/* * Copyright 2013-2019 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsLTE. * * srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include "srslte/upper/rlc.h" #include "srslte/upper/rlc_am_lte.h" #include "srslte/upper/rlc_tm.h" #include "srslte/upper/rlc_um_lte.h" #include "srslte/upper/rlc_um_nr.h" namespace srslte { rlc::rlc(log* log_) : rlc_log(log_) { pool = byte_buffer_pool::get_instance(); bzero(metrics_time, sizeof(metrics_time)); pthread_rwlock_init(&rwlock, NULL); } rlc::~rlc() { // destroy all remaining entities pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array.begin(); it != rlc_array.end(); ++it) { delete (it->second); } rlc_array.clear(); for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array_mrb.begin(); it != rlc_array_mrb.end(); ++it) { delete (it->second); } rlc_array_mrb.clear(); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); pthread_rwlock_destroy(&rwlock); } void rlc::init(srsue::pdcp_interface_rlc* pdcp_, srsue::rrc_interface_rlc* rrc_, srslte::timer_handler* timers_, uint32_t lcid_) { pdcp = pdcp_; rrc = rrc_; timers = timers_; default_lcid = lcid_; gettimeofday(&metrics_time[1], NULL); reset_metrics(); // create default RLC_TM bearer for SRB0 add_bearer(default_lcid, rlc_config_t()); } void rlc::reset_metrics() { for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array.begin(); it != rlc_array.end(); ++it) { it->second->reset_metrics(); } for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array_mrb.begin(); it != rlc_array_mrb.end(); ++it) { it->second->reset_metrics(); } } void rlc::stop() { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array.begin(); it != rlc_array.end(); ++it) { it->second->stop(); } for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array_mrb.begin(); it != rlc_array_mrb.end(); ++it) { it->second->stop(); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } void rlc::get_metrics(rlc_metrics_t& m) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); gettimeofday(&metrics_time[2], NULL); get_time_interval(metrics_time); double secs = (double)metrics_time[0].tv_sec + metrics_time[0].tv_usec * 1e-6; for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array.begin(); it != rlc_array.end(); ++it) { rlc_bearer_metrics_t metrics = it->second->get_metrics(); rlc_log->info("LCID=%d, RX throughput: %4.6f Mbps. TX throughput: %4.6f Mbps.\n", it->first, (metrics.num_rx_bytes * 8 / static_cast(1e6)) / secs, (metrics.num_tx_bytes * 8 / static_cast(1e6)) / secs); m.bearer[it->first] = metrics; } // Add multicast metrics for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array_mrb.begin(); it != rlc_array_mrb.end(); ++it) { rlc_bearer_metrics_t metrics = it->second->get_metrics(); rlc_log->info("MCH_LCID=%d, RX throughput: %4.6f Mbps\n", it->first, (metrics.num_rx_bytes * 8 / static_cast(1e6)) / secs); m.bearer[it->first] = metrics; } memcpy(&metrics_time[1], &metrics_time[2], sizeof(struct timeval)); reset_metrics(); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } // Reestablish all RLC bearer void rlc::reestablish() { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array.begin(); it != rlc_array.end(); ++it) { it->second->reestablish(); } for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array_mrb.begin(); it != rlc_array_mrb.end(); ++it) { it->second->reestablish(); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } // Reestablish a specific RLC bearer void rlc::reestablish(uint32_t lcid) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { rlc_log->info("Reestablishing LCID %d\n", lcid); rlc_array.at(lcid)->reestablish(); } else { rlc_log->warning("RLC LCID %d doesn't exist. Deallocating SDU\n", lcid); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } // Resetting the RLC layer returns the object to the state after the call to init(): // All LCIDs are removed, except SRB0 void rlc::reset() { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array.begin(); it != rlc_array.end(); ++it) { it->second->stop(); delete (it->second); } rlc_array.clear(); for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array_mrb.begin(); it != rlc_array_mrb.end(); ++it) { it->second->stop(); delete (it->second); } rlc_array_mrb.clear(); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); // Add SRB0 again add_bearer(default_lcid, rlc_config_t()); } void rlc::empty_queue() { // Empty Tx queue, not needed for MCH bearers pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); for (rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array.begin(); it != rlc_array.end(); ++it) { it->second->empty_queue(); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } /******************************************************************************* PDCP interface *******************************************************************************/ void rlc::write_sdu(uint32_t lcid, unique_byte_buffer_t sdu, bool blocking) { // TODO: rework build PDU logic to allow large SDUs (without concatenation) if (sdu->N_bytes > RLC_MAX_SDU_SIZE) { rlc_log->warning("Dropping too long SDU of size %d B (Max. size %d B).\n", sdu->N_bytes, RLC_MAX_SDU_SIZE); return; } pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { rlc_array.at(lcid)->write_sdu_s(std::move(sdu), blocking); } else { rlc_log->warning("RLC LCID %d doesn't exist. Deallocating SDU\n", lcid); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } void rlc::write_sdu_mch(uint32_t lcid, unique_byte_buffer_t sdu) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid_mrb(lcid)) { rlc_array_mrb.at(lcid)->write_sdu(std::move(sdu), false); // write in non-blocking mode by default } else { rlc_log->warning("RLC LCID %d doesn't exist. Deallocating SDU\n", lcid); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } bool rlc::rb_is_um(uint32_t lcid) { bool ret = false; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { ret = rlc_array.at(lcid)->get_mode() == rlc_mode_t::um; } else { rlc_log->warning("LCID %d doesn't exist.\n", lcid); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return ret; } void rlc::discard_sdu(uint32_t lcid, uint32_t discard_sn) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { rlc_array.at(lcid)->discard_sdu(discard_sn); } else { rlc_log->warning("RLC LCID %d doesn't exist. Ignoring discard SDU\n", lcid); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } /******************************************************************************* MAC interface *******************************************************************************/ bool rlc::has_data(uint32_t lcid) { bool has_data = false; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { has_data = rlc_array.at(lcid)->has_data(); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return has_data; } bool rlc::is_suspended(const uint32_t lcid) { bool ret = false; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { ret = rlc_array.at(lcid)->is_suspended(); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return ret; } uint32_t rlc::get_buffer_state(uint32_t lcid) { uint32_t ret = 0; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { if (rlc_array.at(lcid)->is_suspended()) { ret = 0; } else { ret = rlc_array.at(lcid)->get_buffer_state(); } } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return ret; } uint32_t rlc::get_total_mch_buffer_state(uint32_t lcid) { uint32_t ret = 0; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid_mrb(lcid)) { ret = rlc_array_mrb.at(lcid)->get_buffer_state(); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return ret; } int rlc::read_pdu(uint32_t lcid, uint8_t* payload, uint32_t nof_bytes) { uint32_t ret = 0; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { ret = rlc_array.at(lcid)->read_pdu(payload, nof_bytes); } else { rlc_log->warning("LCID %d doesn't exist.\n", lcid); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return ret; } int rlc::read_pdu_mch(uint32_t lcid, uint8_t* payload, uint32_t nof_bytes) { uint32_t ret = 0; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid_mrb(lcid)) { ret = rlc_array_mrb.at(lcid)->read_pdu(payload, nof_bytes); } else { rlc_log->warning("LCID %d doesn't exist.\n", lcid); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return ret; } void rlc::write_pdu(uint32_t lcid, uint8_t* payload, uint32_t nof_bytes) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { rlc_array.at(lcid)->write_pdu_s(payload, nof_bytes); } else { rlc_log->warning("LCID %d doesn't exist. Dropping PDU.\n", lcid); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } // Pass directly to PDCP, no DL througput counting done void rlc::write_pdu_bcch_bch(uint8_t* payload, uint32_t nof_bytes) { rlc_log->info_hex(payload, nof_bytes, "BCCH BCH message received."); unique_byte_buffer_t buf = allocate_unique_buffer(*pool); if (buf != NULL) { memcpy(buf->msg, payload, nof_bytes); buf->N_bytes = nof_bytes; buf->set_timestamp(); pdcp->write_pdu_bcch_bch(std::move(buf)); } else { rlc_log->error("Fatal error: Out of buffers from the pool in write_pdu_bcch_bch()\n"); } } // Pass directly to PDCP, no DL througput counting done void rlc::write_pdu_bcch_dlsch(uint8_t* payload, uint32_t nof_bytes) { rlc_log->info_hex(payload, nof_bytes, "BCCH TXSCH message received."); unique_byte_buffer_t buf = allocate_unique_buffer(*pool); if (buf != NULL) { memcpy(buf->msg, payload, nof_bytes); buf->N_bytes = nof_bytes; buf->set_timestamp(); pdcp->write_pdu_bcch_dlsch(std::move(buf)); } else { rlc_log->error("Fatal error: Out of buffers from the pool in write_pdu_bcch_dlsch()\n"); } } // Pass directly to PDCP, no DL througput counting done void rlc::write_pdu_pcch(uint8_t* payload, uint32_t nof_bytes) { rlc_log->info_hex(payload, nof_bytes, "PCCH message received."); unique_byte_buffer_t buf = allocate_unique_buffer(*pool); if (buf != NULL) { memcpy(buf->msg, payload, nof_bytes); buf->N_bytes = nof_bytes; buf->set_timestamp(); pdcp->write_pdu_pcch(std::move(buf)); } else { rlc_log->error("Fatal error: Out of buffers from the pool in write_pdu_pcch()\n"); } } void rlc::write_pdu_mch(uint32_t lcid, uint8_t* payload, uint32_t nof_bytes) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid_mrb(lcid)) { rlc_array_mrb.at(lcid)->write_pdu(payload, nof_bytes); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } /******************************************************************************* RRC interface *******************************************************************************/ void rlc::add_bearer(uint32_t lcid, rlc_config_t cnfg) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); rlc_common* rlc_entity = NULL; if (not valid_lcid(lcid)) { if (cnfg.rat == srslte_rat_t::lte) { switch (cnfg.rlc_mode) { case rlc_mode_t::tm: rlc_entity = new rlc_tm(rlc_log, lcid, pdcp, rrc, timers); break; case rlc_mode_t::am: rlc_entity = new rlc_am_lte(rlc_log, lcid, pdcp, rrc, timers); break; case rlc_mode_t::um: rlc_entity = new rlc_um_lte(rlc_log, lcid, pdcp, rrc, timers); break; default: rlc_log->error("Cannot add RLC entity - invalid mode\n"); goto unlock_and_exit; } #ifdef HAVE_5GNR } else if (cnfg.rat == srslte_rat_t::nr) { switch (cnfg.rlc_mode) { case rlc_mode_t::tm: rlc_entity = new rlc_tm(rlc_log, lcid, pdcp, rrc, timers); break; case rlc_mode_t::um: rlc_entity = new rlc_um_nr(rlc_log, lcid, pdcp, rrc, timers); break; default: rlc_log->error("Cannot add RLC entity - invalid mode\n"); goto unlock_and_exit; } #endif } else { rlc_log->error("RAT not supported\n"); goto unlock_and_exit; } if (not rlc_array.insert(rlc_map_pair_t(lcid, rlc_entity)).second) { rlc_log->error("Error inserting RLC entity in to array\n."); goto delete_and_exit; } rlc_log->info("Added radio bearer %s in %s\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str(), to_string(cnfg.rlc_mode).c_str()); rlc_entity = NULL; } // configure and add to array if (cnfg.rlc_mode != rlc_mode_t::tm and rlc_array.find(lcid) != rlc_array.end()) { if (not rlc_array.at(lcid)->configure(cnfg)) { rlc_log->error("Error configuring RLC entity\n."); goto delete_and_exit; } } rlc_log->info("Configured radio bearer %s in %s\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str(), to_string(cnfg.rlc_mode).c_str()); delete_and_exit: if (rlc_entity) { delete (rlc_entity); } unlock_and_exit: pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } void rlc::add_bearer_mrb(uint32_t lcid) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); rlc_common* rlc_entity = NULL; if (not valid_lcid_mrb(lcid)) { rlc_entity = new rlc_um_lte(rlc_log, lcid, pdcp, rrc, timers); // configure and add to array if (not rlc_entity->configure(rlc_config_t::mch_config())) { rlc_log->error("Error configuring RLC entity\n."); goto delete_and_exit; } if (not rlc_array_mrb.insert(rlc_map_pair_t(lcid, rlc_entity)).second) { rlc_log->error("Error inserting RLC entity in to array\n."); goto delete_and_exit; } rlc_log->warning("Added bearer MRB%d with mode RLC_UM\n", lcid); goto unlock_and_exit; } else { rlc_log->warning("Bearer MRB%d already created.\n", lcid); } delete_and_exit: if (rlc_entity != NULL) { delete (rlc_entity); } unlock_and_exit: pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } void rlc::del_bearer(uint32_t lcid) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array.find(lcid); it->second->stop(); delete (it->second); rlc_array.erase(it); rlc_log->warning("Deleted RLC bearer %s\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str()); } else { rlc_log->error("Can't delete bearer %s. Bearer doesn't exist.\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str()); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } void rlc::del_bearer_mrb(uint32_t lcid) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid_mrb(lcid)) { rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array_mrb.find(lcid); it->second->stop(); delete (it->second); rlc_array_mrb.erase(it); rlc_log->warning("Deleted RLC MRB bearer %s\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str()); } else { rlc_log->error("Can't delete bearer %s. Bearer doesn't exist.\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str()); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } void rlc::change_lcid(uint32_t old_lcid, uint32_t new_lcid) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock); // make sure old LCID exists and new LCID is still free if (valid_lcid(old_lcid) && not valid_lcid(new_lcid)) { // insert old rlc entity into new LCID rlc_map_t::iterator it = rlc_array.find(old_lcid); rlc_common* rlc_entity = it->second; if (not rlc_array.insert(rlc_map_pair_t(new_lcid, rlc_entity)).second) { rlc_log->error("Error inserting RLC entity into array\n."); goto exit; } // erase from old position rlc_array.erase(it); if (valid_lcid(new_lcid) && not valid_lcid(old_lcid)) { rlc_log->info("Successfully changed LCID of RLC bearer from %d to %d\n", old_lcid, new_lcid); } else { rlc_log->error("Error during LCID change of RLC bearer from %d to %d\n", old_lcid, new_lcid); } } else { rlc_log->error("Can't change LCID of bearer %s from %d to %d. Bearer doesn't exist or new LCID already occupied.\n", rrc->get_rb_name(old_lcid).c_str(), old_lcid, new_lcid); } exit: pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } void rlc::suspend_bearer(uint32_t lcid) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { if (rlc_array.at(lcid)->suspend()) { rlc_log->info("Suspended radio bearer %s\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str()); } else { rlc_log->error("Error suspending RLC entity: bearer already suspended\n."); } } else { rlc_log->error("Suspending bearer: bearer %s not configured.\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str()); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } void rlc::resume_bearer(uint32_t lcid) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); rlc_log->info("Resuming radio bearer %s\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str()); if (valid_lcid(lcid)) { if (rlc_array.at(lcid)->resume()) { rlc_log->info("Resumed radio bearer %s\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str()); } else { rlc_log->error("Error resuming RLC entity: bearer not suspended\n."); } } else { rlc_log->error("Resuming bearer: bearer %s not configured.\n", rrc->get_rb_name(lcid).c_str()); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); } bool rlc::has_bearer(uint32_t lcid) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock); bool ret = valid_lcid(lcid); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock); return ret; } /******************************************************************************* Helpers (Lock must be hold when calling those) *******************************************************************************/ bool rlc::valid_lcid(uint32_t lcid) { if (lcid >= SRSLTE_N_RADIO_BEARERS) { rlc_log->error("Radio bearer id must be in [0:%d] - %d\n", SRSLTE_N_RADIO_BEARERS, lcid); return false; } if (rlc_array.find(lcid) == rlc_array.end()) { return false; } return true; } bool rlc::valid_lcid_mrb(uint32_t lcid) { if (lcid >= SRSLTE_N_MCH_LCIDS) { rlc_log->error("Radio bearer id must be in [0:%d] - %d\n", SRSLTE_N_RADIO_BEARERS, lcid); return false; } if (rlc_array_mrb.find(lcid) == rlc_array_mrb.end()) { return false; } return true; } } // namespace srslte