/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2015 Software Radio Systems Limited * * \section LICENSE * * This file is part of the srsLTE library. * * srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include #include "srslte/srslte.h" #include "srslte/mex/mexutils.h" /** MEX function to be called from MATLAB to test the channel estimator */ #define UECFG prhs[0] #define PUCCHCFG prhs[1] #define N_BITS prhs[2] #define INPUT prhs[3] #define THRESHOLD prhs[4] #define NOF_INPUTS 4 void help() { mexErrMsgTxt ("[data, symbols, ce]=srslte_pucch(ue, chs, n_bits, input)\n\n"); } /* the gateway function */ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { if (nrhs < NOF_INPUTS) { help(); return; } srslte_verbose = SRSLTE_VERBOSE_NONE; srslte_cell_t cell; bzero(&cell, sizeof(srslte_cell_t)); cell.nof_ports = 1; cell.cp = SRSLTE_CP_NORM; if (mexutils_read_uint32_struct(UECFG, "NCellID", &cell.id)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Field NCellID not found in UE config\n"); return; } if (mexutils_read_uint32_struct(UECFG, "NULRB", &cell.nof_prb)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Field NULRB not found in UE config\n"); return; } srslte_pucch_t pucch; if (srslte_pucch_init(&pucch, cell)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error initiating PUSCH\n"); return; } uint32_t sf_idx = 0; if (mexutils_read_uint32_struct(UECFG, "NSubframe", &sf_idx)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Field NSubframe not found in UE config\n"); return; } uint32_t rnti; if (mexutils_read_uint32_struct(UECFG, "RNTI", &rnti)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Field NSubframe not found in UE config\n"); return; } if (srslte_pucch_set_crnti(&pucch, (uint16_t) rnti&0xffff)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error setting C-RNTI\n"); return; } uint32_t n_pucch; if (mexutils_read_uint32_struct(PUCCHCFG, "ResourceIdx", &n_pucch)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Field ResourceIdx not found in PUCCHCFG\n"); return; } srslte_pucch_cfg_t pucch_cfg; bzero(&pucch_cfg, sizeof(srslte_pucch_cfg_t)); if (mexutils_read_uint32_struct(PUCCHCFG, "DeltaShift", &pucch_cfg.delta_pucch_shift)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Field DeltaShift not found in PUCCHCFG\n"); return; } if (mexutils_read_uint32_struct(PUCCHCFG, "ResourceSize", &pucch_cfg.n_rb_2)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Field DeltaShift not found in PUCCHCFG\n"); return; } if (mexutils_read_uint32_struct(PUCCHCFG, "CyclicShifts", &pucch_cfg.N_cs)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Field CyclicShifts not found in PUCCHCFG\n"); return; } bool group_hopping_en = false; char *hop = mexutils_get_char_struct(UECFG, "Hopping"); if (hop) { if (!strcmp(hop, "Group")) { group_hopping_en = true; } mxFree(hop); } pucch.shortened = false; uint32_t sh = 0; mexutils_read_uint32_struct(PUCCHCFG, "Shortened", &sh); if (sh == 1) { pucch.shortened = true; } float *thresholds; int th_len = 0; if (nrhs > NOF_INPUTS) { th_len = mexutils_read_f(THRESHOLD, &thresholds); if (th_len == 2) { srslte_pucch_set_threshold(&pucch, thresholds[0], thresholds[1]); } } uint8_t bits[SRSLTE_PUCCH_MAX_BITS]; int nof_bits = (int) mxGetScalar(N_BITS); srslte_pucch_format_t format; switch(nof_bits) { case 0: format = SRSLTE_PUCCH_FORMAT_1; break; case 1: format = SRSLTE_PUCCH_FORMAT_1A; break; case 2: format = SRSLTE_PUCCH_FORMAT_1B; break; case 20: format = SRSLTE_PUCCH_FORMAT_2; break; case 21: format = SRSLTE_PUCCH_FORMAT_2A; break; case 22: format = SRSLTE_PUCCH_FORMAT_2B; break; default: mexErrMsgTxt("Invalid number of bits in parameter ack\n"); return; } if (nof_bits > 20) { nof_bits = 20; } cf_t *sf_symbols = NULL; int nof_re = mexutils_read_cf(INPUT, &sf_symbols); if (nof_re < 0) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error reading input\n"); return; } cf_t *ce = srslte_vec_malloc(nof_re*sizeof(cf_t)); if (!ce) { perror("malloc"); return; } bzero(ce, nof_re*sizeof(cf_t)); srslte_chest_ul_t chest_ul; if (srslte_chest_ul_init(&chest_ul, cell)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error initiating PUCCH DMRS\n"); return; } srslte_refsignal_dmrs_pusch_cfg_t pusch_cfg; pusch_cfg.group_hopping_en = group_hopping_en; pusch_cfg.sequence_hopping_en = false; srslte_chest_ul_set_cfg(&chest_ul, &pusch_cfg, &pucch_cfg, NULL); srslte_pucch_set_cfg(&pucch, &pucch_cfg, group_hopping_en); if (srslte_chest_ul_estimate_pucch(&chest_ul, sf_symbols, ce, format, n_pucch, sf_idx)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error estimating PUCCH DMRS\n"); return; } if (srslte_pucch_decode(&pucch, format, n_pucch, sf_idx, sf_symbols, ce, 0, bits)<0) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error decoding PUCCH\n"); return; } if (nlhs >= 1) { if (format != SRSLTE_PUCCH_FORMAT_1) { mexutils_write_uint8(bits, &plhs[0], nof_bits, 1); } else { if (bits[0] == 1) { mexutils_write_uint8(bits, &plhs[0], 0, 1); } else { mexutils_write_uint8(bits, &plhs[0], 0, 0); } } } if (nlhs >= 2) { mexutils_write_cf(pucch.z, &plhs[1], 10, 1); } if (nlhs >= 3) { mexutils_write_cf(pucch.z_tmp, &plhs[2], 120, 1); } srslte_pucch_free(&pucch); free(sf_symbols); return; }