/* * Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited * * This file is part of srsLTE. * * srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in * the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution * and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. * */ #include "srsue/hdr/stack/ue_stack_nr.h" #include "srslte/srslte.h" using namespace srslte; namespace srsue { ue_stack_nr::ue_stack_nr(srslte::logger* logger_) : logger(logger_), thread("STACK"), task_sched(64, 2, 64), rlc_log("RLC"), pdcp_log("PDCP"), pool_log("POOL") { mac.reset(new mac_nr()); pdcp.reset(new srslte::pdcp(&task_sched, "PDCP")); rlc.reset(new srslte::rlc("RLC")); rrc.reset(new rrc_nr()); // setup logging for pool, RLC and PDCP pool_log->set_level(srslte::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR); byte_buffer_pool::get_instance()->set_log(pool_log.get()); ue_task_queue = task_sched.make_task_queue(); sync_task_queue = task_sched.make_task_queue(); gw_task_queue = task_sched.make_task_queue(); } ue_stack_nr::~ue_stack_nr() { stop(); } std::string ue_stack_nr::get_type() { return "nr"; } int ue_stack_nr::init(const stack_args_t& args_, phy_interface_stack_nr* phy_, gw_interface_stack* gw_) { phy = phy_; gw = gw_; return init(args_); } int ue_stack_nr::init(const stack_args_t& args_) { args = args_; srslte::logmap::register_log(std::unique_ptr{new srslte::log_filter{"MAC", logger, true}}); srslte::log_ref mac_log{"MAC"}; mac_log->set_level(args.log.mac_level); mac_log->set_hex_limit(args.log.mac_hex_limit); rlc_log->set_level(args.log.rlc_level); rlc_log->set_hex_limit(args.log.rlc_hex_limit); pdcp_log->set_level(args.log.pdcp_level); pdcp_log->set_hex_limit(args.log.pdcp_hex_limit); mac_nr_args_t mac_args = {}; mac_args.pcap = args.pcap; mac_args.drb_lcid = 4; mac->init(mac_args, phy, rlc.get(), task_sched.get_timer_handler(), this); rlc->init(pdcp.get(), rrc.get(), task_sched.get_timer_handler(), 0 /* RB_ID_SRB0 */); pdcp->init(rlc.get(), rrc.get(), gw); // TODO: where to put RRC args? rrc_nr_args_t rrc_args = {}; rrc_args.log_level = args.log.rrc_level; rrc_args.log_hex_limit = args.log.rrc_hex_limit; rrc_args.coreless.drb_lcid = 4; rrc_args.coreless.ip_addr = ""; rrc->init(phy, mac.get(), rlc.get(), pdcp.get(), gw, task_sched.get_timer_handler(), this, rrc_args); running = true; start(STACK_MAIN_THREAD_PRIO); return SRSLTE_SUCCESS; } void ue_stack_nr::stop() { if (running) { ue_task_queue.try_push([this]() { stop_impl(); }); wait_thread_finish(); } } void ue_stack_nr::stop_impl() { running = false; rrc->stop(); rlc->stop(); pdcp->stop(); mac->stop(); if (mac_pcap != nullptr) { mac_pcap.reset(); } } bool ue_stack_nr::switch_on() { // statically setup TUN (will be done through RRC later) char* err_str = nullptr; if (gw->setup_if_addr(4, LIBLTE_MME_PDN_TYPE_IPV4, htonl(inet_addr("")), nullptr, err_str)) { printf("Error configuring TUN interface\n"); } return true; } bool ue_stack_nr::switch_off() { return true; } bool ue_stack_nr::get_metrics(stack_metrics_t* metrics) { // mac.get_metrics(metrics->mac); rlc->get_metrics(metrics->rlc); // rrc.get_metrics(metrics->rrc); return true; } void ue_stack_nr::run_thread() { while (running) { task_sched.run_next_external_task(); } } /*********************************************************************************************************************** * Stack Interfaces **********************************************************************************************************************/ /******************** * GW Interface *******************/ /** * Push GW SDU to stack * @param lcid * @param sdu * @param blocking */ void ue_stack_nr::write_sdu(uint32_t lcid, srslte::unique_byte_buffer_t sdu, bool blocking) { if (pdcp != nullptr) { std::pair ret = gw_task_queue.try_push(std::bind( [this, lcid, blocking](srslte::unique_byte_buffer_t& sdu) { pdcp->write_sdu(lcid, std::move(sdu), blocking); }, std::move(sdu))); if (not ret.first) { pdcp_log->warning("GW SDU with lcid=%d was discarded.\n", lcid); } } } /******************** * SYNC Interface *******************/ /** * Sync thread signal that it is in sync */ void ue_stack_nr::in_sync() { // pending_tasks.push(sync_task_queue, task_t{[this](task_t*) { rrc.in_sync(); }}); } void ue_stack_nr::out_of_sync() { // pending_tasks.push(sync_task_queue, task_t{[this](task_t*) { rrc.out_of_sync(); }}); } void ue_stack_nr::run_tti(uint32_t tti) { sync_task_queue.push([this, tti]() { run_tti_impl(tti); }); } void ue_stack_nr::run_tti_impl(uint32_t tti) { mac->run_tti(tti); rrc->run_tti(tti); task_sched.tic(); } /******************** * low MAC Interface *******************/ void ue_stack_nr::start_cell_search() { // not implemented } void ue_stack_nr::start_cell_select(const phy_interface_rrc_lte::phy_cell_t* cell) { // not implemented } /*************************** * Task Handling Interface **************************/ void ue_stack_nr::enqueue_background_task(std::function f) { task_sched.enqueue_background_task(std::move(f)); } void ue_stack_nr::notify_background_task_result(srslte::move_task_t task) { // run the notification in the stack thread task_sched.notify_background_task_result(std::move(task)); } void ue_stack_nr::defer_callback(uint32_t duration_ms, std::function func) { task_sched.defer_callback(duration_ms, std::move(func)); } void ue_stack_nr::defer_task(srslte::move_task_t task) { task_sched.defer_task(std::move(task)); } } // namespace srsue