* \section COPYRIGHT
* Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited
* By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
* forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
* the distribution.
#include "srsran/asn1/asn1_utils.h"
#include "srsran/asn1/ngap.h"
#include "srsran/config.h"
#include "srsran/interfaces/enb_gtpu_interfaces.h"
#include "srsran/interfaces/gnb_rrc_nr_interfaces.h"
namespace srsenb {
* @brief Manages the GTPU bearers as part of the NGAP session procedures
* */
class ngap_ue_bearer_manager
struct pdu_session_t {
struct gtpu_tunnel {
uint32_t teid_out = 0;
uint32_t teid_in = 0;
asn1::bounded_bitstring<1, 160, true, true> address_out;
asn1::bounded_bitstring<1, 160, true, true> address_in;
uint8_t id = 0;
uint8_t lcid = 0;
asn1::ngap::qos_flow_level_qos_params_s qos_params;
std::vector<gtpu_tunnel> tunnels;
ngap_ue_bearer_manager(gtpu_interface_rrc* gtpu_, srslog::basic_logger& logger_);
int add_pdu_session(uint16_t rnti,
uint8_t pdu_session_id,
const asn1::ngap::qos_flow_level_qos_params_s& qos,
const asn1::bounded_bitstring<1, 160, true, true>& addr,
uint32_t teid_out,
uint16_t& lcid,
asn1::bounded_bitstring<1, 160, true, true>& addr_in,
uint32_t& teid_in,
asn1::ngap::cause_c& cause);
int reset_pdu_sessions(uint16_t rnti);
using pdu_session_list_t = std::map<uint8_t, pdu_session_t>;
const pdu_session_list_t& pdu_sessions() const { return pdu_session_list; }
gtpu_interface_rrc* gtpu = nullptr;
pdu_session_list_t pdu_session_list;
srslog::basic_logger& logger;
int add_gtpu_bearer(uint16_t rnti,
uint32_t pdu_session_id,
uint32_t teid_out,
asn1::bounded_bitstring<1, 160, true, true> address,
pdu_session_t::gtpu_tunnel& tunnel, // out parameter
const gtpu_interface_rrc::bearer_props* props = nullptr);
void rem_gtpu_bearer(uint16_t rnti, uint32_t pdu_session_id);
uint8_t allocate_lcid(uint32_t rnti);
} // namespace srsenb