The project contains a set of Python tools for the automatic code generation of modules for popular SDR frameworks, including GNURadio, ALOE++, IRIS, and OSSIE. These tools are easy to use and adapt for generating targets for specific platforms or frameworks.
The library currently uses Ettus Universal Hardware Driver (UHD). Thus, any hardware supported by UHD can be used. There is no sampling rate conversion, therefore the hardware should support 30.72 MHz clock in order to work correctly with LTE sampling frequencies and decode signals from live LTE base stations. We are using the B210 USRP.
* Requirements: Currently, the library requires libfftw, although we plan make this dependency optional in the future. Also, QT4 and Qwt6 are needed for graphics visualization. Compilation is possible without QT4, although graphics will be disabled.
To install QT4, Qwt6 and libfftw use your distribution packet management system, for instance in ubuntu you can run: `sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev libqwt-dev libqt4-dev` to install all requirements.
And the output should look something like the following video. In this example, we removed the transmitter and receiver antennas in the middle of the demonstration, showing how reception is still possible (despite with some erros).