* \section COPYRIGHT
* Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited
* By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
* forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
* the distribution.
#ifndef SRSUE_MUX_H
#define SRSUE_MUX_H
#include <pthread.h>
#include <vector>
#include "proc_bsr.h"
#include "proc_phr.h"
#include "srslte/common/common.h"
#include "srslte/interfaces/mac_interface_types.h"
#include "srslte/mac/pdu.h"
#include "srslte/srslog/srslog.h"
#include <mutex>
namespace srsue {
class mux
explicit mux(srslog::basic_logger& logger);
void reset();
void init(rlc_interface_mac* rlc, bsr_interface_mux* bsr_procedure, phr_proc* phr_procedure_);
void step();
bool is_pending_any_sdu();
bool is_pending_sdu(uint32_t lcid);
uint8_t* pdu_get(srslte::byte_buffer_t* payload, uint32_t pdu_sz);
uint8_t* msg3_get(srslte::byte_buffer_t* payload, uint32_t pdu_sz);
void msg3_flush();
bool msg3_is_transmitted();
void msg3_prepare();
bool msg3_is_pending();
bool msg3_is_empty();
void append_crnti_ce_next_tx(uint16_t crnti);
void setup_lcid(const srslte::logical_channel_config_t& config);
void print_logical_channel_state(const std::string& info);
bool has_logical_channel(const uint32_t& lcid);
bool pdu_move_to_msg3(uint32_t pdu_sz);
uint32_t allocate_sdu(uint32_t lcid, srslte::sch_pdu* pdu, int max_sdu_sz);
bool sched_sdu(srslte::logical_channel_config_t* ch, int* sdu_space, int max_sdu_sz);
const static int MAX_NOF_SUBHEADERS = 20;
std::vector<srslte::logical_channel_config_t> logical_channels;
// Mutex for exclusive access
std::mutex mutex;
srslog::basic_logger& logger;
rlc_interface_mac* rlc = nullptr;
bsr_interface_mux* bsr_procedure = nullptr;
phr_proc* phr_procedure = nullptr;
uint16_t pending_crnti_ce = 0;
/* Msg3 Buffer */
srslte::byte_buffer_t msg_buff;
/* PDU Buffer */
srslte::sch_pdu pdu_msg;
srslte::byte_buffer_t msg3_buff;
bool msg3_has_been_transmitted = false;
bool msg3_pending = false;
} // namespace srsue
#endif // SRSUE_MUX_H