enb=struct('NCellID',1,'NDLRB',6,'NSubframe',4,'CFI',3,'CyclicPrefix','Normal','CellRefP',1,'Ng','One','PHICHDuration','Normal','DuplexMode','FDD'); RNTI=62; addpath('../../build/srslte/lib/phch/test') cec.PilotAverage = 'UserDefined'; % Type of pilot averaging cec.FreqWindow = 1; % Frequency window size cec.TimeWindow = 1; % Time window size cec.InterpType = 'linear'; % 2D interpolation type cec.InterpWindow = 'Causal'; % Interpolation window type cec.InterpWinSize = 1; % Interpolation window size subframe_rx=lteOFDMDemodulate(enb,x); %subframe_rx=reshape(input,[],14); [hest,nest] = lteDLChannelEstimate(enb, cec, subframe_rx); % Search PDCCH pdcchIndices = ltePDCCHIndices(enb); [pdcchRx, pdcchHest] = lteExtractResources(pdcchIndices, subframe_rx, hest); [dciBits, pdcchSymbols] = ltePDCCHDecode(enb, pdcchRx, pdcchHest, nest); pdcch = struct('RNTI', RNTI); dci = ltePDCCHSearch(enb, pdcch, dciBits); % Search PDCCH for DCI if ~isempty(dci) dci = dci{1}; disp(dci); % Get the PDSCH configuration from the DCI [pdsch, trblklen] = hPDSCHConfiguration(enb, dci, pdcch.RNTI); pdsch.NTurboDecIts = 10; pdsch.Modulation = {'64QAM'}; pdsch.RV=0; trblklen=14112; fprintf('PDSCH settings after DCI decoding:\n'); disp(pdsch); fprintf('Decoding PDSCH...\n\n'); % Get PDSCH indices [pdschIndices,pdschIndicesInfo] = ltePDSCHIndices(enb, pdsch, pdsch.PRBSet); [pdschRx, pdschHest] = lteExtractResources(pdschIndices, subframe_rx, hest); % Decode PDSCH [dlschBits,pdschSymbols] = ltePDSCHDecode(enb, pdsch, pdschRx, pdschHest, 0); [sib1, crc] = lteDLSCHDecode(enb, pdsch, trblklen, dlschBits); %[dec2, data, pdschRx2, pdschSymbols2, e_bits] = srslte_pdsch(enb, pdsch, ... % trblklen, ... % subframe_rx, hest, nest); scatter(real(pdschSymbols{1}),imag(pdschSymbols{1})) if crc == 0 fprintf('PDSCH OK.\n\n'); else fprintf('PDSCH ERROR.\n\n'); end else % indicate that DCI decoding failed fprintf('DCI decoding failed.\n\n'); end %indices=indices+1; %plot(t,indices(t),t,pdschIndices(t))