/** * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsRAN. * * srsRAN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsRAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include "sched_nr_cfg_generators.h" #include "sched_nr_common_test.h" #include "srsenb/hdr/stack/mac/nr/sched_nr_cell.h" #include "srsran/common/test_common.h" #include "srsran/support/srsran_test.h" #include uint32_t seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count(); namespace srsenb { void test_single_prach() { using namespace sched_nr_impl; const uint16_t rnti = 0x1234; static srslog::basic_logger& mac_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("MAC"); std::default_random_engine rand_gen(seed); std::default_random_engine rgen(rand_gen()); // Set scheduler configuration sched_nr_interface::sched_cfg_t sched_cfg{}; sched_cfg.auto_refill_buffer = std::uniform_int_distribution{0, 1}(rgen) > 0; // Set cells configuration std::vector cells_cfg = get_default_cells_cfg(1); sched_params schedparams{sched_cfg}; schedparams.cells.emplace_back(0, cells_cfg[0], sched_cfg); const bwp_params& bwpparams = schedparams.cells[0].bwps[0]; slot_ue_map_t slot_ues; ra_sched rasched(bwpparams); TESTASSERT(rasched.empty()); std::unique_ptr res_grid(new bwp_res_grid{bwpparams}); bwp_slot_allocator alloc(*res_grid); // Create UE sched_nr_interface::ue_cfg_t uecfg = get_default_ue_cfg(1); ue u(rnti, uecfg, schedparams); slot_point pdcch_slot{0, TX_ENB_DELAY}; slot_point prach_slot{0, std::uniform_int_distribution{TX_ENB_DELAY, 20}(rgen)}; const bwp_slot_grid* result = nullptr; auto run_slot = [&alloc, &rasched, &pdcch_slot, &slot_ues, &u]() -> const bwp_slot_grid* { mac_logger.set_context(pdcch_slot.to_uint()); u.new_slot(pdcch_slot); slot_ues.clear(); slot_ue sfu = u.try_reserve(pdcch_slot, 0); if (not sfu.empty()) { slot_ues.insert(rnti, std::move(sfu)); } alloc.new_slot(pdcch_slot, slot_ues); rasched.run_slot(alloc); log_sched_bwp_result(mac_logger, alloc.get_pdcch_tti(), alloc.res_grid(), slot_ues); const bwp_slot_grid* result = &alloc.res_grid()[alloc.get_pdcch_tti()]; test_dl_pdcch_consistency(result->dl_pdcchs); ++pdcch_slot; return result; }; // Start Run for (; pdcch_slot - TX_ENB_DELAY < prach_slot;) { result = run_slot(); TESTASSERT(result->dl_pdcchs.empty()); } // A PRACH arrives... sched_nr_interface::dl_sched_rar_info_t rainfo{}; rainfo.preamble_idx = 10; rainfo.temp_crnti = rnti; rainfo.prach_slot = prach_slot; rainfo.msg3_size = 7; TESTASSERT_SUCCESS(rasched.dl_rach_info(rainfo)); uint16_t ra_rnti = 1 + rainfo.ofdm_symbol_idx + 14 * rainfo.prach_slot.slot_idx() + 14 * 80 * rainfo.freq_idx; // RAR is scheduled const uint32_t prach_duration = 1; slot_point rar_slot; while (true) { slot_point current_slot = pdcch_slot; result = run_slot(); if (bwpparams.slots[current_slot.slot_idx()].is_dl and bwpparams.slots[(current_slot + bwpparams.pusch_ra_list[0].msg3_delay).slot_idx()].is_ul) { TESTASSERT_EQ(result->dl_pdcchs.size(), 1); const auto& pdcch = result->dl_pdcchs[0]; TESTASSERT_EQ(pdcch.dci.ctx.rnti, ra_rnti); TESTASSERT_EQ(pdcch.dci.ctx.rnti_type, srsran_rnti_type_ra); TESTASSERT(current_slot < prach_slot + prach_duration + bwpparams.cfg.rar_window_size); rar_slot = current_slot; break; } else { TESTASSERT(result->dl_pdcchs.empty()); } } slot_point msg3_slot = rar_slot + bwpparams.pusch_ra_list[0].msg3_delay; while (pdcch_slot <= msg3_slot) { result = run_slot(); } TESTASSERT(result->puschs.size() == 1); } } // namespace srsenb int main(int argc, char** argv) { auto& test_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("TEST"); test_logger.set_level(srslog::basic_levels::info); auto& mac_logger = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("MAC"); mac_logger.set_level(srslog::basic_levels::info); srsran::test_init(argc, argv); printf("Test random seed=%u\n\n", seed); srsenb::test_single_prach(); }