* \section COPYRIGHT
* Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited
* By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
* forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
* the distribution.
#include "sched_nr_common.h"
#include "srsran/common/tti_point.h"
#include <array>
namespace srsenb {
namespace sched_nr_impl {
class harq_proc
explicit harq_proc(uint32_t id_, uint32_t max_nof_tb_ = 1) : pid(id_), max_nof_tb(max_nof_tb_) {}
bool empty() const { return not tb[0].active and not tb[1].active; }
bool empty(uint32_t tb_idx) const { return tb[tb_idx].active; }
void ack_info(uint32_t tb_idx, bool ack) { tb[tb_idx].ack_state = ack; }
bool has_pending_retx(tti_point tti_rx) const { return not empty() and tti_tx + ack_delay <= tti_rx; }
bool new_tx(tti_point tti_tx, const rbgmask_t& rbgmask, uint32_t mcs, uint32_t ack_delay);
const uint32_t pid;
struct tb_t {
bool active = false;
bool ack_state = false;
bool ndi = false;
uint32_t n_rtx = 0;
uint32_t mcs = 0;
const uint32_t max_nof_tb;
tti_point tti_tx;
uint32_t ack_delay = 0;
rbgmask_t rbgmask;
std::array<tb_t, SCHED_NR_MAX_TB> tb;
class harq_entity
void new_tti(tti_point tti_rx_);
void dl_ack_info(uint32_t pid, uint32_t tb_idx, bool ack) { dl_harqs[pid].ack_info(tb_idx, ack); }
harq_proc& get_dl_harq(uint32_t pid) { return dl_harqs[pid]; }
harq_proc* find_pending_dl_retx()
return find_dl([this](const harq_proc& h) { return h.has_pending_retx(tti_rx); });
harq_proc* find_pending_ul_retx()
return find_ul([this](const harq_proc& h) { return h.has_pending_retx(tti_rx); });
harq_proc* find_empty_dl_harq()
return find_dl([](const harq_proc& h) { return h.empty(); });
harq_proc* find_empty_ul_harq()
return find_ul([](const harq_proc& h) { return h.empty(); });
template <typename Predicate>
harq_proc* find_dl(Predicate p)
auto it = std::find_if(dl_harqs.begin(), dl_harqs.end(), p);
return (it == dl_harqs.end()) ? nullptr : &(*it);
template <typename Predicate>
harq_proc* find_ul(Predicate p)
auto it = std::find_if(ul_harqs.begin(), ul_harqs.end(), p);
return (it == ul_harqs.end()) ? nullptr : &(*it);
tti_point tti_rx;
std::vector<harq_proc> dl_harqs;
std::vector<harq_proc> ul_harqs;
} // namespace sched_nr_impl
} // namespace srsenb