/* * Copyright 2013-2019 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsLTE. * * srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include "srsenb/hdr/metrics_stdout.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace srsenb { char const* const prefixes[2][9] = { { "", "m", "u", "n", "p", "f", "a", "z", "y", }, { "", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y", }, }; metrics_stdout::metrics_stdout() : do_print(false), n_reports(10), enb(NULL) {} void metrics_stdout::set_handle(enb_metrics_interface* enb_) { enb = enb_; } void metrics_stdout::toggle_print(bool b) { do_print = b; } void metrics_stdout::set_metrics(const enb_metrics_t& metrics, const uint32_t period_usec) { if (!do_print || enb == nullptr) { return; } if (metrics.rf.rf_error) { printf("RF status: O=%d, U=%d, L=%d\n", metrics.rf.rf_o, metrics.rf.rf_u, metrics.rf.rf_l); } if (metrics.stack.rrc.n_ues == 0) { return; } std::ios::fmtflags f(cout.flags()); // For avoiding Coverity defect: Not restoring ostream format if (++n_reports > 10) { n_reports = 0; cout << endl; cout << "------DL------------------------------UL----------------------------------" << endl; cout << "rnti cqi ri mcs brate bler snr phr mcs brate bler bsr" << endl; } for (int i = 0; i < metrics.stack.rrc.n_ues; i++) { if (metrics.stack.mac[i].tx_errors > metrics.stack.mac[i].tx_pkts) { printf("tx caution errors %d > %d\n", metrics.stack.mac[i].tx_errors, metrics.stack.mac[i].tx_pkts); } if (metrics.stack.mac[i].rx_errors > metrics.stack.mac[i].rx_pkts) { printf("rx caution errors %d > %d\n", metrics.stack.mac[i].rx_errors, metrics.stack.mac[i].rx_pkts); } cout << std::hex << metrics.stack.mac[i].rnti << " "; cout << float_to_string(SRSLTE_MAX(0.1, metrics.stack.mac[i].dl_cqi), 2); cout << float_to_string(metrics.stack.mac[i].dl_ri, 1); if (not isnan(metrics.phy[i].dl.mcs)) { cout << float_to_string(SRSLTE_MAX(0.1, metrics.phy[i].dl.mcs), 2); } else { cout << float_to_string(0, 2); } if (metrics.stack.mac[i].tx_brate > 0) { cout << float_to_eng_string(SRSLTE_MAX(0.1, (float)metrics.stack.mac[i].tx_brate / period_usec * 1e6), 2); } else { cout << float_to_string(0, 2) << ""; } if (metrics.stack.mac[i].tx_pkts > 0 && metrics.stack.mac[i].tx_errors) { cout << float_to_string( SRSLTE_MAX(0.1, (float)100 * metrics.stack.mac[i].tx_errors / metrics.stack.mac[i].tx_pkts), 1) << "%"; } else { cout << float_to_string(0, 1) << "%"; } if (not isnan(metrics.phy[i].ul.sinr)) { cout << float_to_string(SRSLTE_MAX(0.1, metrics.phy[i].ul.sinr), 2); } else { cout << float_to_string(0, 2); } cout << float_to_string(metrics.stack.mac[i].phr, 2); if (not isnan(metrics.phy[i].ul.mcs)) { cout << float_to_string(SRSLTE_MAX(0.1, metrics.phy[i].ul.mcs), 2); } else { cout << float_to_string(0, 2); } if (metrics.stack.mac[i].rx_brate > 0) { cout << float_to_eng_string(SRSLTE_MAX(0.1, (float)metrics.stack.mac[i].rx_brate / period_usec * 1e6), 2); } else { cout << float_to_string(0, 2) << ""; } if (metrics.stack.mac[i].rx_pkts > 0 && metrics.stack.mac[i].rx_errors > 0) { cout << float_to_string( SRSLTE_MAX(0.1, (float)100 * metrics.stack.mac[i].rx_errors / metrics.stack.mac[i].rx_pkts), 1) << "%"; } else { cout << float_to_string(0, 1) << "%"; } cout << float_to_eng_string(metrics.stack.mac[i].ul_buffer, 2); cout << endl; } cout.flags(f); // For avoiding Coverity defect: Not restoring ostream format } std::string metrics_stdout::float_to_string(float f, int digits) { std::ostringstream os; int precision; if (isnan(f) or fabs(f) < 0.0001) { f = 0.0; precision = digits - 1; } else { precision = digits - (int)(log10f(fabs(f)) - 2 * DBL_EPSILON); } os << std::setw(6) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision) << f; return os.str(); } std::string metrics_stdout::float_to_eng_string(float f, int digits) { const int degree = (f == 0.0) ? 0 : lrint(floor(log10f(fabs(f)) / 3)); std::string factor; if (abs(degree) < 9) { if (degree < 0) factor = prefixes[0][abs(degree)]; else factor = prefixes[1][abs(degree)]; } else { return "failed"; } const double scaled = f * pow(1000.0, -degree); if (degree != 0) { return float_to_string(scaled, digits) + factor; } else { return " " + float_to_string(scaled, digits) + factor; } } } // namespace srsenb