/** * Copyright 2013-2022 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsRAN. * * srsRAN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsRAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include "srsran/adt/optional_array.h" #include "srsran/common/test_common.h" namespace srsran { void test_optional_array() { optional_array table1; TESTASSERT(table1.size() == 0 and table1.empty()); TESTASSERT(not table1.contains(0)); table1.insert(0, 5); TESTASSERT(table1.size() == 1 and not table1.empty()); table1.erase(0); TESTASSERT(table1.size() == 0 and table1.empty()); table1.insert(1, 3); table1.insert(4, 2); TESTASSERT(table1.size() == 2); TESTASSERT(table1[4] == 2 and table1[1] == 3); size_t count = 0; int array[] = {3, 2}; for (int e : table1) { TESTASSERT(array[count++] == e); } auto it = table1.begin(); TESTASSERT(*it == 3); table1.erase(it); TESTASSERT(table1.size() == 1); } void test_optional_vector() { optional_vector table1; TESTASSERT(table1.size() == 0 and table1.empty()); TESTASSERT(not table1.contains(0)); table1.insert(0, 5); TESTASSERT(table1.size() == 1 and not table1.empty()); table1.erase(0); TESTASSERT(table1.size() == 0 and table1.empty()); table1.insert(1, 3); table1.insert(4, 2); TESTASSERT(table1.size() == 2); TESTASSERT(table1[4] == 2 and table1[1] == 3); size_t count = 0; int array[] = {3, 2}; for (int e : table1) { TESTASSERT(array[count++] == e); } auto it = table1.begin(); TESTASSERT(*it == 3); table1.erase(it); TESTASSERT(table1.size() == 1); } void test_split_optional_span() { constexpr size_t L = 7; int some_list[L] = {}; bool some_list_presence[L] = {}; split_optional_span view(some_list, some_list_presence, L); TESTASSERT(view.size() == 0 and view.empty()); TESTASSERT(view.begin() == view.end()); TESTASSERT(not view.contains(0)); TESTASSERT(view.find_first_empty() == L); view.insert(1, 1); TESTASSERT(view.size() == 1 and not view.empty()); TESTASSERT(view.begin() != view.end() and *view.begin() == 1); TESTASSERT(view.contains(1)); TESTASSERT(view[1] == 1); TESTASSERT(view.find_first_empty() == 1); view.insert(3, 3); TESTASSERT(view[3] == 3); size_t c = 0; for (auto& e : view) { TESTASSERT(c == 0 ? e == 1 : e == 3); c++; } TESTASSERT(view.size() == 2); view.erase(view.begin()); TESTASSERT(view.size() == 1); TESTASSERT(not view.contains(1) and view.contains(3)); view.clear(); TESTASSERT(view.empty()); } } // namespace srsran int main(int argc, char** argv) { auto& test_log = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("TEST"); test_log.set_level(srslog::basic_levels::info); srsran::test_init(argc, argv); srsran::test_optional_array(); srsran::test_optional_vector(); srsran::test_split_optional_span(); printf("Success\n"); return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; }