/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Ismael Gomez-Miguelez . * This file is part of OSLD-lib (http://https://github.com/ismagom/osld-lib) * * OSLD-lib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * OSLD-lib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with OSLD-lib. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "lte/base.h" #include "ch_estimation/refsignal.h" #include "utils/vector.h" #include "utils/debug.h" #include "lte/sequence.h" #define idx(x, y) (l*nof_refs_x_symbol+i) int refsignal_v(int port_id, int ns, int symbol_id) { int v=-1; switch(port_id) { case 0: if (symbol_id == 0) { v=0; } else { v=3; } break; case 1: if (symbol_id == 0) { v=3; } else { v=0; } break; case 2: v=3*(ns%2); break; case 3: v=3+3*(ns%2); break; } return v; } int refsignal_k(int m, int v, int cell_id) { return 6*m+((v+(cell_id%6))%6); } /** Initializes refsignal_t object according to 3GPP 36.211 6.10.1 * */ int refsignal_init_LTEDL(refsignal_t *q, int port_id, int nslot, int cell_id, lte_cp_t cp, int nof_prb) { unsigned int c_init; int ns, l, lp[2]; int N_cp; int i; int ret = -1; sequence_t seq; int v; int mp; int nof_refs_x_symbol, nof_ref_symbols; bzero(q, sizeof(refsignal_t)); bzero(&seq, sizeof(sequence_t)); if (CP_ISNORM(cp)) { N_cp = 1; } else { N_cp = 0; } if (port_id < 0 || port_id > (MAX_PORTS - 1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid port id %d\n", port_id); return -1; } if (port_id < 2) { nof_ref_symbols = 2; lp[0] = 0; lp[1] = CP_NSYMB(cp) - 3; } else { nof_ref_symbols = 1; lp[0] = 1; } nof_refs_x_symbol = 2 * nof_prb; q->nof_refs = nof_refs_x_symbol * nof_ref_symbols; q->nsymbols = nof_ref_symbols; q->symbols_ref = malloc(sizeof(int) * nof_ref_symbols); q->voffset = cell_id%6; if (!q->symbols_ref) { return -1; } memcpy(q->symbols_ref, lp, sizeof(int) * nof_ref_symbols); q->refs = vec_malloc(q->nof_refs * sizeof(ref_t)); if (!q->refs) { goto free_and_exit; } q->ch_est = vec_malloc(q->nof_refs * sizeof(cf_t)); if (!q->ch_est) { goto free_and_exit; } ns = nslot; for (l = 0; l < nof_ref_symbols; l++) { c_init = 1024 * (7 * (ns + 1) + lp[l] + 1) * (2 * cell_id + 1) + 2 * cell_id + N_cp; if (sequence_LTEPRS(&seq, 2 * 2 * MAX_PRB, c_init)) { goto free_and_exit; } v = refsignal_v(port_id, ns, lp[l]); for (i = 0; i < nof_refs_x_symbol; i++) { mp = i + MAX_PRB - nof_prb; /* generate signal */ __real__ q->refs[idx(l,i)].simbol = (1 - 2 * (float) seq.c[2 * mp]) / sqrt(2); __imag__ q->refs[idx(l,i)].simbol = (1 - 2 * (float) seq.c[2 * mp + 1]) / sqrt(2); /* mapping to resource elements */ q->refs[idx(l,i)].freq_idx = refsignal_k(i, v, cell_id); q->refs[idx(l,i)].time_idx = lp[l]; /* print only first slot */ if (ns == 0) { DEBUG("(%-2d,%2d) is mapped to (%-2d,%2d) (mp=%d, v=%d)\n", l,i,q->refs[idx(l,i)].time_idx, q->refs[idx(l,i)].freq_idx, mp, v); } } } ret = 0; free_and_exit: sequence_free(&seq); if (ret == -1) { refsignal_free(q); } return ret; } void refsignal_free(refsignal_t *q) { if (q->symbols_ref) { free(q->symbols_ref); } if (q->refs) { free(q->refs); } if (q->ch_est) { free(q->ch_est); } bzero(q, sizeof(refsignal_t)); }