/** * * \section COPYRIGHT * * Copyright 2013-2014 The libLTE Developers. See the * COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution. * * \section LICENSE * * This file is part of the libLTE library. * * libLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * libLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include #include "srslte/srslte.h" #include "srslte/mex/mexutils.h" #define UECFG prhs[0] #define PUSCHCFG prhs[1] #define TRBLKIN prhs[2] #define CQI prhs[3] #define RI prhs[4] #define ACK prhs[5] #define NOF_INPUTS 6 void help() { mexErrMsgTxt ("[cwout] = srslte_pusch_encode(ue, chs, trblkin, cqi, ri, ack)\n\n"); } /* the gateway function */ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { sch_t ulsch; uint8_t *trblkin; ra_mcs_t mcs; ra_ul_alloc_t prb_alloc; harq_t harq_process; uint32_t rv; uci_data_t uci_data; bzero(&uci_data, sizeof(uci_data_t)); if (nrhs < NOF_INPUTS) { help(); return; } if (sch_init(&ulsch)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error initiating ULSCH\n"); return; } srslte_cell_t cell; cell.nof_prb = 100; cell.id=1; cell.cp=SRSLTE_SRSLTE_CP_NORM; if (harq_init(&harq_process, cell)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error initiating HARQ\n"); return; } mcs.tbs = mexutils_read_uint8(TRBLKIN, &trblkin); uci_data.uci_cqi_len = mexutils_read_uint8(CQI, &uci_data.uci_cqi); uint8_t *tmp; uci_data.uci_ri_len = mexutils_read_uint8(RI, &tmp); if (uci_data.uci_ri_len > 0) { uci_data.uci_ri = *tmp; } free(tmp); uci_data.uci_ack_len = mexutils_read_uint8(ACK, &tmp); if (uci_data.uci_ack_len > 0) { uci_data.uci_ack = *tmp; } free(tmp); mexPrintf("TRBL_len: %d, CQI_len: %d, ACK_len: %d, RI_len: %d\n", mcs.tbs, uci_data.uci_cqi_len, uci_data.uci_ack_len, uci_data.uci_ri_len); if (mexutils_read_uint32_struct(PUSCHCFG, "RV", &rv)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Field RV not found in pdsch config\n"); return; } if (mexutils_read_float_struct(PUSCHCFG, "BetaCQI", &uci_data.beta_cqi)) { uci_data.beta_cqi = 2.0; } if (mexutils_read_float_struct(PUSCHCFG, "BetaRI", &uci_data.beta_ri)) { uci_data.beta_ri = 2.0; } if (mexutils_read_float_struct(PUSCHCFG, "BetaACK", &uci_data.beta_ack)) { uci_data.beta_ack = 2.0; } mexPrintf("Beta_CQI: %.1f, Beta_ACK: %.1f, Beta_RI: %.1f\n", uci_data.beta_cqi, uci_data.beta_ack, uci_data.beta_ri); char *mod_str = mexutils_get_char_struct(PUSCHCFG, "Modulation"); if (!strcmp(mod_str, "QPSK")) { mcs.mod = LTE_QPSK; } else if (!strcmp(mod_str, "16QAM")) { mcs.mod = LTE_QAM16; } else if (!strcmp(mod_str, "64QAM")) { mcs.mod = LTE_QAM64; } else { mexErrMsgTxt("Unknown modulation\n"); return; } mxFree(mod_str); float *prbset; mxArray *p; p = mxGetField(PUSCHCFG, 0, "PRBSet"); if (!p) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error field PRBSet not found\n"); return; } prb_alloc.L_prb = mexutils_read_f(p, &prbset); prb_alloc.n_prb[0] = prbset[0]; prb_alloc.n_prb[1] = prbset[0]; free(prbset); mexPrintf("Q_m: %d, NPRB: %d, RV: %d\n", srslte_mod_bits_x_symbol(mcs.mod), prb_alloc.L_prb, rv); if (harq_setup_ul(&harq_process, mcs, 0, 0, &prb_alloc)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error configuring HARQ process\n"); return; } uint8_t *q_bits = vec_malloc(harq_process.nof_bits * sizeof(uint8_t)); if (!q_bits) { return; } uint8_t *g_bits = vec_malloc(harq_process.nof_bits * sizeof(uint8_t)); if (!g_bits) { return; } if (ulsch_uci_encode(&ulsch, &harq_process, trblkin, uci_data, g_bits, q_bits)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error encoding TB\n"); return; } if (rv > 0) { if (harq_setup_ul(&harq_process, mcs, rv, 0, &prb_alloc)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error configuring HARQ process\n"); return; } if (ulsch_uci_encode(&ulsch, &harq_process, trblkin, uci_data, g_bits, q_bits)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Error encoding TB\n"); return; } } if (nlhs >= 1) { mexutils_write_uint8(q_bits, &plhs[0], harq_process.nof_bits, 1); } sch_free(&ulsch); harq_free(&harq_process); free(trblkin); free(g_bits); free(q_bits); free(uci_data.uci_cqi); return; }