Repeat second symbol containing pilots
p_est_rep_end_second = p_est_sorted_sym(end-noPilotinSym+1:end,:);
% Add subcarrier above and below
p_est_rep_end_second = addSCs(p_est_rep_end_second,noPilotinSym);
% Concatenate to create virtual pilots
p_est_rep_end = [p_est_rep_end.' p_est_rep_end_second.'].';
% Add seven to normalize symbol indices, mod controls case when
% only 2 pilots per subcarrier
p_est_rep_end(:,2) = p_est_rep_end(:,2) + 7;
% Remove virtual pilots which are too far
p_est_rep_end = removeTooFar(p_est_rep_end,p_est_sorted_sym,coTop,coBottom,coFront,coEnd);
% Initialize vp vector
VP_END = zeros(size(p_est_rep_end));
% Create virtual pilots on front
for p = 1:length(p_est_rep_end)
VP_END(p,:) = calculatePilot(p_est_rep_end(p,:), p_est_sorted_sc);
% Transpose for output
VP = [VP VP_END.'];
function vp = calculatePilot(p_est_rep, p_est_sorted)
% Calculate Euclidean distance between virtual pilot and other
% pilots
ind = sqrt((p_est_rep(1)-p_est_sorted(:,1)).^2+ (p_est_rep(2)-p_est_sorted(:,2)).^2);
% ind = (abs(p_est_rep(1)-p_est_sorted(:,1))+ abs(p_est_rep(2)-p_est_sorted(:,2)));
% Sort from shortest to longest distance
[~, ind] = sortrows(ind);
% Take three closest pilots
ind = ind(1:10);
pilots_use = p_est_sorted(ind,:);
% If first 3 pilots used are in the same subcarrier or symbol then use 4th instead of 3rd
while ((pilots_use(3,1) == pilots_use(2,1)) && (pilots_use(2,1) == pilots_use(1,1)) || (pilots_use(3,2) == pilots_use(2,2)) && (pilots_use(2,2) == pilots_use(1,2)))
pilots_use(3,:) = [];
% Calculate virtual pilot value
vp = calculateVirtualValue(pilots_use(3,:),pilots_use(1,:),pilots_use(2,:),p_est_rep(1),p_est_rep(2));
function new = calculateVirtualValue(a,b,c,xnew,ynew)
% Calculate vectors
AB = b-a;
AC = c-a;
% Perform cross product
cro = cross(AB,AC);
% Break out X, Y and Z plane coeffs
x = cro(1);
y = cro(2);
z = cro(3);
% Calculate normal in equation
c = sum(cro.*a);
% Calculate new z value
znew = (c - xnew*x - ynew*y)/z;
% Return new point
new = [xnew ynew znew];
function pilots = addSCs(pilots, noPilotinSym)
% Add on extra subcarrier above
pilots(end+1,:) = pilots(1,:);
pilots(end,1) = pilots(end,1) - 6;
% Add on extra subcarrier below
pilots(end+1,:) = pilots(noPilotinSym,:);
pilots(end,1) = pilots(end,1) + 6;
function pilots = removeTooFar(pilots,p_est_sorted_sym,coTop,coBottom,coFront,coEnd)
pilots((pilots(:,2) < coFront) | (pilots(:,1) < coTop) | (pilots(:,2)> coEnd) | (pilots(:,1) > coBottom),:) = [];
% Remove virtual pilots which fall within resource grid
removeInd = [];
for i = 1:size(pilots)
if (find(p_est_sorted_sym(:,2) == pilots(i,2)))
removeInd = [removeInd i]; %#ok<AGROW>
pilots(removeInd,:) = [];
% Creates virtual pilots on the edges of the resource grid to improve
% interpolation results. Also adds virtual pilots around the current pilot
% estimates.
function vps = createEdgeVirtualPilots(enb,p_est)
% Determine dimensions of current subframe
% Calculate virtual pilots beyond upper and lower bandwidth edge based
% on pilots present on subcarriers. Also create virtual pilots 1/2 RB
% above and below extent of current pilots.
vps=createDimensionVirtualPilots(p_est,2,unique([-6 min(p_est(1,:)-6) max(p_est(1,:)+6) K+6]));
% Combine these frequency-direction VPs with original pilots.
temp = [p_est vps];
% Calculate virtual pilots beyond start and end of subframe based on
% pilots and frequency-direction VPs present in symbols. Also create
% virtual 1 OFDM symbol before and after extent of current pilots.
vps = [vps createDimensionVirtualPilots(temp,1,unique([-1 min(p_est(2,:)-1) max(p_est(2,:)+1) L+1]))];
% dim=1 adds VPs in time
% dim=2 adds VPs in frequency
function vps = createDimensionVirtualPilots(p_est,dim,points)
pilots = unique(p_est(dim,:));
for i = pilots
pil = interp1(p_est(3-dim,x)+adj,repmat(p_est(3,x),1,rep),points,'linear','extrap');
for j=1:length(points)
vps = [ vps [i;points(j);pil(j)] ]; %#ok<AGROW>
if (dim==2)
vps = vps([2 1 3],:);