/** * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsLTE. * * srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include "srslte/adt/bounded_vector.h" #include "srslte/common/test_common.h" namespace srslte { struct C { static int nof_copy_ctor; static int nof_value_ctor; static int nof_move_ctor; static int nof_dtor; C(int val_ = 0) : val(val_) { nof_value_ctor++; } C(const C& v) : val(v.val) { nof_copy_ctor++; } C(C&& v) : val(v.val) { v.val = 0; nof_move_ctor++; } ~C() { nof_dtor++; } C& operator=(const C&) = default; C& operator =(C&& other) { val = other.val; other.val = 0; return *this; } bool operator==(const C& other) const { return val == other.val; } bool operator!=(const C& other) const { return not(*this == other); } int val = 0; }; int C::nof_copy_ctor = 0; int C::nof_value_ctor = 0; int C::nof_move_ctor = 0; int C::nof_dtor = 0; struct moveonly { moveonly() = default; moveonly(moveonly&&) noexcept = default; moveonly& operator=(moveonly&&) noexcept = default; }; int test_ctor() { // TEST: default ctor bounded_vector a; TESTASSERT(a.size() == 0); TESTASSERT(a.capacity() == 10); TESTASSERT(a.empty()); // TEST: copy ctor a.push_back(1); bounded_vector a2(a); TESTASSERT(a2.size() == a.size()); TESTASSERT(std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), a2.begin())); // TEST: size ctor bounded_vector a3(2); TESTASSERT(a3.size() == 2); // TEST: size+value ctor bounded_vector a4(10, 5); TESTASSERT(a4.size() == 10); for (auto& v : a4) { TESTASSERT(v == 5); } // TEST: initializer_list ctor bounded_vector a5({0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}); TESTASSERT(a5.size() == 7); for (size_t i = 0; i < a5.size(); ++i) { TESTASSERT(a5[i] == (int)i * 2); } // TEST: move ctor bounded_vector a6(std::move(a5)); TESTASSERT(a6.size() == 7); TESTASSERT(a5.size() == 0); return SRSLTE_SUCCESS; } int test_obj_add_rem() { // TEST: push_back / emplace_back bounded_vector a; TESTASSERT(a.size() == 0); TESTASSERT(a.empty()); a.push_back(1); a.emplace_back(2); TESTASSERT(a.size() == 2); TESTASSERT(not a.empty()); // TEST: resize with size growth a.resize(10, 3); TESTASSERT(a.size() == 10); TESTASSERT(a[0] == 1); TESTASSERT(a[1] == 2); TESTASSERT(a[2] == 3 and a.back() == 3); // TEST: copy ctor correct insertion bounded_vector a2(a); TESTASSERT(a2.size() == a.size()); TESTASSERT(std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), a2.begin())); // TEST: back() access a.back() = 4; TESTASSERT(not std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), a2.begin())); a2 = a; TESTASSERT(a == a2); // TEST: assign a.resize(5); a2.assign(a.begin(), a.end()); TESTASSERT(a2.size() == 5); TESTASSERT(a == a2); // TEST: pop_back int last_nof_dtor = C::nof_dtor; a.pop_back(); TESTASSERT(a.size() == 4 and last_nof_dtor == C::nof_dtor - 1); TESTASSERT(a != a2); // TEST: erase a.erase(a.begin() + 1); srslte::bounded_vector test = {1, 3, 3}; TESTASSERT(a == test); // TEST: clear last_nof_dtor = C::nof_dtor; a.clear(); TESTASSERT(a.size() == 0 and a.empty() and last_nof_dtor == C::nof_dtor - 3); // TEST: move assignment TESTASSERT(a2.size() == 5); a = std::move(a2); TESTASSERT(a.size() == 5 and a2.empty()); test = {1, 2, 3, 3, 3}; TESTASSERT(a == test); // TEST: move assignment from empty array a2.clear(); a = std::move(a2); TESTASSERT(a.empty() and a2.empty()); return SRSLTE_SUCCESS; } int test_move_only_type() { bounded_vector a(5); TESTASSERT(a.size() == 5); bounded_vector a2(std::move(a)); TESTASSERT(a2.size() == 5 and a.empty()); a2[0] = moveonly(); moveonly c; a2[1] = std::move(c); a2.emplace_back(); TESTASSERT(a2.size() == 6); a2.push_back(moveonly()); TESTASSERT(a2.size() == 7); return SRSLTE_SUCCESS; } int assert_dtor_consistency() { TESTASSERT(C::nof_dtor == C::nof_copy_ctor + C::nof_value_ctor + C::nof_move_ctor); return SRSLTE_SUCCESS; } } // namespace srslte int main() { TESTASSERT(srslte::test_ctor() == SRSLTE_SUCCESS); TESTASSERT(srslte::test_obj_add_rem() == SRSLTE_SUCCESS); TESTASSERT(srslte::test_move_only_type() == SRSLTE_SUCCESS); TESTASSERT(srslte::assert_dtor_consistency() == SRSLTE_SUCCESS); printf("Success\n"); return 0; }