/* * Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsLTE. * * srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include "srslte/asn1/rrc_asn1.h" #include "srslte/common/buffer_pool.h" #include "srslte/common/log_filter.h" #include "srslte/common/test_common.h" #include "srslte/upper/pdcp.h" #include "srsue/hdr/stack/rrc/rrc.h" #include "srsue/hdr/stack/rrc/rrc_meas.h" #include "srsue/hdr/stack/upper/nas.h" #include "srsue/test/common/dummy_classes.h" #include using namespace asn1::rrc; using namespace srsue; class phy_test final : public phy_interface_rrc_lte { public: void set_serving_cell(uint32_t pci, uint32_t earfcn) { serving_pci = pci; serving_earfcn = earfcn; } // Not implemented methods void set_config(srslte::phy_cfg_t& config, uint32_t cc_idx = 0, uint32_t earfcn = 0, srslte_cell_t* cell_info = nullptr) override { } void set_config_tdd(srslte_tdd_config_t& tdd_config) override {} void set_config_mbsfn_sib2(srslte::mbsfn_sf_cfg_t* cfg_list, uint32_t nof_cfgs) override {} void set_config_mbsfn_sib13(const srslte::sib13_t& sib13) override {} void set_config_mbsfn_mcch(const srslte::mcch_msg_t& mcch) override {} cell_search_ret_t cell_search(phy_cell_t* cell) override { return {}; } bool cell_is_camping() override { return false; } bool cell_select(const phy_cell_t* cell = nullptr) override { return false; } void reset() override {} void enable_pregen_signals(bool enable) override {} void set_cells_to_meas(uint32_t earfcn, const std::set& pci) override { freqs_started.insert(earfcn); cells_started[earfcn] = pci; } void meas_stop() override { freqs_started.clear(); cells_started.clear(); } void reset_test() { meas_reset_called = false; meas_stop(); } uint32_t meas_nof_freqs() { return freqs_started.size(); } uint32_t meas_nof_cells(uint32_t earfcn) { if (cells_started.count(earfcn)) { return cells_started[earfcn].size(); } else { return 0; } } bool meas_freq_started(uint32_t earfcn) { return freqs_started.count(earfcn) > 0; } bool meas_cell_started(uint32_t earfcn, uint32_t pci) { if (cells_started.count(earfcn)) { return cells_started[earfcn].count(pci) > 0; } else { return false; } } private: bool meas_reset_called = false; std::set freqs_started; std::map > cells_started; uint32_t serving_pci = 0; uint32_t serving_earfcn = 0; }; class nas_test : public srsue::nas { public: nas_test(srsue::task_handler_interface_lte* t) : srsue::nas(t) {} bool is_attached() override { return false; } }; class pdcp_test : public srslte::pdcp { public: pdcp_test(srslte::log* log_, srslte::timer_handler* t) : srslte::pdcp(t, log_) {} void write_sdu(uint32_t lcid, srslte::unique_byte_buffer_t sdu, bool blocking = false) override { ul_dcch_msg_s ul_dcch_msg; asn1::cbit_ref bref(sdu->msg, sdu->N_bytes); if (ul_dcch_msg.unpack(bref) != asn1::SRSASN_SUCCESS or ul_dcch_msg.msg.type().value != ul_dcch_msg_type_c::types_opts::c1) { return; } switch (ul_dcch_msg.msg.c1().type()) { case ul_dcch_msg_type_c::c1_c_::types::rrc_conn_recfg_complete: if (!error) { error = !expecting_reconf_complete; } received_reconf_complete = true; break; case ul_dcch_msg_type_c::c1_c_::types::meas_report: if (!error) { error = expecting_reconf_complete; } if (!expecting_reconf_complete) { meas_res = ul_dcch_msg.msg.c1().meas_report().crit_exts.c1().meas_report_r8().meas_results; meas_res_received = true; } break; default: error = true; break; } } bool get_meas_res(meas_results_s& meas_res_) { if (meas_res_received) { meas_res_ = meas_res; meas_res_received = false; return true; } return false; } bool get_error() { return error; } bool expecting_reconf_complete = false; bool received_reconf_complete = false; private: bool error = false; meas_results_s meas_res = {}; bool meas_res_received = false; }; class rrc_test : public rrc { srsue::stack_dummy* stack = nullptr; public: rrc_test(srslte::log* log_, stack_dummy* stack_) : rrc(stack_), stack(stack_) { pool = srslte::byte_buffer_pool::get_instance(); nastest = std::unique_ptr(new nas_test(stack)); pdcptest = std::unique_ptr(new pdcp_test(log_, &stack->timers)); }; void init() { rrc::init(&phytest, nullptr, nullptr, pdcptest.get(), nastest.get(), nullptr, nullptr, {}); } void run_tti(uint32_t tti_) { stack->timers.step_all(); rrc::run_tti(); } // Set RRC in state RRC_CONNECTED void connect() { dl_ccch_msg_s dl_ccch_msg = {}; dl_ccch_msg.msg.set_c1(); dl_ccch_msg.msg.c1().set_rrc_conn_setup(); dl_ccch_msg.msg.c1().rrc_conn_setup().crit_exts.set_c1().set_rrc_conn_setup_r8(); send_ccch_msg(dl_ccch_msg); run_tti(tti++); } bool send_meas_cfg(rrc_conn_recfg_r8_ies_s& rrc_conn_recfg) { phytest.reset_test(); pdcptest->received_reconf_complete = false; dl_dcch_msg_s dl_dcch_msg = {}; dl_dcch_msg.msg.set_c1(); dl_dcch_msg.msg.c1().set_rrc_conn_recfg(); dl_dcch_msg.msg.c1().rrc_conn_recfg().crit_exts.set_c1().set_rrc_conn_recfg_r8(); dl_dcch_msg.msg.c1().rrc_conn_recfg().crit_exts.c1().rrc_conn_recfg_r8() = rrc_conn_recfg; send_dcch_msg(dl_dcch_msg); pdcptest->expecting_reconf_complete = true; run_tti(tti++); pdcptest->expecting_reconf_complete = false; return !pdcptest->get_error() && pdcptest->received_reconf_complete; } void send_ccch_msg(dl_ccch_msg_s& dl_ccch_msg) { srslte::unique_byte_buffer_t pdu = srslte::allocate_unique_buffer(*pool, true); asn1::bit_ref bref(pdu->msg, pdu->get_tailroom()); dl_ccch_msg.pack(bref); bref.align_bytes_zero(); pdu->N_bytes = (uint32_t)bref.distance_bytes(pdu->msg); pdu->set_timestamp(); write_pdu(0, std::move(pdu)); } void send_dcch_msg(dl_dcch_msg_s& dl_dcch_msg) { srslte::unique_byte_buffer_t pdu = srslte::allocate_unique_buffer(*pool, true); ; asn1::bit_ref bref(pdu->msg, pdu->get_tailroom()); dl_dcch_msg.pack(bref); bref.align_bytes_zero(); pdu->N_bytes = (uint32_t)bref.distance_bytes(pdu->msg); pdu->set_timestamp(); write_pdu(1, std::move(pdu)); } void set_serving_cell(uint32_t pci, uint32_t earfcn) { std::vector phy_meas = {}; rrc_interface_phy_lte::phy_meas_t meas = {}; meas.pci = pci; meas.earfcn = earfcn; phy_meas.push_back(meas); // neighbour cell new_cell_meas(phy_meas); run_tti(1); phytest.set_serving_cell(pci, earfcn); rrc::set_serving_cell({pci, earfcn}, false); } bool has_neighbour_cell(const uint32_t earfcn, const uint32_t pci) { return rrc::has_neighbour_cell(earfcn, pci); } bool get_meas_res(meas_results_s& meas_res) { return pdcptest->get_meas_res(meas_res); } phy_test phytest; private: std::unique_ptr pdcptest; std::unique_ptr nastest; uint32_t tti = 0; srslte::byte_buffer_pool* pool = nullptr; }; // Test Cell sear int cell_select_test() { srslte::log_filter log1("RRC_MEAS"); log1.set_level(srslte::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); log1.set_hex_limit(-1); printf("==========================================================\n"); printf("====== Cell Select Testing ===============\n"); printf("==========================================================\n"); stack_dummy stack; rrc_test rrctest(&log1, &stack); rrctest.init(); rrctest.connect(); // Add a first serving cell rrctest.set_serving_cell(1, 1); // Add a second serving cell rrctest.set_serving_cell(2, 2); // Select the second serving cell rrctest.set_serving_cell(2, 2); TESTASSERT(!rrctest.has_neighbour_cell(2, 2)); return SRSLTE_SUCCESS; } // Tests the measObject configuration and the successful activation of PHY cells to search for int meas_obj_test() { srslte::log_filter log1("RRC_MEAS"); log1.set_level(srslte::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); log1.set_hex_limit(-1); printf("==========================================================\n"); printf("====== Object Configuration Testing ===============\n"); printf("==========================================================\n"); stack_dummy stack; rrc_test rrctest(&log1, &stack); rrctest.init(); rrctest.connect(); // Configure serving cell. First add neighbour, then set it as serving cell rrctest.set_serving_cell(1, 1); rrc_conn_recfg_r8_ies_s rrc_conn_recfg = {}; rrc_conn_recfg.meas_cfg_present = true; meas_cfg_s& meas_cfg = rrc_conn_recfg.meas_cfg; log1.info("Test1: Remove non-existing measObject, reportConfig and measId\n"); meas_cfg = {}; meas_cfg.meas_id_to_rem_list.push_back(3); meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_rem_list.push_back(3); meas_cfg.report_cfg_to_rem_list.push_back(3); meas_cfg.meas_id_to_rem_list_present = true; meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_rem_list_present = true; // Just test it doesn't crash TESTASSERT(rrctest.send_meas_cfg(rrc_conn_recfg)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_freqs() == 0); log1.info("Test2: Add measId pointing to non-existing measObject or reportConfig\n"); meas_cfg = {}; meas_id_to_add_mod_s m = {}; m.meas_obj_id = 1; m.report_cfg_id = 1; m.meas_id = 1; meas_cfg.meas_id_to_add_mod_list.push_back(m); meas_cfg.meas_id_to_add_mod_list_present = true; // Just test it doesn't crash TESTASSERT(rrctest.send_meas_cfg(rrc_conn_recfg)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_freqs() == 0); log1.info("Test3: Add meaObject and report of unsupported type. Setup a supported report for later use\n"); meas_cfg = {}; meas_obj_to_add_mod_s obj = {}; obj.meas_obj.set_meas_obj_utra(); meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_add_mod_list.push_back(obj); meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_present = true; report_cfg_to_add_mod_s rep = {}; rep.report_cfg_id = 2; rep.report_cfg.set_report_cfg_inter_rat().trigger_type.set_periodical().purpose = report_cfg_inter_rat_s::trigger_type_c_::periodical_s_::purpose_opts::report_strongest_cells; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_inter_rat().report_interv.value = report_interv_opts::ms640; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_inter_rat().report_amount = report_cfg_inter_rat_s::report_amount_opts::r1; meas_cfg.report_cfg_to_add_mod_list.push_back(rep); rep = {}; rep.report_cfg_id = 1; rep.report_cfg.set_report_cfg_eutra(); rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().report_interv = report_interv_opts::ms120; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().report_amount = report_cfg_eutra_s::report_amount_opts::r1; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().report_quant.value = report_cfg_eutra_s::report_quant_opts::both; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().trigger_quant.value = report_cfg_eutra_s::trigger_quant_opts::rsrp; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().trigger_type.set_event().event_id.set_event_a1().a1_thres.set_thres_rsrp(); rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().trigger_type.event().time_to_trigger.value = time_to_trigger_opts::ms640; meas_cfg.report_cfg_to_add_mod_list.push_back(rep); meas_cfg.report_cfg_to_add_mod_list_present = true; // Just test it doesn't crash TESTASSERT(rrctest.send_meas_cfg(rrc_conn_recfg)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_freqs() == 0); log1.info("Test4: Add 2 measObjects and 2 measId both pointing to the same measObject \n"); meas_cfg = {}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m = {}; m.meas_obj_id = 1; // same object m.report_cfg_id = 1; m.meas_id = 1 + i; // add 2 different measIds meas_cfg.meas_id_to_add_mod_list.push_back(m); } meas_cfg.meas_id_to_add_mod_list_present = true; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { obj = {}; obj.meas_obj_id = 1 + i; obj.meas_obj.set_meas_obj_eutra(); obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().carrier_freq = 1 + i; obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().allowed_meas_bw.value = allowed_meas_bw_opts::mbw6; if (i == 1) { // 2nd object has cells, 1st one doesn't for (int j = 1; j <= 4; j++) { cells_to_add_mod_s cell = {}; cell.pci = 10 + j; cell.cell_idx = j; cell.cell_individual_offset.value = q_offset_range_opts::db0; obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().cells_to_add_mod_list.push_back(cell); } obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().cells_to_add_mod_list_present = true; } meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_add_mod_list.push_back(obj); } meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_present = true; TESTASSERT(rrctest.send_meas_cfg(rrc_conn_recfg)); // Test we configure 1 frequency with no cells TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_freqs() == 1); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_freq_started(1)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_cells(1) == 0); log1.info("Test5: Add existing objects and measId. Now add measId for 2nd cell\n"); meas_cfg = {}; m = {}; m.meas_obj_id = 2; // same object m.report_cfg_id = 1; m.meas_id = 3; meas_cfg.meas_id_to_add_mod_list.push_back(m); meas_cfg.meas_id_to_add_mod_list_present = true; rrctest.phytest.reset_test(); TESTASSERT(rrctest.send_meas_cfg(rrc_conn_recfg)); // Test we configure 2 frequency. 2nd has 4 cells TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_freqs() == 2); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_freq_started(1)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_freq_started(2)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_cells(1) == 0); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_cells(2) == 4); for (int j = 1; j <= 4; j++) { TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 10 + j)); } // Reconfigure 2nd object only, we should see 8 cells now log1.info("Test6: Add 1 cell to 1st object. Mixed add/mod and removal command.\n"); meas_cfg = {}; meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_present = true; // 1st object add 1 cell, none existed obj = {}; obj.meas_obj_id = 1; obj.meas_obj.set(meas_obj_to_add_mod_s::meas_obj_c_::types_opts::meas_obj_eutra); obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().carrier_freq = 1; obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().cells_to_add_mod_list_present = true; obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().allowed_meas_bw.value = allowed_meas_bw_opts::mbw6; cells_to_add_mod_s cell = {}; cell.cell_idx = 1; cell.pci = 1; cell.cell_individual_offset.value = q_offset_range_opts::db0; obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().cells_to_add_mod_list.push_back(cell); meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_add_mod_list.push_back(obj); // 2nd object remove 3 cells (1 non-existing) obj = {}; obj.meas_obj_id = 2; obj.meas_obj.set(meas_obj_to_add_mod_s::meas_obj_c_::types_opts::meas_obj_eutra); obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().carrier_freq = 2; obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().cells_to_rem_list.push_back(2); obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().cells_to_rem_list.push_back(4); obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().cells_to_rem_list.push_back(6); obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().cells_to_rem_list_present = true; // 2nd object add 5 cells, 1 existing, 1 just removed, 3 new uint32_t new_idx[5] = {2, 3, 5, 6}; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { cell = {}; cell.pci = 20 + j + 1; cell.cell_idx = new_idx[j]; cell.cell_individual_offset.value = q_offset_range_opts::db0; obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().cells_to_add_mod_list.push_back(cell); } obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().allowed_meas_bw.value = allowed_meas_bw_opts::mbw6; obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().cells_to_add_mod_list_present = true; meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_add_mod_list.push_back(obj); rrctest.phytest.reset_test(); TESTASSERT(rrctest.send_meas_cfg(rrc_conn_recfg)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_cells(1) == 1); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(1, 1)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_cells(2) == 5); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 11)); // wasn't changed TESTASSERT(!rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 12)); // was removed TESTASSERT(!rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 14)); // was removed TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 21)); // was added TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 22)); // was updated TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 23)); // was added TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 24)); // was added log1.info("Test7: PHY finds new neighbours in frequency 1 and 2, check RRC instructs to search them\n"); std::vector phy_meas = {}; phy_meas.push_back({0, 0, 1, 31}); phy_meas.push_back({-1, 0, 1, 32}); phy_meas.push_back({-2, 0, 1, 33}); phy_meas.push_back({-3, 0, 1, 34}); rrctest.new_cell_meas(phy_meas); rrctest.run_tti(1); phy_meas = {}; phy_meas.push_back({-4, 0, 1, 35}); phy_meas.push_back({-5, 0, 1, 36}); phy_meas.push_back({-6, 0, 1, 37}); phy_meas.push_back({1, 0, 1, 30}); phy_meas.push_back({0, 0, 2, 31}); rrctest.new_cell_meas(phy_meas); rrctest.run_tti(1); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_cells(1) == 8); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(1, 1)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(1, 30)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(1, 31)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(1, 32)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(1, 33)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(1, 34)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(1, 35)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(1, 36)); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_nof_cells(2) == 6); TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 11)); // wasn't changed TESTASSERT(!rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 12)); // was removed TESTASSERT(!rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 14)); // was removed TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 21)); // was added TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 22)); // was updated TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 23)); // was added TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 24)); // was added TESTASSERT(rrctest.phytest.meas_cell_started(2, 31)); log1.info("Test8: Simulate a Release (reset() call) make sure resets correctly\n"); rrctest.init(); rrctest.run_tti(1); rrctest.connect(); rrctest.run_tti(1); log1.info("Test9: Config removal\n"); meas_cfg = {}; meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_rem_list.push_back(1); meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_rem_list.push_back(2); meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_rem_list_present = true; meas_cfg.report_cfg_to_rem_list.push_back(1); meas_cfg.report_cfg_to_rem_list.push_back(2); meas_cfg.report_cfg_to_rem_list_present = true; meas_cfg.meas_id_to_rem_list.push_back(1); meas_cfg.meas_id_to_rem_list.push_back(2); meas_cfg.meas_id_to_rem_list_present = true; printf("==========================================================\n"); return 0; } void config_default_report_test(rrc_conn_recfg_r8_ies_s& rrc_conn_recfg, eutra_event_s::event_id_c_ event_id, time_to_trigger_e time_trigger, uint32_t hyst, report_cfg_eutra_s::report_amount_e_ report_amount, report_interv_e report_interv) { rrc_conn_recfg.meas_cfg_present = true; meas_cfg_s& meas_cfg = rrc_conn_recfg.meas_cfg; meas_cfg = {}; meas_id_to_add_mod_s m = {}; m.meas_obj_id = 4; m.report_cfg_id = 1; m.meas_id = 1; meas_cfg.meas_id_to_add_mod_list.push_back(m); if (event_id.type() == eutra_event_s::event_id_c_::types::event_a3) { m = {}; m.meas_obj_id = 6; m.report_cfg_id = 1; m.meas_id = 2; meas_cfg.meas_id_to_add_mod_list.push_back(m); } meas_cfg.meas_id_to_add_mod_list_present = true; meas_obj_to_add_mod_s obj = {}; obj.meas_obj.set_meas_obj_eutra(); obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().carrier_freq = 1; obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().allowed_meas_bw.value = allowed_meas_bw_opts::mbw6; obj.meas_obj_id = 4; meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_add_mod_list.push_back(obj); obj = {}; obj.meas_obj.set_meas_obj_eutra(); obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().carrier_freq = 2; obj.meas_obj.meas_obj_eutra().allowed_meas_bw.value = allowed_meas_bw_opts::mbw6; obj.meas_obj_id = 6; meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_add_mod_list.push_back(obj); meas_cfg.meas_obj_to_add_mod_list_present = true; // Disable avearging meas_cfg.quant_cfg_present = true; meas_cfg.quant_cfg.quant_cfg_eutra_present = true; meas_cfg.quant_cfg.quant_cfg_eutra.filt_coef_rsrp_present = true; meas_cfg.quant_cfg.quant_cfg_eutra.filt_coef_rsrp.value = filt_coef_opts::fc0; // Report event report_cfg_to_add_mod_s rep = {}; rep.report_cfg_id = 1; rep.report_cfg.set_report_cfg_eutra(); rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().trigger_type.set_event(); rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().trigger_type.event().event_id = event_id; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().trigger_type.event().time_to_trigger = time_trigger; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().trigger_type.event().hysteresis = hyst; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().trigger_quant.value = report_cfg_eutra_s::trigger_quant_opts::rsrp; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().report_quant.value = report_cfg_eutra_s::report_quant_opts::same_as_trigger_quant; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().max_report_cells = 8; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().report_interv.value = report_interv; rep.report_cfg.report_cfg_eutra().report_amount.value = report_amount; meas_cfg.report_cfg_to_add_mod_list.push_back(rep); meas_cfg.report_cfg_to_add_mod_list_present = true; } void send_report(rrc_test& rrctest, const std::vector rsrp, const std::vector earfcn, const std::vector pci) { std::vector phy_meas = {}; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pci.size(); i++) { float r = rsrp[0]; if (rsrp.size() == pci.size()) { r = rsrp[i]; } uint32_t e = earfcn[0]; if (earfcn.size() == pci.size()) { e = earfcn[i]; } phy_meas.push_back({r, -5, e, pci[i]}); } rrctest.new_cell_meas(phy_meas); rrctest.run_tti(1); } void middle_condition(rrc_test& rrctest, const eutra_event_s::event_id_c_ event_id, const uint32_t hyst, const uint32_t earfcn, const std::vector pci) { if (event_id.type() == eutra_event_s::event_id_c_::types_opts::event_a1) { float rsrp_th = -140 + event_id.event_a1().a1_thres.thres_rsrp() + 0.5 * hyst; send_report(rrctest, {rsrp_th - (float)1e-2}, {earfcn}, pci); } else { float offset = 0.5 * event_id.event_a3().a3_offset; std::vector rsrp = {}; rsrp.reserve(pci.size()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pci.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { rsrp.push_back(-60); } else { rsrp.push_back(-60 + offset + 0.5 * hyst - (float)1e-2); } } send_report(rrctest, rsrp, {0, earfcn}, pci); } } void enter_condition(rrc_test& rrctest, const eutra_event_s::event_id_c_ event_id, const uint32_t hyst, const uint32_t earfcn, const std::vector pci) { if (event_id.type() == eutra_event_s::event_id_c_::types_opts::event_a1) { float rsrp_th = -140 + event_id.event_a1().a1_thres.thres_rsrp() + 0.5 * hyst; send_report(rrctest, {rsrp_th + (float)1e-2}, {earfcn}, pci); } else { float offset = 0.5 * event_id.event_a3().a3_offset; std::vector rsrp = {}; rsrp.reserve(pci.size()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pci.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { rsrp.push_back(-60); } else { rsrp.push_back(-60 + offset + 0.01 * pci[i] + 0.5 * hyst + (float)1e-2); } } send_report(rrctest, rsrp, {0, earfcn}, pci); } } void no_condition(rrc_test& rrctest, const std::vector& earfcn, const std::vector& pci) { std::vector rsrp = {}; rsrp.reserve(pci.size()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pci.size(); i++) { rsrp.push_back(-60.0f); } send_report(rrctest, rsrp, earfcn, pci); } void exit_condition(rrc_test& rrctest, const eutra_event_s::event_id_c_ event_id, const uint32_t hyst, const uint32_t earfcn, const std::vector pci) { if (event_id.type() == eutra_event_s::event_id_c_::types_opts::event_a1) { float rsrp_th_leave = -140 + event_id.event_a1().a1_thres.thres_rsrp() - 0.5 * hyst; send_report(rrctest, {rsrp_th_leave - (float)1e-2}, {earfcn}, pci); } else { float offset = 0.5 * event_id.event_a3().a3_offset; std::vector rsrp = {}; rsrp.reserve(pci.size()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pci.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { rsrp.push_back(-60); } else { rsrp.push_back(-60 + offset - 0.5 * hyst - (float)1e-2); } } send_report(rrctest, rsrp, {0, earfcn}, pci); } } // Test A1-event reporting and management of report amount and interval int a1event_report_test(uint32_t a1_rsrp_th, time_to_trigger_e time_trigger, uint32_t hyst, report_cfg_eutra_s::report_amount_e_ report_amount, report_interv_e report_interv) { srslte::log_filter log1("RRC_MEAS"); log1.set_level(srslte::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); log1.set_hex_limit(-1); printf("==========================================================\n"); printf("============ Report Testing A1 ===============\n"); printf("==========================================================\n"); stack_dummy stack; rrc_test rrctest(&log1, &stack); rrctest.init(); rrctest.connect(); // Configure serving cell. First add neighbour, then set it as serving cell rrctest.set_serving_cell(1, 1); // default report configuration rrc_conn_recfg_r8_ies_s rrc_conn_recfg = {}; eutra_event_s::event_id_c_ event_id = {}; event_id.set_event_a1(); event_id.event_a1().a1_thres.set_thres_rsrp(); event_id.event_a1().a1_thres.thres_rsrp() = a1_rsrp_th; config_default_report_test(rrc_conn_recfg, event_id, time_trigger, hyst, report_amount, report_interv); TESTASSERT(rrctest.send_meas_cfg(rrc_conn_recfg)); meas_results_s meas_res = {}; int ttt_iters = time_trigger.to_number() + 1; // Entering condition during half timeToTrigger, should not trigger measurement for (int i = 0; i < ttt_iters / 2; i++) { log1.info("Report %d/%d enter condition is true\n", i, ttt_iters / 2); enter_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 0, {1, 2}); // Check doesn't generate measurement report TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); } log1.info("Report leaving enter condition\n"); // Not satisfy entering condition for 1 TTI middle_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 0, {1}); TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); // Should go again all timeToTrigger, should not trigger measurement until end for (int i = 0; i < ttt_iters; i++) { log1.info("Report %d/%d enter condition is true\n", i, ttt_iters); enter_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 0, {1, 2}); if (i < ttt_iters - 1) { // Check doesn't generate measurement report TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); } } // Check report is correct: RSRP=32, RSRQ=30 and measId=1 TESTASSERT(rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_id == 1); TESTASSERT(!meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells_present); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_pcell.rsrp_result == 32); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_pcell.rsrq_result == 30); // Test multiple reports are sent if report_amount > 1 if (report_amount.to_number() > 1) { // Trigger again entering condition for the same cell it shouldn't trigger a new report, just keep sending the // periodic reports without restarting counter for (int i = 0; i < ttt_iters; i++) { log1.info("Report %d/%d enter condition is true\n", i, ttt_iters); enter_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 0, {1}); } // Do not expect report if timer not expired TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); // Wait to generate all reports for (int i = 0; i < report_amount.to_number() - 1; i++) { log1.info("Testing report %d/%d\n", i, report_amount.to_number()); int interval = report_interv.to_number(); if (i == 0) { // already stepped these iterations interval -= ttt_iters; } for (int j = 0; j < interval; j++) { if (j == 0 && i > report_amount.to_number() - 3) { // Exit the enter condition in the last one, should still send the last report middle_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 0, {1}); } else { log1.info("Stepping timer %d/%d\n", j, interval); rrctest.run_tti(1); } if (j < interval - 1) { // Do not expect report if timer not expired TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); } else { // expect 1 report every interval ms TESTASSERT(rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); } } } // Do not expect more reports for (int j = 0; j < report_interv.to_number(); j++) { rrctest.run_tti(1); TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); } // Trigger again condition for (int i = 0; i < ttt_iters; i++) { log1.info("Report %d/%d enter condition is true\n", i, ttt_iters); enter_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 0, {1}); } // Do not expect report TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); // Leaving condition for timeToTrigger for (int i = 0; i < ttt_iters; i++) { log1.info("Report %d/%d leaving condition is true\n", i, ttt_iters); exit_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 0, {1}); // Check doesn't generate measurement report TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); } // Trigger again condition for (int i = 0; i < ttt_iters; i++) { log1.info("Report %d/%d enter condition is true\n", i, ttt_iters); enter_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 0, {1}); } // Expect report TESTASSERT(rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); } printf("==========================================================\n"); return 0; } // Test A3-event reporting and management of report amount and interval int a3event_report_test(uint32_t a3_offset, uint32_t hyst, bool report_on_leave) { srslte::log_filter log1("RRC_MEAS"); log1.set_level(srslte::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); log1.set_hex_limit(-1); printf("==========================================================\n"); printf("============ Report Testing A3 ===============\n"); printf("==========================================================\n"); stack_dummy stack; rrc_test rrctest(&log1, &stack); rrctest.init(); rrctest.connect(); // Configure serving cell. First add neighbour, then set it as serving cell rrctest.set_serving_cell(1, 1); // default report configuration rrc_conn_recfg_r8_ies_s rrc_conn_recfg = {}; eutra_event_s::event_id_c_ event_id = {}; event_id.set_event_a3(); event_id.event_a3().a3_offset = a3_offset; event_id.event_a3().report_on_leave = report_on_leave; config_default_report_test(rrc_conn_recfg, event_id, time_to_trigger_opts::ms0, hyst, report_cfg_eutra_s::report_amount_opts::r1, report_interv_opts::ms120); TESTASSERT(rrctest.send_meas_cfg(rrc_conn_recfg)); meas_results_s meas_res = {}; log1.info("Test no-enter condition and no trigger report \n"); no_condition(rrctest, {0}, {1}); TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); no_condition(rrctest, {0, 1}, {1, 0}); TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); log1.info("Test enter condition triggers report. 1 neighbour cell in enter + 1 in exit \n"); float offset = 0.5 * event_id.event_a3().a3_offset; std::vector rsrp = {}; rsrp.push_back(-60 + offset + 0.5 * hyst + (float)1e-2); rsrp.push_back(-60 + offset - 0.5 * hyst - (float)1e-2); send_report(rrctest, rsrp, {1, 1}, {0, 3}); // Check report is correct: RSRP=34, RSRQ=0 and measId=1 TESTASSERT(rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_id == 1); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_pcell.rsrp_result == 81); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_pcell.rsrq_result == 30); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells_present); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra().size() == 1); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra()[0].pci == 0); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra()[0].meas_result.rsrp_result == 81 + (hyst + a3_offset) / 2); // Next iteration in entering state does not trigger another report log1.info("Test enter condition for the same cell does not trigger report\n"); rrctest.run_tti(1); TESTASSERT(!rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); log1.info("Test enter condition for different earfcn triggers report\n"); enter_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 2, {1, 3}); TESTASSERT(rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_id == 2); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_pcell.rsrp_result == 81); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_pcell.rsrq_result == 30); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells_present); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra().size() == 1); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra()[0].pci == 3); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra()[0].meas_result.rsrp_result == 81 + (hyst + a3_offset) / 2); // if a new cell enters conditions then expect another report log1.info("Test a new cell enter condition triggers report\n"); enter_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 1, {1, 3}); TESTASSERT(rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_id == 1); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_pcell.rsrp_result == 81); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_pcell.rsrq_result == 30); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells_present); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra().size() == 2); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra()[0].pci == 3); // should be ordered by rsrp, which is proportional to pci in enter_condition() TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra()[0].meas_result.rsrp_result == 81 + (hyst + a3_offset) / 2); // cell pci=0 exists condition log1.info("Test exit condition\n"); exit_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 1, {1, 0}); if (report_on_leave) { TESTASSERT(rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); } // 2 enters again, now expect report again log1.info("Test trigger again the cell that exited\n"); enter_condition(rrctest, event_id, hyst, 1, {1, 0}); TESTASSERT(rrctest.get_meas_res(meas_res)); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_id == 1); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells_present); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra().size() == 2); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra()[0].pci == 3); TESTASSERT(meas_res.meas_result_neigh_cells.meas_result_list_eutra()[0].meas_result.rsrp_result == 81 + (hyst + a3_offset) / 2); return SRSLTE_SUCCESS; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { TESTASSERT(cell_select_test() == SRSLTE_SUCCESS); TESTASSERT(meas_obj_test() == SRSLTE_SUCCESS); TESTASSERT( a1event_report_test( 30, time_to_trigger_opts::ms40, 3, report_cfg_eutra_s::report_amount_opts::r1, report_interv_opts::ms120) == SRSLTE_SUCCESS); TESTASSERT( a1event_report_test( 30, time_to_trigger_opts::ms0, 3, report_cfg_eutra_s::report_amount_opts::r1, report_interv_opts::ms120) == SRSLTE_SUCCESS); TESTASSERT( a1event_report_test( 30, time_to_trigger_opts::ms40, 3, report_cfg_eutra_s::report_amount_opts::r8, report_interv_opts::ms120) == SRSLTE_SUCCESS); TESTASSERT(a3event_report_test(6, 3, true) == SRSLTE_SUCCESS); return SRSLTE_SUCCESS; }