/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2017 Software Radio Systems Limited * * \section LICENSE * * This file is part of srsLTE. * * srsUE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsUE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "srslte/common/config_file.h" #include "srslte/common/crash_handler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "srsenb/hdr/enb.h" #include "srsenb/hdr/metrics_stdout.h" using namespace std; using namespace srsenb; namespace bpo = boost::program_options; /********************************************************************** * Program arguments processing ***********************************************************************/ string config_file; void parse_args(all_args_t *args, int argc, char* argv[]) { string enb_id; string cell_id; string tac; string mcc; string mnc; // Command line only options bpo::options_description general("General options"); general.add_options() ("help,h", "Produce help message") ("version,v", "Print version information and exit") ; // Command line or config file options bpo::options_description common("Configuration options"); common.add_options() ("enb.enb_id", bpo::value(&enb_id)->default_value("0x0"), "eNodeB ID") ("enb.name", bpo::value(&args->enb.s1ap.enb_name)->default_value("srsenb01"), "eNodeB Name") ("enb.cell_id", bpo::value(&cell_id)->default_value("0x0"), "Cell ID") ("enb.tac", bpo::value(&tac)->default_value("0x0"), "Tracking Area Code") ("enb.mcc", bpo::value(&mcc)->default_value("001"), "Mobile Country Code") ("enb.mnc", bpo::value(&mnc)->default_value("01"), "Mobile Network Code") ("enb.mme_addr", bpo::value(&args->enb.s1ap.mme_addr)->default_value(""),"IP address of MME for S1 connnection") ("enb.gtp_bind_addr", bpo::value(&args->enb.s1ap.gtp_bind_addr)->default_value(""), "Local IP address to bind for GTP connection") ("enb.s1c_bind_addr", bpo::value(&args->enb.s1ap.s1c_bind_addr)->default_value(""), "Local IP address to bind for S1AP connection") ("enb.phy_cell_id", bpo::value(&args->enb.pci)->default_value(0), "Physical Cell Identity (PCI)") ("enb.n_prb", bpo::value(&args->enb.n_prb)->default_value(25), "Number of PRB") ("enb.nof_ports", bpo::value(&args->enb.nof_ports)->default_value(1), "Number of ports") ("enb.tm", bpo::value(&args->enb.transmission_mode)->default_value(1), "Transmission mode (1-8)") ("enb.p_a", bpo::value(&args->enb.p_a)->default_value(0.0f), "Power allocation rho_a (-6, -4.77, -3, -1.77, 0, 1, 2, 3)") ("enb_files.sib_config", bpo::value(&args->enb_files.sib_config)->default_value("sib.conf"), "SIB configuration files") ("enb_files.rr_config", bpo::value(&args->enb_files.rr_config)->default_value("rr.conf"), "RR configuration files") ("enb_files.drb_config", bpo::value(&args->enb_files.drb_config)->default_value("drb.conf"), "DRB configuration files") ("rf.dl_earfcn", bpo::value(&args->rf.dl_earfcn)->default_value(3400), "Downlink EARFCN") ("rf.ul_earfcn", bpo::value(&args->rf.ul_earfcn)->default_value(0), "Uplink EARFCN (Default based on Downlink EARFCN)") ("rf.rx_gain", bpo::value(&args->rf.rx_gain)->default_value(50), "Front-end receiver gain") ("rf.tx_gain", bpo::value(&args->rf.tx_gain)->default_value(70), "Front-end transmitter gain") ("rf.dl_freq", bpo::value(&args->rf.dl_freq)->default_value(-1), "Downlink Frequency (if positive overrides EARFCN)") ("rf.ul_freq", bpo::value(&args->rf.ul_freq)->default_value(-1), "Uplink Frequency (if positive overrides EARFCN)") ("rf.device_name", bpo::value(&args->rf.device_name)->default_value("auto"), "Front-end device name") ("rf.device_args", bpo::value(&args->rf.device_args)->default_value("auto"), "Front-end device arguments") ("rf.time_adv_nsamples", bpo::value(&args->rf.time_adv_nsamples)->default_value("auto"), "Transmission time advance") ("rf.burst_preamble_us", bpo::value(&args->rf.burst_preamble)->default_value("auto"), "Transmission time advance") ("pcap.enable", bpo::value(&args->pcap.enable)->default_value(false), "Enable MAC packet captures for wireshark") ("pcap.filename", bpo::value(&args->pcap.filename)->default_value("ue.pcap"), "MAC layer capture filename") ("gui.enable", bpo::value(&args->gui.enable)->default_value(false), "Enable GUI plots") ("log.phy_level", bpo::value(&args->log.phy_level), "PHY log level") ("log.phy_hex_limit", bpo::value(&args->log.phy_hex_limit), "PHY log hex dump limit") ("log.phy_lib_level", bpo::value(&args->log.phy_lib_level)->default_value("none"), "PHY lib log level") ("log.mac_level", bpo::value(&args->log.mac_level), "MAC log level") ("log.mac_hex_limit", bpo::value(&args->log.mac_hex_limit), "MAC log hex dump limit") ("log.rlc_level", bpo::value(&args->log.rlc_level), "RLC log level") ("log.rlc_hex_limit", bpo::value(&args->log.rlc_hex_limit), "RLC log hex dump limit") ("log.pdcp_level", bpo::value(&args->log.pdcp_level), "PDCP log level") ("log.pdcp_hex_limit",bpo::value(&args->log.pdcp_hex_limit), "PDCP log hex dump limit") ("log.rrc_level", bpo::value(&args->log.rrc_level), "RRC log level") ("log.rrc_hex_limit", bpo::value(&args->log.rrc_hex_limit), "RRC log hex dump limit") ("log.gtpu_level", bpo::value(&args->log.gtpu_level), "GTPU log level") ("log.gtpu_hex_limit",bpo::value(&args->log.gtpu_hex_limit), "GTPU log hex dump limit") ("log.s1ap_level", bpo::value(&args->log.s1ap_level), "S1AP log level") ("log.s1ap_hex_limit",bpo::value(&args->log.s1ap_hex_limit), "S1AP log hex dump limit") ("log.all_level", bpo::value(&args->log.all_level)->default_value("info"), "ALL log level") ("log.all_hex_limit", bpo::value(&args->log.all_hex_limit)->default_value(32), "ALL log hex dump limit") ("log.filename", bpo::value(&args->log.filename)->default_value("/tmp/ue.log"),"Log filename") ("log.file_max_size", bpo::value(&args->log.file_max_size)->default_value(-1), "Maximum file size (in kilobytes). When passed, multiple files are created. Default -1 (single file)") /* MCS section */ ("scheduler.pdsch_mcs", bpo::value(&args->expert.mac.sched.pdsch_mcs)->default_value(-1), "Optional fixed PDSCH MCS (ignores reported CQIs if specified)") ("scheduler.pdsch_max_mcs", bpo::value(&args->expert.mac.sched.pdsch_max_mcs)->default_value(-1), "Optional PDSCH MCS limit") ("scheduler.pusch_mcs", bpo::value(&args->expert.mac.sched.pusch_mcs)->default_value(-1), "Optional fixed PUSCH MCS (ignores reported CQIs if specified)") ("scheduler.pusch_max_mcs", bpo::value(&args->expert.mac.sched.pusch_max_mcs)->default_value(-1), "Optional PUSCH MCS limit") ("scheduler.nof_ctrl_symbols", bpo::value(&args->expert.mac.sched.nof_ctrl_symbols)->default_value(3), "Number of control symbols") /* Expert section */ ("expert.metrics_period_secs", bpo::value(&args->expert.metrics_period_secs)->default_value(1.0), "Periodicity for metrics in seconds") ("expert.pregenerate_signals", bpo::value(&args->expert.phy.pregenerate_signals)->default_value(false), "Pregenerate uplink signals after attach. Improves CPU performance.") ("expert.pusch_max_its", bpo::value(&args->expert.phy.pusch_max_its)->default_value(4), "Maximum number of turbo decoder iterations") ("expert.tx_amplitude", bpo::value(&args->expert.phy.tx_amplitude)->default_value(0.6), "Transmit amplitude factor") ("expert.nof_phy_threads", bpo::value(&args->expert.phy.nof_phy_threads)->default_value(2), "Number of PHY threads") ("expert.link_failure_nof_err", bpo::value(&args->expert.mac.link_failure_nof_err)->default_value(100), "Number of PUSCH failures after which a radio-link failure is triggered") ("expert.max_prach_offset_us", bpo::value(&args->expert.phy.max_prach_offset_us)->default_value(30), "Maximum allowed RACH offset (in us)") ("expert.equalizer_mode", bpo::value(&args->expert.phy.equalizer_mode)->default_value("mmse"), "Equalizer mode") ("expert.estimator_fil_w", bpo::value(&args->expert.phy.estimator_fil_w)->default_value(0.1), "Chooses the coefficients for the 3-tap channel estimator centered filter.") ("expert.rrc_inactivity_timer", bpo::value(&args->expert.rrc_inactivity_timer)->default_value(60000), "Inactivity timer in ms") ("expert.enable_mbsfn", bpo::value(&args->expert.enable_mbsfn)->default_value(false), "enables mbms in the enodeb") ("expert.print_buffer_state", bpo::value(&args->expert.print_buffer_state)->default_value(false), "Prints on the console the buffer state every 10 seconds") ("rf_calibration.tx_corr_dc_gain", bpo::value(&args->rf_cal.tx_corr_dc_gain)->default_value(0.0), "TX DC offset gain correction") ("rf_calibration.tx_corr_dc_phase", bpo::value(&args->rf_cal.tx_corr_dc_phase)->default_value(0.0), "TX DC offset phase correction") ("rf_calibration.tx_corr_iq_i", bpo::value(&args->rf_cal.tx_corr_iq_i)->default_value(0.0), "TX IQ imbalance inphase correction") ("rf_calibration.tx_corr_iq_q", bpo::value(&args->rf_cal.tx_corr_iq_q)->default_value(0.0), "TX IQ imbalance quadrature correction") ; // Positional options - config file location bpo::options_description position("Positional options"); position.add_options() ("config_file", bpo::value< string >(&config_file), "eNodeB configuration file") ; bpo::positional_options_description p; p.add("config_file", -1); // these options are allowed on the command line bpo::options_description cmdline_options; cmdline_options.add(common).add(position).add(general); // parse the command line and store result in vm bpo::variables_map vm; bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(cmdline_options).positional(p).run(), vm); bpo::notify(vm); // help option was given - print usage and exit if (vm.count("help")) { cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS] config_file" << endl << endl; cout << common << endl << general << endl; exit(0); } // print version number and exit if (vm.count("version")) { cout << "Version " << srslte_get_version_major() << "." << srslte_get_version_minor() << "." << srslte_get_version_patch() << endl; exit(0); } // if no config file given, check users home path if (!vm.count("config_file")) { if (!config_exists(config_file, "enb.conf")) { cout << "Failed to read eNB configuration file " << config_file << " - exiting" << endl; exit(1); } } cout << "Reading configuration file " << config_file << "..." << endl; ifstream conf(config_file.c_str(), ios::in); if(conf.fail()) { cout << "Failed to read configuration file " << config_file << " - exiting" << endl; exit(1); } bpo::store(bpo::parse_config_file(conf, common), vm); bpo::notify(vm); // Convert hex strings { std::stringstream sstr; sstr << std::hex << vm["enb.enb_id"].as(); sstr >> args->enb.s1ap.enb_id; } { std::stringstream sstr; sstr << std::hex << vm["enb.cell_id"].as(); uint16_t tmp; // Need intermediate uint16_t as uint8_t is treated as char sstr >> tmp; args->enb.s1ap.cell_id = tmp; } { std::stringstream sstr; sstr << std::hex << vm["enb.tac"].as(); sstr >> args->enb.s1ap.tac; } // Convert MCC/MNC strings if(!srslte::string_to_mcc(mcc, &args->enb.s1ap.mcc)) { cout << "Error parsing enb.mcc:" << mcc << " - must be a 3-digit string." << endl; } if(!srslte::string_to_mnc(mnc, &args->enb.s1ap.mnc)) { cout << "Error parsing enb.mnc:" << mnc << " - must be a 2 or 3-digit string." << endl; } // Apply all_level to any unset layers if (vm.count("log.all_level")) { if(!vm.count("log.phy_level")) { args->log.phy_level = args->log.all_level; } if (!vm.count("log.phy_lib_level")) { args->log.phy_lib_level = args->log.all_level; } if(!vm.count("log.mac_level")) { args->log.mac_level = args->log.all_level; } if(!vm.count("log.rlc_level")) { args->log.rlc_level = args->log.all_level; } if(!vm.count("log.pdcp_level")) { args->log.pdcp_level = args->log.all_level; } if(!vm.count("log.rrc_level")) { args->log.rrc_level = args->log.all_level; } if(!vm.count("log.gtpu_level")) { args->log.gtpu_level = args->log.all_level; } if(!vm.count("log.s1ap_level")) { args->log.s1ap_level = args->log.all_level; } } // Apply all_hex_limit to any unset layers if (vm.count("log.all_hex_limit")) { if(!vm.count("log.phy_hex_limit")) { args->log.phy_hex_limit = args->log.all_hex_limit; } if(!vm.count("log.mac_hex_limit")) { args->log.mac_hex_limit = args->log.all_hex_limit; } if(!vm.count("log.rlc_hex_limit")) { args->log.rlc_hex_limit = args->log.all_hex_limit; } if(!vm.count("log.pdcp_hex_limit")) { args->log.pdcp_hex_limit = args->log.all_hex_limit; } if(!vm.count("log.rrc_hex_limit")) { args->log.rrc_hex_limit = args->log.all_hex_limit; } if(!vm.count("log.gtpu_hex_limit")) { args->log.gtpu_hex_limit = args->log.all_hex_limit; } if(!vm.count("log.s1ap_hex_limit")) { args->log.s1ap_hex_limit = args->log.all_hex_limit; } } // Check remaining eNB config files if (!config_exists(args->enb_files.sib_config, "sib.conf")) { cout << "Failed to read SIB configuration file " << args->enb_files.sib_config << " - exiting" << endl; exit(1); } if (!config_exists(args->enb_files.rr_config, "rr.conf")) { cout << "Failed to read RR configuration file " << args->enb_files.rr_config << " - exiting" << endl; exit(1); } if (!config_exists(args->enb_files.drb_config, "drb.conf")) { cout << "Failed to read DRB configuration file " << args->enb_files.drb_config << " - exiting" << endl; exit(1); } } static int sigcnt = 0; static bool running = true; static bool do_metrics = false; void sig_int_handler(int signo) { sigcnt++; running = false; printf("Stopping srsENB... Press Ctrl+C %d more times to force stop\n", 10-sigcnt); if (sigcnt >= 10) { exit(-1); } } void *input_loop(void *m) { metrics_stdout *metrics = (metrics_stdout*) m; char key; while(running) { cin >> key; if (cin.eof() || cin.bad()) { cout << "Closing stdin thread." << endl; break; } else { if('t' == key) { do_metrics = !do_metrics; if(do_metrics) { cout << "Enter t to stop trace." << endl; } else { cout << "Enter t to restart trace." << endl; } metrics->toggle_print(do_metrics); } } } return NULL; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { signal(SIGINT, sig_int_handler); signal(SIGTERM, sig_int_handler); all_args_t args; metrics_stdout metrics; enb *enb = enb::get_instance(); srslte_debug_handle_crash(argc, argv); cout << "--- Software Radio Systems LTE eNodeB ---" << endl << endl; parse_args(&args, argc, argv); if(!enb->init(&args)) { exit(1); } metrics.init(enb, args.expert.metrics_period_secs); pthread_t input; pthread_create(&input, NULL, &input_loop, &metrics); bool plot_started = false; bool signals_pregenerated = false; if(running) { if (!plot_started && args.gui.enable) { enb->start_plot(); plot_started = true; } } int cnt=0; while (running) { if (args.expert.print_buffer_state) { cnt++; if (cnt==1000) { cnt=0; enb->print_pool(); } } usleep(10000); } pthread_cancel(input); metrics.stop(); enb->stop(); enb->cleanup(); cout << "--- exiting ---" << endl; exit(0); }