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* \section COPYRIGHT
* Copyright 2013-2015 Software Radio Systems Limited
* \section LICENSE
* This file is part of the srsUE library.
* srsUE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* srsUE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in
* the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution
* and at
#include <map>
#include "srslte/srslte.h"
#include "srslte/common/log.h"
#include "srslte/common/threads.h"
#include "srslte/common/thread_pool.h"
#include "srslte/common/tti_sync_cv.h"
#include "srslte/radio/radio_multi.h"
#include "phy/prach.h"
#include "phy/phch_worker.h"
#include "phy/phch_common.h"
#include "srslte/interfaces/ue_interfaces.h"
namespace srsue {
typedef _Complex float cf_t;
class phch_recv : public thread, public chest_feedback_itf
void init(srslte::radio_multi* radio_handler, mac_interface_phy *mac,rrc_interface_phy *rrc,
prach *prach_buffer, srslte::thread_pool *_workers_pool,
phch_common *_worker_com, srslte::log* _log_h, srslte::log *_log_phy_lib_h, uint32_t nof_rx_antennas, uint32_t prio, int sync_cpu_affinity = -1);
void stop();
void set_agc_enable(bool enable);
void set_earfcn(std::vector<uint32_t> earfcn);
void force_freq(float dl_freq, float ul_freq);
void reset_sync();
void cell_search_start();
void cell_search_stop();
void cell_search_next(bool reset = false);
bool cell_select(uint32_t earfcn, srslte_cell_t cell);
bool cell_handover(srslte_cell_t cell);
void meas_reset();
int meas_start(uint32_t earfcn, int pci);
int meas_stop(uint32_t earfcn, int pci);
uint32_t get_current_tti();
bool status_is_sync();
// from chest_feedback_itf
void in_sync();
void out_of_sync();
void set_cfo(float cfo);
void set_time_adv_sec(float time_adv_sec);
void get_current_cell(srslte_cell_t *cell, uint32_t *earfcn = NULL);
const static int MUTEX_X_WORKER = 4;
double set_rx_gain(double gain);
int radio_recv_fnc(cf_t *data[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS], uint32_t nsamples, srslte_timestamp_t *rx_time);
int scell_recv_fnc(cf_t *data[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS], uint32_t nsamples, srslte_timestamp_t *rx_time);
std::vector<uint32_t> earfcn;
void reset();
void radio_error();
bool wait_radio_reset();
void set_ue_sync_opts(srslte_ue_sync_t *q, float cfo);
void run_thread();
void set_sampling_rate();
bool set_frequency();
bool set_cell();
void cell_search_inc();
void resync_sfn(bool is_connected = false, bool rx_now = false);
bool stop_sync();
void stop_rx();
void start_rx(bool now = false);
bool radio_is_rx;
bool radio_is_resetting;
bool running;
// Class to run cell search
class search {
typedef enum {CELL_NOT_FOUND, CELL_FOUND, ERROR, TIMEOUT} ret_code;
void init(cf_t *buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS], srslte::log *log_h, uint32_t nof_rx_antennas, phch_recv *parent);
void reset();
float get_last_gain();
float get_last_cfo();
void set_N_id_2(int N_id_2);
ret_code run(srslte_cell_t *cell);
phch_recv *p;
srslte::log *log_h;
cf_t *buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS];
srslte_ue_cellsearch_t cs;
srslte_ue_mib_sync_t ue_mib_sync;
int force_N_id_2;
// Class to synchronize system frame number
class sfn_sync {
typedef enum {IDLE, SFN_FOUND, SFX0_FOUND, ERROR, TIMEOUT} ret_code;
void init(srslte_ue_sync_t *ue_sync, cf_t *buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS], srslte::log *log_h, uint32_t timeout = SYNC_SFN_TIMEOUT);
void reset();
bool set_cell(srslte_cell_t cell);
ret_code run_subframe(srslte_cell_t *cell, uint32_t *tti_cnt, bool sfidx_only = false);
srslte::log *log_h;
srslte_ue_sync_t *ue_sync;
cf_t *buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS];
srslte_ue_mib_t ue_mib;
uint32_t cnt;
uint32_t timeout;
const static uint32_t SYNC_SFN_TIMEOUT = 500;
// Class to perform cell measurements
class measure {
// TODO: This class could early stop once the variance between the last N measurements is below 3GPP requirements
typedef enum {IDLE, MEASURE_OK, ERROR} ret_code;
void init(cf_t *buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS], srslte::log *log_h,
uint32_t nof_rx_antennas, uint32_t nof_subframes = RSRP_MEASURE_NOF_FRAMES);
void reset();
void set_cell(srslte_cell_t cell);
ret_code run_subframe(uint32_t sf_idx);
ret_code run_subframe_sync(srslte_ue_sync_t *ue_sync, uint32_t sf_idx);
ret_code run_multiple_subframes(cf_t *buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t sf_idx, uint32_t nof_sf);
float rsrp();
float rsrq();
float snr();
uint32_t frame_st_idx();
void set_rx_gain_offset(float rx_gain_offset);
srslte::log *log_h;
srslte_ue_dl_t ue_dl;
cf_t *buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS];
uint32_t cnt;
uint32_t nof_subframes;
uint32_t current_prb;
float rx_gain_offset;
float mean_rsrp, mean_rsrq, mean_snr;
uint32_t final_offset;
const static int RSRP_MEASURE_NOF_FRAMES = 5;
// Class to receive secondary cell
class scell_recv {
const static int MAX_CELLS = 8;
typedef struct {
uint32_t pci;
float rsrp;
float rsrq;
uint32_t offset;
} cell_info_t;
void init(srslte::log *log_h, bool sic_pss_enabled);
void reset();
int find_cells(cf_t *input_buffer, float rx_gain_offset, srslte_cell_t current_cell, uint32_t nof_sf, cell_info_t found_cells[MAX_CELLS]);
const static int DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT_LEN = 10;
cf_t *input_cfo_corrected;
cf_t *sf_buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS];
srslte::log *log_h;
srslte_sync_t sync_find;
bool sic_pss_enabled;
uint32_t current_fft_sz;
measure measure_p;
/* TODO: Intra-freq measurements can be improved by capturing 200 ms length signal and run cell search +
* measurements offline using sync object and finding multiple cells for each N_id_2
// Class to perform intra-frequency measurements
class intra_measure : public thread {
void init(phch_common *common, rrc_interface_phy *rrc, srslte::log *log_h);
void stop();
void add_cell(int pci);
void rem_cell(int pci);
void set_primay_cell(uint32_t earfcn, srslte_cell_t cell);
void clear_cells();
int get_offset(uint32_t pci);
void write(uint32_t tti, cf_t *data, uint32_t nsamples);
void run_thread();
const static int CAPTURE_LEN_SF = 15;
const static int INTRA_FREQ_MEAS_PERIOD_MS = 200;
scell_recv scell;
rrc_interface_phy *rrc;
srslte::log *log_h;
phch_common *common;
uint32_t current_earfcn;
uint32_t current_sflen;
srslte_cell_t primary_cell;
std::vector<int> active_pci;
srslte::tti_sync_cv tti_sync;
cf_t *search_buffer;
scell_recv::cell_info_t info[scell_recv::MAX_CELLS];
bool running;
bool receive_enabled;
bool receiving;
uint32_t measure_tti;
uint32_t receive_cnt;
srslte_ringbuffer_t ring_buffer;
// Objects for internal use
measure measure_p;
search search_p;
sfn_sync sfn_p;
intra_measure intra_freq_meas;
uint32_t current_sflen;
int next_offset;
uint32_t nof_rx_antennas;
// Pointers to other classes
mac_interface_phy *mac;
rrc_interface_phy *rrc;
srslte::log *log_h;
srslte::log *log_phy_lib_h;
srslte::thread_pool *workers_pool;
srslte::radio_multi *radio_h;
phch_common *worker_com;
prach *prach_buffer;
// Object for synchronization of the primary cell
srslte_ue_sync_t ue_sync;
// Buffer for primary cell samples
cf_t *sf_buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS];
// Sync metrics
sync_metrics_t metrics;
// in-sync / out-of-sync counters
uint32_t out_of_sync_cnt;
uint32_t in_sync_cnt;
const static uint32_t NOF_OUT_OF_SYNC_SF = 200;
const static uint32_t NOF_IN_SYNC_SF = 100;
// State for primary cell
enum {
IDLE = 0,
} phy_state;
bool is_in_idle;
// Sampling rate mode (find is 1.96 MHz, camp is the full cell BW)
enum {
} srate_mode;
float current_srate;
// This is the primary cell
srslte_cell_t cell;
bool cell_is_set;
bool started;
float time_adv_sec;
uint32_t tti;
bool do_agc;
uint32_t nof_tx_mutex;
uint32_t tx_mutex_cnt;
float ul_dl_factor;
uint32_t current_earfcn;
int cur_earfcn_index;
bool cell_search_in_progress;
float dl_freq;
float ul_freq;
} // namespace srsue
#endif // UEPHYRECV_H