/** * Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsRAN. * * srsRAN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsRAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #ifndef SRSRAN_SCHED_NR_RB_H #define SRSRAN_SCHED_NR_RB_H #include "srsgnb/hdr/stack/mac/sched_nr_interface.h" #include "srsran/adt/bounded_bitset.h" #include "srsran/phy/common/phy_common_nr.h" namespace srsenb { namespace sched_nr_impl { using prb_bitmap = srsran::bounded_bitset; using rbg_bitmap = srsran::bounded_bitset; /// TS 38.214, Table - Nominal RBG size P uint32_t get_P(uint32_t bwp_nof_prb, bool config_1_or_2); /// TS 38.214 - total number of RBGs for a uplink bandwidth part of size "bwp_nof_prb" PRBs uint32_t get_nof_rbgs(uint32_t bwp_nof_prb, uint32_t bwp_start, bool config1_or_2); /// Struct to express a {min,...,max} range of PRBs struct prb_interval : public srsran::interval { using interval::interval; }; struct prb_grant { prb_grant() = default; prb_grant(const prb_interval& other) noexcept : alloc_type_0(false), alloc(other) {} prb_grant(const rbg_bitmap& other) noexcept : alloc_type_0(true), alloc(other) {} prb_grant(const prb_grant& other) noexcept : alloc_type_0(other.alloc_type_0), alloc(other.alloc_type_0, other.alloc) {} prb_grant& operator=(const prb_grant& other) noexcept { if (this == &other) { return *this; } if (other.alloc_type_0) { *this = other.rbgs(); } else { *this = other.prbs(); } return *this; } prb_grant& operator=(const prb_interval& prbs) { if (alloc_type_0) { alloc_type_0 = false; alloc.rbgs.~rbg_bitmap(); new (&alloc.interv) prb_interval(prbs); } else { alloc.interv = prbs; } return *this; } prb_grant& operator=(const rbg_bitmap& rbgs) { if (alloc_type_0) { alloc.rbgs = rbgs; } else { alloc_type_0 = true; alloc.interv.~prb_interval(); new (&alloc.rbgs) rbg_bitmap(rbgs); } return *this; } ~prb_grant() { if (is_alloc_type0()) { alloc.rbgs.~rbg_bitmap(); } else { alloc.interv.~prb_interval(); } } bool is_alloc_type0() const { return alloc_type_0; } bool is_alloc_type1() const { return not is_alloc_type0(); } const rbg_bitmap& rbgs() const { srsran_assert(is_alloc_type0(), "Invalid access to rbgs() field of grant with alloc type 1"); return alloc.rbgs; } const prb_interval& prbs() const { srsran_assert(is_alloc_type1(), "Invalid access to prbs() field of grant with alloc type 0"); return alloc.interv; } rbg_bitmap& rbgs() { srsran_assert(is_alloc_type0(), "Invalid access to rbgs() field of grant with alloc type 1"); return alloc.rbgs; } prb_interval& prbs() { srsran_assert(is_alloc_type1(), "Invalid access to prbs() field of grant with alloc type 0"); return alloc.interv; } private: bool alloc_type_0 = false; union alloc_t { rbg_bitmap rbgs; prb_interval interv; alloc_t() : interv(0, 0) {} explicit alloc_t(const prb_interval& prbs) : interv(prbs) {} explicit alloc_t(const rbg_bitmap& rbgs_) : rbgs(rbgs_) {} alloc_t(bool type0, const alloc_t& other) { if (type0) { new (&rbgs) rbg_bitmap(other.rbgs); } else { new (&interv) prb_interval(other.interv); } } } alloc; }; struct bwp_rb_bitmap { public: bwp_rb_bitmap() = default; bwp_rb_bitmap(uint32_t bwp_nof_prbs, uint32_t bwp_prb_start_, bool config1_or_2); void reset() { prbs_.reset(); rbgs_.reset(); } template void operator|=(const T& grant) { add(grant); } void add(const prb_interval& prbs) { prbs_.fill(prbs.start(), prbs.stop()); add_prbs_to_rbgs(prbs); } void add(const prb_bitmap& grant) { prbs_ |= grant; add_prbs_to_rbgs(grant); } void add(const rbg_bitmap& grant) { rbgs_ |= grant; add_rbgs_to_prbs(grant); } void add(const prb_grant& grant) { if (grant.is_alloc_type0()) { add(grant.rbgs()); } else { add(grant.prbs()); } } bool collides(const prb_grant& grant) const { if (grant.is_alloc_type0()) { return (rbgs() & grant.rbgs()).any(); } return prbs().any(grant.prbs().start(), grant.prbs().stop()); } bool test(uint32_t prb_idx) { return prbs().test(prb_idx); } void set(uint32_t prb_idx) { prbs_.set(prb_idx); rbgs_.set(prb_to_rbg_idx(prb_idx)); } const prb_bitmap& prbs() const { return prbs_; } const rbg_bitmap& rbgs() const { return rbgs_; } uint32_t P() const { return P_; } uint32_t nof_prbs() const { return prbs_.size(); } uint32_t nof_rbgs() const { return rbgs_.size(); } uint32_t prb_to_rbg_idx(uint32_t prb_idx) const; private: prb_bitmap prbs_; rbg_bitmap rbgs_; uint32_t P_ = 0; uint32_t Pnofbits = 0; uint32_t first_rbg_size = 0; void add_prbs_to_rbgs(const prb_bitmap& grant); void add_prbs_to_rbgs(const prb_interval& grant); void add_rbgs_to_prbs(const rbg_bitmap& grant); }; inline prb_interval find_next_empty_interval(const prb_bitmap& mask, size_t start_prb_idx = 0, size_t last_prb_idx = SRSRAN_MAX_PRB_NR) { int rb_start = mask.find_lowest(start_prb_idx, std::min(mask.size(), last_prb_idx), false); if (rb_start != -1) { int rb_end = mask.find_lowest(rb_start + 1, std::min(mask.size(), last_prb_idx), true); return {(uint32_t)rb_start, (uint32_t)(rb_end < 0 ? mask.size() : rb_end)}; } return {}; } inline prb_interval find_empty_interval_of_length(const prb_bitmap& mask, size_t nof_prbs, uint32_t start_prb_idx = 0) { prb_interval max_interv; do { prb_interval interv = find_next_empty_interval(mask, start_prb_idx, mask.size()); if (interv.empty()) { break; } if (interv.length() >= nof_prbs) { max_interv.set(interv.start(), interv.start() + nof_prbs); break; } if (interv.length() > max_interv.length()) { max_interv = interv; } start_prb_idx = interv.stop() + 1; } while (start_prb_idx < mask.size()); return max_interv; } } // namespace sched_nr_impl } // namespace srsenb namespace fmt { template <> struct formatter : public formatter { template auto format(const srsenb::sched_nr_impl::prb_grant& grant, FormatContext& ctx) -> decltype(std::declval().out()) { if (grant.is_alloc_type1()) { return formatter >{}.format(grant.prbs(), ctx); } return formatter::format(grant.rbgs(), ctx); } }; } // namespace fmt #endif // SRSRAN_SCHED_NR_RB_H