@ -26,15 +26,17 @@ static srsran_carrier_nr_t carrier = {
1 // max_mimo_layers
static uint32_t n_prb = 0; // Set to 0 for steering
static uint32_t mcs = 30; // Set to 30 for steering
static srsran_sch_cfg_nr_t pdsch_cfg = {};
static srsran_sch_grant_nr_t pdsch_grant = {};
static uint32_t n_prb = 0; // Set to 0 for steering
static uint32_t mcs = 30; // Set to 30 for steering
static uint32_t rv = 4; // Set to 30 for steering
static srsran_sch_cfg_nr_t pdsch_cfg = {};
void usage(char* prog)
static void usage(char* prog)
printf("Usage: %s [pTL] \n", prog);
printf("\t-P Number of carrier PRB [Default %d]\n", carrier.nof_prb);
printf("\t-p Number of grant PRB, set to 0 for steering [Default %d]\n", n_prb);
printf("\t-r Redundancy version, set to 4 or higher for steering [Default %d]\n", rv);
printf("\t-m MCS PRB, set to >28 for steering [Default %d]\n", mcs);
printf("\t-T Provide MCS table (64qam, 256qam, 64qamLowSE) [Default %s]\n",
@ -45,8 +47,11 @@ void usage(char* prog)
int parse_args(int argc, char** argv)
int opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "pmTLv")) != -1) {
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "PpmTLv")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'P':
carrier.nof_prb = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10);
case 'p':
n_prb = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[optind], NULL, 10);
@ -132,12 +137,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Use grant default A time resources with m=0
if (srsran_ra_dl_nr_time_default_A(0, pdsch_cfg.dmrs.typeA_pos, &pdsch_grant) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) {
if (srsran_ra_dl_nr_time_default_A(0, pdsch_cfg.dmrs.typeA_pos, &pdsch_cfg.grant) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) {
ERROR("Error loading default grant");
goto clean_exit;
pdsch_grant.nof_layers = carrier.max_mimo_layers;
pdsch_grant.dci_format = srsran_dci_format_nr_1_0;
pdsch_cfg.grant.nof_layers = carrier.max_mimo_layers;
pdsch_cfg.grant.dci_format = srsran_dci_format_nr_1_0;
uint32_t n_prb_start = 1;
uint32_t n_prb_end = carrier.nof_prb + 1;
@ -146,6 +151,13 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
n_prb_end = SRSRAN_MIN(n_prb + 1, n_prb_end);
uint32_t rv_start = 0;
uint32_t rv_end = 4;
if (rv < 4) {
rv_start = rv;
rv_end = rv + 1;
uint32_t mcs_start = 0;
uint32_t mcs_end = pdsch_cfg.sch_cfg.mcs_table == srsran_mcs_table_256qam ? 28 : 29;
if (mcs < mcs_end) {
@ -155,55 +167,66 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
for (n_prb = n_prb_start; n_prb < n_prb_end; n_prb++) {
for (mcs = mcs_start; mcs < mcs_end; mcs++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SRSRAN_MAX_PRB_NR; n++) {
pdsch_grant.prb_idx[n] = (n < n_prb);
for (rv = rv_start; rv < rv_end; rv++) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < SRSRAN_MAX_PRB_NR; n++) {
pdsch_cfg.grant.prb_idx[n] = (n < n_prb);
if (srsran_ra_dl_nr_nof_dmrs_cdm_groups_without_data_format_1_0(&pdsch_cfg.dmrs, &pdsch_cfg.grant) <
ERROR("Error calculating number of DMRS CDM groups");
goto clean_exit;
srsran_sch_tb_t tb = {};
tb.rv = rv;
if (srsran_ra_nr_fill_tb(&pdsch_cfg, &pdsch_cfg.grant, mcs, &tb) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) {
ERROR("Error filing tb");
goto clean_exit;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tb.tbs; i++) {
data_tx[i] = (uint8_t)srsran_random_uniform_int_dist(rand_gen, 0, UINT8_MAX);
tb.softbuffer.tx = &softbuffer_tx;
if (srsran_dlsch_nr_encode(&sch_nr_tx, &pdsch_cfg.sch_cfg, &tb, data_tx, encoded) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) {
ERROR("Error encoding");
goto clean_exit;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tb.nof_bits; i++) {
llr[i] = encoded[i] ? -10 : +10;
tb.softbuffer.rx = &softbuffer_rx;
bool crc = false;
if (srsran_dlsch_nr_decode(&sch_nr_rx, &pdsch_cfg.sch_cfg, &tb, llr, data_rx, &crc) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) {
ERROR("Error encoding");
goto clean_exit;
if (rv == 0) {
if (!crc) {
ERROR("Failed to match CRC; n_prb=%d; mcs=%d; TBS=%d;", n_prb, mcs, tb.tbs);
goto clean_exit;
if (memcmp(data_tx, data_rx, tb.tbs / 8) != 0) {
ERROR("Failed to match Tx/Rx data; n_prb=%d; mcs=%d; TBS=%d;", n_prb, mcs, tb.tbs);
printf("Tx data: ");
srsran_vec_fprint_byte(stdout, data_tx, tb.tbs / 8);
printf("Rx data: ");
srsran_vec_fprint_byte(stdout, data_rx, tb.tbs / 8);
goto clean_exit;
INFO("n_prb=%d; mcs=%d; rv=%d TBS=%d; PASSED!\n", n_prb, mcs, rv, tb.tbs);
srsran_sch_tb_t tb = {};
if (srsran_ra_nr_fill_tb(&pdsch_cfg, &pdsch_grant, mcs, &tb) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) {
ERROR("Error filing tb");
goto clean_exit;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tb.tbs; i++) {
data_tx[i] = (uint8_t)srsran_random_uniform_int_dist(rand_gen, 0, UINT8_MAX);
tb.softbuffer.tx = &softbuffer_tx;
if (srsran_dlsch_nr_encode(&sch_nr_tx, &pdsch_cfg.sch_cfg, &tb, data_tx, encoded) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) {
ERROR("Error encoding");
goto clean_exit;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tb.nof_bits; i++) {
llr[i] = encoded[i] ? -10 : +10;
tb.softbuffer.rx = &softbuffer_rx;
bool crc = false;
if (srsran_dlsch_nr_decode(&sch_nr_rx, &pdsch_cfg.sch_cfg, &tb, llr, data_rx, &crc) < SRSRAN_SUCCESS) {
ERROR("Error encoding");
goto clean_exit;
if (!crc) {
ERROR("Failed to match CRC; n_prb=%d; mcs=%d; TBS=%d;", n_prb, mcs, tb.tbs);
goto clean_exit;
if (memcmp(data_tx, data_rx, tb.tbs / 8) != 0) {
ERROR("Failed to match Tx/Rx data; n_prb=%d; mcs=%d; TBS=%d;", n_prb, mcs, tb.tbs);
printf("Tx data: ");
srsran_vec_fprint_byte(stdout, data_tx, tb.tbs / 8);
printf("Rx data: ");
srsran_vec_fprint_byte(stdout, data_rx, tb.tbs / 8);
goto clean_exit;
printf("n_prb=%d; mcs=%d; TBS=%d; PASSED!\n", n_prb, mcs, tb.tbs);
@ -228,5 +251,5 @@ clean_exit:
return ret;