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* \section COPYRIGHT
* Copyright 2013-2015 Software Radio Systems Limited
* \section LICENSE
* This file is part of the srsLTE library.
* srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in
* the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution
* and at
* File: vector.h
* Description: Vector functions using SIMD instructions where possible.
* Reference:
#ifndef VECTOR_
#define VECTOR_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "srslte/config.h"
#define SRSLTE_MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define SRSLTE_MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
// Cumulative moving average
#define SRSLTE_VEC_CMA(data, average, n) ((average) + ((data) - (average)) / ((n)+1))
// Exponential moving average
#define SRSLTE_VEC_EMA(data, average, alpha) ((alpha)*(data)+(1-alpha)*(average))
/** Return the sum of all the elements */
SRSLTE_API float srslte_vec_acc_ff(float *x, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API cf_t srslte_vec_acc_cc(cf_t *x, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void *srslte_vec_malloc(uint32_t size);
SRSLTE_API void *srslte_vec_realloc(void *ptr, uint32_t old_size, uint32_t new_size);
/* print vectors */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_fprint_c(FILE *stream, cf_t *x, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_fprint_f(FILE *stream, float *x, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_fprint_b(FILE *stream, uint8_t *x, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_fprint_byte(FILE *stream, uint8_t *x, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_fprint_i(FILE *stream, int *x, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_fprint_s(FILE *stream, short *x, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_fprint_hex(FILE *stream, uint8_t *x, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_sprint_hex(char *str, uint8_t *x, uint32_t len);
/* Saves/loads a vector to a file */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_save_file(char *filename, void *buffer, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_load_file(char *filename, void *buffer, uint32_t len);
/* sum two vectors */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_sum_fff(float *x, float *y, float *z, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_sum_ccc(cf_t *x, cf_t *y, cf_t *z, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_sub_sss(int16_t *x, int16_t *y, int16_t *z, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_sum_sss(int16_t *x, int16_t *y, int16_t *z, uint32_t len);
/* substract two vectors z=x-y */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_sub_fff(float *x, float *y, float *z, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_sub_ccc(cf_t *x, cf_t *y, cf_t *z, uint32_t len);
/* scalar product */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_sc_prod_cfc(cf_t *x, float h, cf_t *z, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_sc_prod_ccc(cf_t *x, cf_t h, cf_t *z, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_sc_prod_fff(float *x, float h, float *z, uint32_t len);
10 years ago
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_convert_fi(float *x, int16_t *z, float scale, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_convert_if(int16_t *x, float *z, float scale, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_lut_sss(short *x, unsigned short *lut, short *y, uint32_t len);
/* vector product (element-wise) */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_prod_ccc(cf_t *x, cf_t *y, cf_t *z, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_prod_ccc_split(float *x_re, float *x_im, float *y_re, float *y_im, float *z_re, float *z_im, uint32_t len);
/* vector product (element-wise) */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_prod_cfc(cf_t *x, float *y, cf_t *z, uint32_t len);
/* conjugate vector product (element-wise) */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_prod_conj_ccc(cf_t *x, cf_t *y, cf_t *z, uint32_t len);
/* real vector product (element-wise) */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_prod_fff(float *x, float *y, float *z, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_prod_sss(int16_t *x, int16_t *y, int16_t *z, uint32_t len);
/* Dot-product */
SRSLTE_API cf_t srslte_vec_dot_prod_cfc(cf_t *x, float *y, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API cf_t srslte_vec_dot_prod_ccc(cf_t *x, cf_t *y, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API cf_t srslte_vec_dot_prod_conj_ccc(cf_t *x, cf_t *y, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API float srslte_vec_dot_prod_fff(float *x, float *y, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API int32_t srslte_vec_dot_prod_sss(int16_t *x, int16_t *y, uint32_t len);
/* z=x/y vector division (element-wise) */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_div_ccc(cf_t *x, cf_t *y, cf_t *z, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_div_cfc(cf_t *x, float *y, cf_t *z, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_div_fff(float *x, float *y, float *z, uint32_t len);
/* conjugate */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_conj_cc(cf_t *x, cf_t *y, uint32_t len);
/* average vector power */
SRSLTE_API float srslte_vec_avg_power_cf(cf_t *x, uint32_t len);
/* Correlation between complex vectors x and y */
SRSLTE_API float srslte_vec_corr_ccc(cf_t *x, cf_t *y, uint32_t len);
/* return the index of the maximum value in the vector */
SRSLTE_API uint32_t srslte_vec_max_fi(float *x, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API uint32_t srslte_vec_max_abs_ci(cf_t *x, uint32_t len);
/* quantify vector of floats or int16 and convert to uint8_t */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_quant_fuc(float *in, uint8_t *out, float gain, float offset, float clip, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_quant_suc(int16_t *in, uint8_t *out, float gain, int16_t offset, int16_t clip, uint32_t len);
/* magnitude of each vector element */
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_abs_cf(cf_t *x, float *abs, uint32_t len);
SRSLTE_API void srslte_vec_abs_square_cf(cf_t *x, float *abs_square, uint32_t len);
/* Copy 256 bit aligned vector */
SRSLTE_API void srs_vec_cf_cpy(cf_t *src, cf_t *dst, int len);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // VECTOR_