/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of * the distribution. * */ #include "srsran/adt/pool/background_mem_pool.h" #include "srsran/adt/pool/fixed_size_pool.h" #include "srsran/adt/pool/mem_pool.h" #include "srsran/common/test_common.h" class C { public: C() { default_ctor_counter++; } ~C() { dtor_counter++; } void* operator new(size_t sz); void* operator new(size_t sz, void*& ptr) { return ptr; } void operator delete(void* ptr)noexcept; static std::atomic default_ctor_counter; static std::atomic dtor_counter; }; std::atomic C::default_ctor_counter(0); std::atomic C::dtor_counter(0); srsran::big_obj_pool pool; void* C::operator new(size_t sz) { return pool.allocate_node(sz); } void C::operator delete(void* ptr)noexcept { pool.deallocate_node(ptr); } void test_nontrivial_obj_pool() { // No object creation on reservation { pool.reserve(10); } TESTASSERT(C::default_ctor_counter == 0); TESTASSERT(C::dtor_counter == 0); // default Ctor/Dtor are correctly called { pool.clear(); pool.reserve(10); std::unique_ptr c(new C{}); } TESTASSERT(C::default_ctor_counter == 1); TESTASSERT(C::dtor_counter == 1); // move of unique_ptr is correctly called C::default_ctor_counter = 0; C::dtor_counter = 0; { pool.clear(); pool.reserve(10); std::unique_ptr c(new C{}); auto c2 = std::move(c); } TESTASSERT(C::default_ctor_counter == 1); TESTASSERT(C::dtor_counter == 1); } struct BigObj { C c; std::array space; using pool_t = srsran::concurrent_fixed_memory_pool<512, true>; void* operator new(size_t sz) { srsran_assert(sz == sizeof(BigObj), "Allocated node size and object size do not match"); return pool_t::get_instance()->allocate_node(sizeof(BigObj)); } void* operator new(size_t sz, const std::nothrow_t& nothrow_value) noexcept { srsran_assert(sz == sizeof(BigObj), "Allocated node size and object size do not match"); return pool_t::get_instance()->allocate_node(sizeof(BigObj)); } void operator delete(void* ptr) { pool_t::get_instance()->deallocate_node(ptr); } }; void test_fixedsize_pool() { size_t pool_size = 1024; auto* fixed_pool = BigObj::pool_t::get_instance(pool_size); fixed_pool->print_all_buffers(); { std::vector > vec(pool_size); for (size_t i = 0; i < pool_size; ++i) { vec[i].reset(new BigObj()); TESTASSERT(vec[i].get() != nullptr); } std::unique_ptr obj(new (std::nothrow) BigObj()); TESTASSERT(obj == nullptr); vec.clear(); obj = std::unique_ptr(new (std::nothrow) BigObj()); TESTASSERT(obj != nullptr); obj.reset(); fixed_pool->print_all_buffers(); } fixed_pool->print_all_buffers(); TESTASSERT(C::default_ctor_counter == C::dtor_counter); // TEST: one thread allocates, and the other deallocates { std::unique_ptr obj; std::atomic stop(false); srsran::dyn_blocking_queue > queue(pool_size / 2); std::thread t([&queue, &stop]() { while (not stop.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) { std::unique_ptr obj(new (std::nothrow) BigObj()); TESTASSERT(obj != nullptr); queue.try_push(std::move(obj)); } }); for (size_t i = 0; i < pool_size * 8; ++i) { obj = queue.pop_blocking(); TESTASSERT(obj != nullptr); } stop.store(true); fixed_pool->print_all_buffers(); t.join(); } fixed_pool->print_all_buffers(); TESTASSERT(C::default_ctor_counter == C::dtor_counter); } void test_background_pool() { C::default_ctor_counter = 0; C::dtor_counter = 0; { srsran::background_obj_pool obj_pool(16); std::vector > objs; for (size_t i = 0; i < 16 - 4; ++i) { objs.push_back(obj_pool.allocate_object()); } TESTASSERT(C::default_ctor_counter == 16); // This will trigger a new batch allocation in the background objs.push_back(obj_pool.allocate_object()); } TESTASSERT(C::dtor_counter == C::default_ctor_counter); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { srsran::test_init(argc, argv); test_nontrivial_obj_pool(); test_fixedsize_pool(); test_background_pool(); printf("Success\n"); return 0; }