/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * \section LICENSE * * This file is part of srsLTE. * * srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "srslte/common/bcd_helpers.h" #include "mme/mme.h" #include "hss/hss.h" #include "spgw/spgw.h" using namespace std; using namespace srsepc; namespace bpo = boost::program_options; bool running = true; void sig_int_handler(int signo){ running = false; } typedef struct { std::string all_level; int hex_limit; std::string filename; }log_args_t; typedef struct{ mme_args_t mme_args; hss_args_t hss_args; spgw_args_t spgw_args; log_args_t log_args; }all_args_t; /********************************************************************** * Program arguments processing ***********************************************************************/ string config_file; void parse_args(all_args_t *args, int argc, char* argv[]) { string mme_name; string mme_code; string mme_group; string tac; string mcc; string mnc; string mme_bind_addr; string spgw_bind_addr; string sgi_if_addr; // Command line only options bpo::options_description general("General options"); general.add_options() ("help,h", "Produce help message") ("version,v", "Print version information and exit") ; // Command line or config file options bpo::options_description common("Configuration options"); common.add_options() ("mme.mme_code", bpo::value(&mme_code)->default_value("0x01"), "MME Code") ("mme.name", bpo::value(&mme_name)->default_value("srsmme01"), "MME Name") ("mme.mme_group", bpo::value(&mme_group)->default_value("0x01"), "Cell ID") ("mme.tac", bpo::value(&tac)->default_value("0x0"), "Tracking Area Code") ("mme.mcc", bpo::value(&mcc)->default_value("001"), "Mobile Country Code") ("mme.mnc", bpo::value(&mnc)->default_value("01"), "Mobile Network Code") ("mme.mme_bind_addr", bpo::value(&mme_bind_addr)->default_value(""),"IP address of MME for S1 connnection") ("spgw.gtpu_bind_addr", bpo::value(&spgw_bind_addr)->default_value(""),"IP address of SP-GW for the S1-U connection") ("spgw.sgi_if_addr", bpo::value(&sgi_if_addr)->default_value(""),"IP address of TUN interface for the SGi connection") ; // Positional options - config file location bpo::options_description position("Positional options"); position.add_options() ("config_file", bpo::value< string >(&config_file), "MME configuration file") ; bpo::positional_options_description p; p.add("config_file", -1); // these options are allowed on the command line bpo::options_description cmdline_options; cmdline_options.add(common).add(position).add(general); // parse the command line and store result in vm bpo::variables_map vm; bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(cmdline_options).positional(p).run(), vm); bpo::notify(vm); // help option was given - print usage and exit if (vm.count("help")) { cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS] config_file" << endl << endl; cout << common << endl << general << endl; exit(0); } //Parsing Config File if (!vm.count("config_file")) { cout << "Error: Configuration file not provided" << endl; cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS] config_file" << endl << endl; exit(0); } else { cout << "Reading configuration file " << config_file << "..." << endl; ifstream conf(config_file.c_str(), ios::in); if(conf.fail()) { cout << "Failed to read configuration file " << config_file << " - exiting" << endl; exit(1); } bpo::store(bpo::parse_config_file(conf, common), vm); bpo::notify(vm); } //Concert hex strings { std::stringstream sstr; sstr << std::hex << vm["mme.mme_group"].as(); sstr >> args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mme_group; } { std::stringstream sstr; sstr << std::hex << vm["mme.mme_code"].as(); uint16_t tmp; // Need intermediate uint16_t as uint8_t is treated as char sstr >> tmp; args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mme_code = tmp; } { std::stringstream sstr; sstr << std::hex << vm["mme.tac"].as(); sstr >> args->mme_args.s1ap_args.tac; } // Convert MCC/MNC strings if(!srslte::string_to_mcc(mcc, &args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mcc)) { cout << "Error parsing enb.mcc:" << mcc << " - must be a 3-digit string." << endl; } if(!srslte::string_to_mnc(mnc, &args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mnc)) { cout << "Error parsing enb.mnc:" << mnc << " - must be a 2 or 3-digit string." << endl; } args->mme_args.s1ap_args.mme_bind_addr = mme_bind_addr; args->spgw_args.gtpu_bind_addr = spgw_bind_addr; args->spgw_args.sgi_if_addr = sgi_if_addr; return; } int main (int argc,char * argv[] ) { cout << "--- Software Radio Systems EPC ---" << endl << endl; signal(SIGINT, sig_int_handler); all_args_t args; parse_args(&args, argc, argv); srslte::logger_stdout logger_stdout; srslte::logger_file logger_file; srslte::logger *logger; /*Init logger*/ args.log_args.filename = std::string("/tmp/epc.log"); if (!args.log_args.filename.compare("stdout")) { logger = &logger_stdout; } else { logger_file.init(args.log_args.filename); logger_file.log("\n--- Software Radio Systems EPC log ---\n\n"); logger = &logger_file; } srslte::log_filter s1ap_log; s1ap_log.init("S1AP",logger); s1ap_log.set_level(srslte::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); s1ap_log.set_hex_limit(32); srslte::log_filter hss_log; hss_log.init("HSS ",logger); hss_log.set_level(srslte::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); hss_log.set_hex_limit(32); srslte::log_filter spgw_log; spgw_log.init("SPGW",logger); spgw_log.set_level(srslte::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); spgw_log.set_hex_limit(32); mme *mme = mme::get_instance(); if (mme->init(&args.mme_args, &s1ap_log)) { cout << "Error initializing MME" << endl; exit(1); } hss *hss = hss::get_instance(); if (hss->init(&args.hss_args,&hss_log)) { cout << "Error initializing HSS" << endl; exit(1); } spgw *spgw = spgw::get_instance(); if (spgw->init(&args.spgw_args,&spgw_log)) { cout << "Error initializing SP-GW" << endl; exit(1); } mme->start(); spgw->start(); while(running) { sleep(1); } mme->stop(); mme->cleanup(); spgw->stop(); spgw->cleanup(); cout << std::endl <<"--- exiting ---" << endl; return 0; }