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* \section COPYRIGHT
* Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited
* By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
* forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
* the distribution.
#include "srsgnb/hdr/stack/rrc/rrc_nr_config.h"
#include "srsran/asn1/ngap.h"
#include "srsran/interfaces/gnb_interfaces.h"
#include "srsran/srslog/srslog.h"
namespace srsgnb {
class nr_security_context
explicit nr_security_context(const srsenb::rrc_nr_cfg_t& cfg_) :
cfg(cfg_), logger(srslog::fetch_basic_logger("RRC-NR"))
nr_security_context(const nr_security_context& other) : cfg(other.cfg), logger(srslog::fetch_basic_logger("RRC-NR"))
k_gnb_present = other.k_gnb_present;
security_capabilities = other.security_capabilities;
std::copy(other.k_gnb, other.k_gnb + 32, k_gnb);
sec_cfg = other.sec_cfg;
ncc = other.ncc;
nr_security_context& operator=(const nr_security_context& other)
k_gnb_present = other.k_gnb_present;
security_capabilities = other.security_capabilities;
std::copy(other.k_gnb, other.k_gnb + 32, k_gnb);
sec_cfg = other.sec_cfg;
ncc = other.ncc;
return *this;
bool set_security_capabilities(const asn1::ngap::ue_security_cap_s& caps);
void set_security_key(const asn1::fixed_bitstring<256, false, true>& key);
void set_ncc(uint8_t ncc_) { ncc = ncc_; }
asn1::rrc_nr::security_algorithm_cfg_s get_security_algorithm_cfg() const;
const srsran::nr_as_security_config_t& get_as_sec_cfg() const { return sec_cfg; }
uint8_t get_ncc() const { return ncc; }
bool is_as_sec_cfg_valid() const { return k_gnb_present; }
void regenerate_keys_handover(uint32_t new_pci, uint32_t new_dl_earfcn);
void generate_as_keys();
srslog::basic_logger& logger;
const srsenb::rrc_nr_cfg_t& cfg;
bool k_gnb_present = false;
asn1::ngap::ue_security_cap_s security_capabilities = {};
uint8_t k_gnb[32] = {}; // Provided by MME
srsran::nr_as_security_config_t sec_cfg = {};
uint8_t ncc = 0;
} // namespace srsgnb