/** * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsRAN. * * srsRAN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsRAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include "sched_nr_sim_ue.h" #include "sched_nr_common_test.h" #include "sched_nr_ue_ded_test_suite.h" #include "srsran/common/test_common.h" namespace srsenb { sched_nr_ue_sim::sched_nr_ue_sim(uint16_t rnti_, const sched_nr_interface::ue_cfg_t& ue_cfg_, slot_point prach_slot_rx, uint32_t preamble_idx) : logger(srslog::fetch_basic_logger("MAC")) { ctxt.rnti = rnti_; ctxt.prach_slot_rx = prach_slot_rx; ctxt.preamble_idx = preamble_idx; ctxt.ue_cfg = ue_cfg_; ctxt.cc_list.resize(ue_cfg_.carriers.size()); for (auto& cc : ctxt.cc_list) { for (size_t pid = 0; pid < SCHED_NR_MAX_HARQ; ++pid) { cc.ul_harqs[pid].pid = pid; cc.dl_harqs[pid].pid = pid; } } } int sched_nr_ue_sim::update(const sched_nr_cc_output_res_t& cc_out) { update_dl_harqs(cc_out); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cc_out.dl_cc_result->dl_sched.pdcch_dl.size(); ++i) { const auto& data = cc_out.dl_cc_result->dl_sched.pdcch_dl[i]; if (data.dci.ctx.rnti != ctxt.rnti) { continue; } slot_point pdcch_slot = cc_out.slot; uint32_t k1 = ctxt.ue_cfg.phy_cfg.harq_ack .dl_data_to_ul_ack[pdcch_slot.slot_idx() % ctxt.ue_cfg.phy_cfg.harq_ack.nof_dl_data_to_ul_ack]; slot_point uci_slot = pdcch_slot + k1; ctxt.cc_list[cc_out.cc].pending_acks[uci_slot.to_uint()]++; } // clear up old slots ctxt.cc_list[cc_out.cc].pending_acks[(cc_out.slot - 1).to_uint()] = 0; return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } void sched_nr_ue_sim::update_dl_harqs(const sched_nr_cc_output_res_t& cc_out) { uint32_t cc = cc_out.cc; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cc_out.dl_cc_result->dl_sched.pdcch_dl.size(); ++i) { const auto& data = cc_out.dl_cc_result->dl_sched.pdcch_dl[i]; if (data.dci.ctx.rnti != ctxt.rnti) { continue; } auto& h = ctxt.cc_list[cc].dl_harqs[data.dci.pid]; if (h.nof_txs == 0 or h.ndi != data.dci.ndi) { // It is newtx h.nof_retxs = 0; h.ndi = data.dci.ndi; h.first_slot_tx = cc_out.slot; h.dci_loc = data.dci.ctx.location; h.tbs = 100; // TODO } else { // it is retx h.nof_retxs++; } h.active = true; h.last_slot_tx = cc_out.slot; h.last_slot_ack = h.last_slot_tx + ctxt.ue_cfg.phy_cfg.harq_ack .dl_data_to_ul_ack[h.last_slot_tx.slot_idx() % ctxt.ue_cfg.phy_cfg.harq_ack.nof_dl_data_to_ul_ack]; h.nof_txs++; } } sched_nr_sim_base::sched_nr_sim_base(const sched_nr_interface::sched_cfg_t& sched_args, const std::vector& cell_cfg_list, std::string test_name_) : logger(srslog::fetch_basic_logger("TEST")), mac_logger(srslog::fetch_basic_logger("MAC")), sched_ptr(new sched_nr(sched_args)), test_name(std::move(test_name_)) { logger.info("\n=========== Start %s ===========", test_name.c_str()); cell_params.reserve(cell_cfg_list.size()); for (uint32_t cc = 0; cc < cell_cfg_list.size(); ++cc) { cell_params.emplace_back(cc, cell_cfg_list[cc], sched_args); } sched_ptr->cell_cfg(cell_cfg_list); // call parent cfg TESTASSERT(cell_params.size() > 0); } sched_nr_sim_base::~sched_nr_sim_base() { logger.info("=========== End %s ==========\n", test_name.c_str()); } int sched_nr_sim_base::add_user(uint16_t rnti, const sched_nr_interface::ue_cfg_t& ue_cfg_, slot_point tti_rx, uint32_t preamble_idx) { TESTASSERT(ue_db.count(rnti) == 0); sched_ptr->ue_cfg(rnti, ue_cfg_); ue_db.insert(std::make_pair(rnti, sched_nr_ue_sim(rnti, ue_cfg_, current_slot_tx, preamble_idx))); sched_nr_interface::dl_sched_rar_info_t rach_info{}; rach_info.temp_crnti = rnti; rach_info.prach_slot = tti_rx; rach_info.preamble_idx = preamble_idx; rach_info.msg3_size = 7; sched_ptr->dl_rach_info(ue_cfg_.carriers[0].cc, rach_info); return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } void sched_nr_sim_base::new_slot(slot_point slot_tx) { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); while (cc_finished > 0) { cvar.wait(lock); } logger.set_context(slot_tx.to_uint()); mac_logger.set_context(slot_tx.to_uint()); logger.info("---------------- TTI=%d ---------------", slot_tx.to_uint()); current_slot_tx = slot_tx; cc_finished = cell_params.size(); for (auto& ue : ue_db) { ue_nr_slot_events events; set_default_slot_events(ue.second.get_ctxt(), events); set_external_slot_events(ue.second.get_ctxt(), events); apply_slot_events(ue.second.get_ctxt(), events); } } void sched_nr_sim_base::update(sched_nr_cc_output_res_t& cc_out) { std::unique_lock lock(mutex); sim_nr_enb_ctxt_t ctxt; ctxt = get_enb_ctxt(); // Run common tests test_dl_pdcch_consistency(cc_out.dl_cc_result->dl_sched.pdcch_dl); test_pdsch_consistency(cc_out.dl_cc_result->dl_sched.pdsch); // Run UE-dedicated tests test_dl_sched_result(ctxt, cc_out); for (auto& u : ue_db) { u.second.update(cc_out); } if (--cc_finished <= 0) { cvar.notify_one(); } } int sched_nr_sim_base::set_default_slot_events(const sim_nr_ue_ctxt_t& ue_ctxt, ue_nr_slot_events& pending_events) { pending_events.cc_list.clear(); pending_events.cc_list.resize(cell_params.size()); pending_events.slot_rx = current_slot_tx; for (uint32_t enb_cc_idx = 0; enb_cc_idx < pending_events.cc_list.size(); ++enb_cc_idx) { auto& cc_feedback = pending_events.cc_list[enb_cc_idx]; cc_feedback.configured = true; for (uint32_t pid = 0; pid < SCHED_NR_MAX_HARQ; ++pid) { auto& dl_h = ue_ctxt.cc_list[enb_cc_idx].dl_harqs[pid]; auto& ul_h = ue_ctxt.cc_list[enb_cc_idx].ul_harqs[pid]; // Set default DL ACK if (dl_h.active and (dl_h.last_slot_ack) == current_slot_tx) { cc_feedback.dl_acks.push_back(ue_nr_slot_events::ack_t{pid, true}); } // Set default UL ACK if (ul_h.active and (ul_h.last_slot_tx + 8) == current_slot_tx) { cc_feedback.ul_acks.emplace_back(ue_nr_slot_events::ack_t{pid, true}); } // TODO: other CSI } } return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } int sched_nr_sim_base::apply_slot_events(sim_nr_ue_ctxt_t& ue_ctxt, const ue_nr_slot_events& events) { for (uint32_t enb_cc_idx = 0; enb_cc_idx < events.cc_list.size(); ++enb_cc_idx) { const auto& cc_feedback = events.cc_list[enb_cc_idx]; if (not cc_feedback.configured) { continue; } for (auto& ack : cc_feedback.dl_acks) { auto& h = ue_ctxt.cc_list[enb_cc_idx].dl_harqs[ack.pid]; if (ack.ack) { logger.info( "DL ACK rnti=0x%x slot_dl_tx=%u cc=%d pid=%d", ue_ctxt.rnti, h.last_slot_tx.to_uint(), enb_cc_idx, ack.pid); } // update scheduler sched_ptr->dl_ack_info(ue_ctxt.rnti, enb_cc_idx, h.pid, 0, ack.ack); // update UE sim context if (ack.ack or ue_ctxt.is_last_dl_retx(enb_cc_idx, h.pid)) { h.active = false; } } for (auto& ack : cc_feedback.ul_acks) { auto& h = ue_ctxt.cc_list[enb_cc_idx].ul_harqs[ack.pid]; if (ack.ack) { logger.info( "UL ACK rnti=0x%x, slot_ul_tx=%u, cc=%d pid=%d", ue_ctxt.rnti, h.last_slot_tx.to_uint(), enb_cc_idx, h.pid); } // // update scheduler // if (sched_ptr->ul_crc_info(events.slot_rx.to_uint(), ue_ctxt.rnti, enb_cc_idx, cc_feedback.ul_ack) < 0) { // logger.error("The ACKed UL Harq pid=%d does not exist.", cc_feedback.ul_pid); // error_counter++; // } } } return SRSRAN_SUCCESS; } sim_nr_enb_ctxt_t sched_nr_sim_base::get_enb_ctxt() const { sim_nr_enb_ctxt_t ctxt; ctxt.cell_params = cell_params; for (auto& ue_pair : ue_db) { ctxt.ue_db.insert(std::make_pair(ue_pair.first, &ue_pair.second.get_ctxt())); } return ctxt; } } // namespace srsenb