* Copyright 2013 - 2019 Software Radio Systems Limited
* This file is part of srsLTE .
* srsLTE is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of
* the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details .
* A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in
* the LICENSE file in the top - level directory of this distribution
* and at http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/.
# include <unistd.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <signal.h>
# include <pthread.h>
# include <iostream>
# include <fstream>
# include <string>
# include <boost/program_options.hpp>
# include <boost/program_options/parsers.hpp>
# include "srsue/hdr/ue.h"
# include "srslte/common/config_file.h"
# include "srslte/common/crash_handler.h"
# include "srslte/srslte.h"
# include "srsue/hdr/metrics_stdout.h"
# include "srsue/hdr/metrics_csv.h"
# include "srslte/common/metrics_hub.h"
# include "srslte/version.h"
extern uint32_t zero_tti ;
extern bool simulate_rlf ;
using namespace std ;
using namespace srsue ;
namespace bpo = boost : : program_options ;
* Program arguments processing
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
string config_file ;
void parse_args ( all_args_t * args , int argc , char * argv [ ] )
// Command line only options
bpo : : options_description general ( " General options " ) ;
general . add_options ( )
( " help,h " , " Produce help message " )
( " version,v " , " Print version information and exit " ) ;
// Command line or config file options
bpo : : options_description common ( " Configuration options " ) ;
// clang-format off
common . add_options ( )
( " rf.dl_earfcn " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > rf . dl_earfcn ) - > default_value ( " 3400 " ) , " Downlink EARFCN list " )
( " rf.freq_offset " , bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > rf . freq_offset ) - > default_value ( 0 ) , " (optional) Frequency offset " )
( " rf.dl_freq " , bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > rf . dl_freq ) - > default_value ( - 1 ) , " Downlink Frequency (if positive overrides EARFCN) " )
( " rf.ul_freq " , bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > rf . ul_freq ) - > default_value ( - 1 ) , " Uplink Frequency (if positive overrides EARFCN) " )
( " rf.rx_gain " , bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > rf . rx_gain ) - > default_value ( - 1 ) , " Front-end receiver gain " )
( " rf.tx_gain " , bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > rf . tx_gain ) - > default_value ( - 1 ) , " Front-end transmitter gain " )
( " rf.nof_radios " , bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > rf . nof_radios ) - > default_value ( 1 ) , " Number of available RF devices " )
( " rf.nof_rf_channels " , bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > rf . nof_rf_channels ) - > default_value ( 1 ) , " Number of RF channels per radio " )
( " rf.nof_rx_ant " , bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > rf . nof_rx_ant ) - > default_value ( 1 ) , " Number of RX antennas per channel " )
( " rf.device_name " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > rf . device_name ) - > default_value ( " auto " ) , " Front-end device name " )
( " rf.device_args " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > rf . device_args [ 0 ] ) - > default_value ( " auto " ) , " Front-end device arguments " )
( " rf.device_args_2 " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > rf . device_args [ 1 ] ) - > default_value ( " auto " ) , " Front-end device 2 arguments " )
( " rf.device_args_3 " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > rf . device_args [ 2 ] ) - > default_value ( " auto " ) , " Front-end device 3 arguments " )
( " rf.time_adv_nsamples " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > rf . time_adv_nsamples ) - > default_value ( " auto " ) , " Transmission time advance " )
( " rf.burst_preamble_us " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > rf . burst_preamble ) - > default_value ( " auto " ) , " Transmission time advance " )
( " rf.continuous_tx " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > rf . continuous_tx ) - > default_value ( " auto " ) , " Transmit samples continuously to the radio or on bursts (auto/yes/no). Default is auto (yes for UHD, no for rest) " )
( " rrc.feature_group " , bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > rrc . feature_group ) - > default_value ( 0xe6041000 ) , " Hex value of the featureGroupIndicators field in the "
" UECapabilityInformation message. Default 0xe6041000 " )
( " rrc.ue_category " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > rrc . ue_category_str ) - > default_value ( SRSLTE_UE_CATEGORY_DEFAULT ) , " UE Category (1 to 10) " )
( " rrc.release " , bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > rrc . release ) - > default_value ( 8 ) , " UE Release (8 to 10) " )
( " nas.apn " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > nas . apn_name ) - > default_value ( " " ) , " Set Access Point Name (APN) for data services " )
( " nas.apn_protocol " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > nas . apn_protocol ) - > default_value ( " " ) , " Set Access Point Name (APN) protocol for data services " )
( " nas.user " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > nas . apn_user ) - > default_value ( " " ) , " Username for CHAP authentication " )
( " nas.pass " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > nas . apn_pass ) - > default_value ( " " ) , " Password for CHAP authentication " )
( " nas.force_imsi_attach " , bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > nas . force_imsi_attach ) - > default_value ( false ) , " Whether to always perform an IMSI attach " )
( " nas.eia " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > nas . eia ) - > default_value ( " 1,2 " ) , " List of integrity algorithms included in UE capabilities " )
( " nas.eea " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > nas . eea ) - > default_value ( " 0,1,2 " ) , " List of ciphering algorithms included in UE capabilities " )
( " pcap.enable " , bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > pcap . enable ) - > default_value ( false ) , " Enable MAC packet captures for wireshark " )
( " pcap.filename " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > pcap . filename ) - > default_value ( " ue.pcap " ) , " MAC layer capture filename " )
( " pcap.nas_enable " , bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > pcap . nas_enable ) - > default_value ( false ) , " Enable NAS packet captures for wireshark " )
( " pcap.nas_filename " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > pcap . nas_filename ) - > default_value ( " ue_nas.pcap " ) , " NAS layer capture filename (useful when NAS encryption is enabled) " )
( " gui.enable " , bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > gui . enable ) - > default_value ( false ) , " Enable GUI plots " )
( " log.phy_level " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . phy_level ) , " PHY log level " )
( " log.phy_lib_level " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . phy_lib_level ) , " PHY lib log level " )
( " log.phy_hex_limit " , bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > log . phy_hex_limit ) , " PHY log hex dump limit " )
( " log.mac_level " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . mac_level ) , " MAC log level " )
( " log.mac_hex_limit " , bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > log . mac_hex_limit ) , " MAC log hex dump limit " )
( " log.rlc_level " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . rlc_level ) , " RLC log level " )
( " log.rlc_hex_limit " , bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > log . rlc_hex_limit ) , " RLC log hex dump limit " )
( " log.pdcp_level " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . pdcp_level ) , " PDCP log level " )
( " log.pdcp_hex_limit " , bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > log . pdcp_hex_limit ) , " PDCP log hex dump limit " )
( " log.rrc_level " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . rrc_level ) , " RRC log level " )
( " log.rrc_hex_limit " , bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > log . rrc_hex_limit ) , " RRC log hex dump limit " )
( " log.gw_level " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . gw_level ) , " GW log level " )
( " log.gw_hex_limit " , bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > log . gw_hex_limit ) , " GW log hex dump limit " )
( " log.nas_level " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . nas_level ) , " NAS log level " )
( " log.nas_hex_limit " , bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > log . nas_hex_limit ) , " NAS log hex dump limit " )
( " log.usim_level " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . usim_level ) , " USIM log level " )
( " log.usim_hex_limit " , bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > log . usim_hex_limit ) , " USIM log hex dump limit " )
( " log.all_level " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . all_level ) - > default_value ( " info " ) , " ALL log level " )
( " log.all_hex_limit " , bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > log . all_hex_limit ) - > default_value ( 32 ) , " ALL log hex dump limit " )
( " log.filename " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > log . filename ) - > default_value ( " /tmp/ue.log " ) , " Log filename " )
( " log.file_max_size " , bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > log . file_max_size ) - > default_value ( - 1 ) , " Maximum file size (in kilobytes). When passed, multiple files are created. Default -1 (single file) " )
( " usim.mode " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > usim . mode ) - > default_value ( " soft " ) , " USIM mode (soft or pcsc) " )
( " usim.algo " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > usim . algo ) , " USIM authentication algorithm " )
( " usim.op " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > usim . op ) , " USIM operator code " )
( " usim.opc " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > usim . opc ) , " USIM operator code (ciphered variant) " )
( " usim.imsi " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > usim . imsi ) , " USIM IMSI " )
( " usim.imei " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > usim . imei ) , " USIM IMEI " )
( " usim.k " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > usim . k ) , " USIM K " )
( " usim.pin " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > usim . pin ) , " PIN in case real SIM card is used " )
( " usim.reader " , bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > usim . reader ) - > default_value ( " " ) , " Force specific PCSC reader. Default: Try all available readers. " )
/* Expert section */
( " expert.ip_netmask " ,
bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > expert . ip_netmask ) - > default_value ( " " ) ,
" Netmask of the tun_srsue device " )
( " expert.ip_devname " ,
bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > expert . ip_devname ) - > default_value ( " tun_srsue " ) ,
" Name of the tun_srsue device " )
( " expert.mbms_service " ,
bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > expert . mbms_service ) - > default_value ( - 1 ) ,
" automatically starts an mbms service of the number given " )
( " expert.phy.worker_cpu_mask " ,
bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > expert . phy . worker_cpu_mask ) - > default_value ( - 1 ) ,
" cpu bit mask (eg 255 = 1111 1111) " )
( " expert.phy.sync_cpu_affinity " ,
bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > expert . phy . sync_cpu_affinity ) - > default_value ( - 1 ) ,
" index of the core used by the sync thread " )
( " expert.metrics_period_secs " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . metrics_period_secs ) - > default_value ( 1.0 ) ,
" Periodicity for metrics in seconds " )
( " expert.metrics_csv_enable " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . metrics_csv_enable ) - > default_value ( false ) ,
" Write UE metrics to CSV file " )
( " expert.metrics_csv_filename " ,
bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > expert . metrics_csv_filename ) - > default_value ( " /tmp/ue_metrics.csv " ) ,
" Metrics CSV filename " )
( " expert.pregenerate_signals " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . pregenerate_signals ) - > default_value ( false ) ,
" Pregenerate uplink signals after attach. Improves CPU performance. " )
( " expert.print_buffer_state " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . print_buffer_state ) - > default_value ( false ) ,
" Prints on the console the buffer state every 10 seconds " )
( " expert.rssi_sensor_enabled " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . phy . rssi_sensor_enabled ) - > default_value ( false ) ,
" Enable or disable RF frontend RSSI sensor. In some USRP devices can cause segmentation fault " )
( " expert.rx_gain_offset " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . rx_gain_offset ) - > default_value ( 62 ) ,
" RX Gain offset to add to rx_gain to correct RSRP value " )
( " expert.prach_gain " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . prach_gain ) - > default_value ( - 1.0 ) ,
" Disable PRACH power control " )
( " expert.cqi_max " ,
bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > expert . phy . cqi_max ) - > default_value ( 15 ) ,
" Upper bound on the maximum CQI to be reported. Default 15. " )
( " expert.cqi_fixed " ,
bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > expert . phy . cqi_fixed ) - > default_value ( - 1 ) ,
" Fixes the reported CQI to a constant value. Default disabled. " )
( " expert.sfo_correct_period " ,
bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > expert . phy . sfo_correct_period ) - > default_value ( DEFAULT_SAMPLE_OFFSET_CORRECT_PERIOD ) ,
" Period in ms to correct sample time " )
( " expert.sfo_emma " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . sfo_ema ) - > default_value ( DEFAULT_SFO_EMA_COEFF ) ,
" EMA coefficient to average sample offsets used to compute SFO " )
( " expert.snr_ema_coeff " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . snr_ema_coeff ) - > default_value ( 0.1 ) ,
" Sets the SNR exponential moving average coefficient (Default 0.1) " )
( " expert.snr_estim_alg " ,
bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > expert . phy . snr_estim_alg ) - > default_value ( " refs " ) ,
" Sets the noise estimation algorithm. (Default refs) " )
( " expert.pdsch_max_its " ,
bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > expert . phy . pdsch_max_its ) - > default_value ( 8 ) ,
" Maximum number of turbo decoder iterations " )
( " expert.nof_phy_threads " ,
bpo : : value < int > ( & args - > expert . phy . nof_phy_threads ) - > default_value ( 3 ) ,
" Number of PHY threads " )
( " expert.equalizer_mode " ,
bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > expert . phy . equalizer_mode ) - > default_value ( " mmse " ) ,
" Equalizer mode " )
( " expert.intra_freq_meas_len_ms " ,
bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > expert . phy . intra_freq_meas_len_ms ) - > default_value ( 20 ) ,
" Duration of the intra-frequency neighbour cell measurement in ms. " )
( " expert.intra_freq_meas_period_ms " ,
bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > expert . phy . intra_freq_meas_period_ms ) - > default_value ( 200 ) ,
" Period of intra-frequency neighbour cell measurement in ms. Maximum as per 3GPP is 200 ms. " )
( " expert.cfo_is_doppler " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . phy . cfo_is_doppler ) - > default_value ( false ) ,
" Assume detected CFO is doppler and correct the UL in the same direction. If disabled, the CFO is assumed "
" to be caused by the local oscillator and the UL correction is in the opposite direction. Default assumes oscillator. " )
( " expert.cfo_integer_enabled " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . phy . cfo_integer_enabled ) - > default_value ( false ) ,
" Enables integer CFO estimation and correction. " )
( " expert.cfo_correct_tol_hz " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . cfo_correct_tol_hz ) - > default_value ( 1.0 ) ,
" Tolerance (in Hz) for digital CFO compensation (needs to be low if interpolate_subframe_enabled=true. " )
( " expert.cfo_pss_ema " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . cfo_pss_ema ) - > default_value ( DEFAULT_CFO_EMA_TRACK ) ,
" CFO Exponential Moving Average coefficient for PSS estimation during TRACK. " )
( " expert.cfo_ref_mask " ,
bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > expert . phy . cfo_ref_mask ) - > default_value ( 1023 ) ,
" Bitmask for subframes on which to run RS estimation (set to 0 to disable, default all sf) " )
( " expert.cfo_loop_bw_pss " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . cfo_loop_bw_pss ) - > default_value ( DEFAULT_CFO_BW_PSS ) ,
" CFO feedback loop bandwidth for samples from PSS " )
( " expert.cfo_loop_bw_ref " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . cfo_loop_bw_ref ) - > default_value ( DEFAULT_CFO_BW_REF ) ,
" CFO feedback loop bandwidth for samples from RS " )
( " expert.cfo_loop_pss_tol " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . cfo_loop_pss_tol ) - > default_value ( DEFAULT_CFO_PSS_MIN ) ,
" Tolerance (in Hz) of the PSS estimation method. Below this value, PSS estimation does not feeds back the loop "
" and RS estimations are used instead (when available) " )
( " expert.cfo_loop_ref_min " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . cfo_loop_ref_min ) - > default_value ( DEFAULT_CFO_REF_MIN ) ,
" Tolerance (in Hz) of the RS estimation method. Below this value, RS estimation does not feeds back the loop " )
( " expert.cfo_loop_pss_conv " ,
bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > expert . phy . cfo_loop_pss_conv ) - > default_value ( DEFAULT_PSS_STABLE_TIMEOUT ) ,
" After the PSS estimation is below cfo_loop_pss_tol for cfo_loop_pss_timeout times consecutively, RS adjustments are allowed. " )
( " expert.sic_pss_enabled " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . phy . sic_pss_enabled ) - > default_value ( false ) ,
" Applies Successive Interference Cancellation to PSS signals when searching for neighbour cells. Must be disabled if cells have identical channel and timing. " )
( " expert.interpolate_subframe_enabled " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . phy . interpolate_subframe_enabled ) - > default_value ( false ) ,
" Interpolates in the time domain the channel estimates within 1 subframe. " )
( " expert.estimator_fil_auto " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . phy . estimator_fil_auto ) - > default_value ( false ) ,
" The channel estimator smooths the channel estimate with an adaptative filter. " )
( " expert.estimator_fil_stddev " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . estimator_fil_stddev ) - > default_value ( 1.0f ) ,
" Sets the channel estimator smooth gaussian filter standard deviation. " )
( " expert.estimator_fil_order " ,
bpo : : value < uint32_t > ( & args - > expert . phy . estimator_fil_order ) - > default_value ( 4 ) ,
" Sets the channel estimator smooth gaussian filter order (even values perform better). " )
( " expert.snr_to_cqi_offset " ,
bpo : : value < float > ( & args - > expert . phy . snr_to_cqi_offset ) - > default_value ( 0 ) ,
" Sets an offset in the SNR to CQI table. This is used to adjust the reported CQI. " )
( " expert.sss_algorithm " ,
bpo : : value < string > ( & args - > expert . phy . sss_algorithm ) - > default_value ( " full " ) ,
" Selects the SSS estimation algorithm. " )
( " expert.pdsch_csi_enabled " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . phy . pdsch_csi_enabled ) - > default_value ( true ) ,
" Stores the Channel State Information and uses it for weightening the softbits. It is only used in TM1. " )
( " expert.pdsch_8bit_decoder " ,
bpo : : value < bool > ( & args - > expert . phy . pdsch_8bit_decoder ) - > default_value ( false ) ,
" Use 8-bit for LLR representation and turbo decoder trellis computation (Experimental) " ) ;
// Positional options - config file location
bpo : : options_description position ( " Positional options " ) ;
position . add_options ( )
( " config_file " , bpo : : value < string > ( & config_file ) , " UE configuration file " ) ;
// clang-format on
bpo : : positional_options_description p ;
p . add ( " config_file " , - 1 ) ;
// these options are allowed on the command line
bpo : : options_description cmdline_options ;
cmdline_options . add ( common ) . add ( position ) . add ( general ) ;
// parse the command line and store result in vm
bpo : : variables_map vm ;
try {
bpo : : store ( bpo : : command_line_parser ( argc , argv ) . options ( cmdline_options ) . positional ( p ) . run ( ) , vm ) ;
bpo : : notify ( vm ) ;
} catch ( bpo : : error & e ) {
cerr < < e . what ( ) < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
// help option was given - print usage and exit
if ( vm . count ( " help " ) ) {
cout < < " Usage: " < < argv [ 0 ] < < " [OPTIONS] config_file " < < endl < < endl ;
cout < < common < < endl < < general < < endl ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
// print version number and exit
if ( vm . count ( " version " ) ) {
cout < < " Version " < <
srslte_get_version_major ( ) < < " . " < <
srslte_get_version_minor ( ) < < " . " < <
srslte_get_version_patch ( ) < < endl ;
exit ( 0 ) ;
// if no config file given, check users home path
if ( ! vm . count ( " config_file " ) ) {
if ( ! config_exists ( config_file , " ue.conf " ) ) {
cout < < " Failed to read UE configuration file " < < config_file < < " - exiting " < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
cout < < " Reading configuration file " < < config_file < < " ... " < < endl ;
ifstream conf ( config_file . c_str ( ) , ios : : in ) ;
if ( conf . fail ( ) ) {
cout < < " Failed to read configuration file " < < config_file < < " - exiting " < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
// parse config file and handle errors gracefully
try {
bpo : : store ( bpo : : parse_config_file ( conf , common ) , vm ) ;
bpo : : notify ( vm ) ;
} catch ( const boost : : program_options : : error & e ) {
cerr < < e . what ( ) < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
// Check conflicting OP/OPc options and which is being used
if ( vm . count ( " usim.op " ) & & ! vm [ " usim.op " ] . defaulted ( ) & & vm . count ( " usim.opc " ) & & ! vm [ " usim.opc " ] . defaulted ( ) ) {
cout < < " Conflicting options OP and OPc. Please configure either one or the other. " < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
} else {
args - > usim . using_op = vm . count ( " usim.op " ) ;
// Apply all_level to any unset layers
if ( vm . count ( " log.all_level " ) ) {
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.phy_level " ) ) {
args - > log . phy_level = args - > log . all_level ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.phy_lib_level " ) ) {
args - > log . phy_lib_level = args - > log . all_level ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.mac_level " ) ) {
args - > log . mac_level = args - > log . all_level ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.rlc_level " ) ) {
args - > log . rlc_level = args - > log . all_level ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.pdcp_level " ) ) {
args - > log . pdcp_level = args - > log . all_level ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.rrc_level " ) ) {
args - > log . rrc_level = args - > log . all_level ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.nas_level " ) ) {
args - > log . nas_level = args - > log . all_level ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.gw_level " ) ) {
args - > log . gw_level = args - > log . all_level ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.usim_level " ) ) {
args - > log . usim_level = args - > log . all_level ;
// Apply all_hex_limit to any unset layers
if ( vm . count ( " log.all_hex_limit " ) ) {
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.phy_hex_limit " ) ) {
args - > log . phy_hex_limit = args - > log . all_hex_limit ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.mac_hex_limit " ) ) {
args - > log . mac_hex_limit = args - > log . all_hex_limit ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.rlc_hex_limit " ) ) {
args - > log . rlc_hex_limit = args - > log . all_hex_limit ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.pdcp_hex_limit " ) ) {
args - > log . pdcp_hex_limit = args - > log . all_hex_limit ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.rrc_hex_limit " ) ) {
args - > log . rrc_hex_limit = args - > log . all_hex_limit ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.nas_hex_limit " ) ) {
args - > log . nas_hex_limit = args - > log . all_hex_limit ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.gw_hex_limit " ) ) {
args - > log . gw_hex_limit = args - > log . all_hex_limit ;
if ( ! vm . count ( " log.usim_hex_limit " ) ) {
args - > log . usim_hex_limit = args - > log . all_hex_limit ;
static int sigcnt = 0 ;
static bool running = true ;
static bool do_metrics = false ;
metrics_stdout metrics_screen ;
static bool show_mbms = false ;
static bool mbms_service_start = false ;
uint32_t serv , port ;
void sig_int_handler ( int signo )
sigcnt + + ;
running = false ;
cout < < " Stopping srsUE... Press Ctrl+C " < < ( 10 - sigcnt ) < < " more times to force stop " < < endl ;
if ( sigcnt > = 10 ) {
exit ( - 1 ) ;
void * input_loop ( void * m )
string key ;
while ( running ) {
getline ( cin , key ) ;
if ( cin . eof ( ) | | cin . bad ( ) ) {
cout < < " Closing stdin thread. " < < endl ;
break ;
} else {
if ( 0 = = key . compare ( " t " ) ) {
do_metrics = ! do_metrics ;
if ( do_metrics ) {
cout < < " Enter t to stop trace. " < < endl ;
} else {
cout < < " Enter t to restart trace. " < < endl ;
metrics_screen . toggle_print ( do_metrics ) ;
} else if ( 0 = = key . compare ( " rlf " ) ) {
simulate_rlf = true ;
cout < < " Sending Radio Link Failure " < < endl ;
} else if ( 0 = = key . find ( " zeros " ) ) {
zero_tti = std : : stoi ( key . substr ( 6 ) ) ;
cout < < " Receiving zeros for " < < zero_tti < < " ms " < < endl ;
} else if ( 0 = = key . compare ( " q " ) ) {
running = false ;
} else if ( 0 = = key . compare ( " mbms " ) ) {
show_mbms = true ;
} else if ( key . find ( " mbms_service_start " ) ! = string : : npos ) {
char * dup = strdup ( key . c_str ( ) ) ;
strtok ( dup , " " ) ;
char * s = strtok ( NULL , " " ) ;
char * p = strtok ( NULL , " " ) ;
if ( NULL = = s ) {
cout < < " Usage: mbms_service_start <service_id> <port_number> " < < endl ;
goto free_mem ;
serv = atoi ( s ) ;
if ( NULL = = p ) {
cout < < " Usage: mbms_service_start <service_id> <port_number> " < < endl ;
goto free_mem ;
port = atoi ( p ) ;
mbms_service_start = true ;
free_mem :
free ( dup ) ;
return NULL ;
int main ( int argc , char * argv [ ] )
srslte : : metrics_hub < ue_metrics_t > metricshub ;
signal ( SIGINT , sig_int_handler ) ;
signal ( SIGTERM , sig_int_handler ) ;
all_args_t args ;
srslte_debug_handle_crash ( argc , argv ) ;
parse_args ( & args , argc , argv ) ;
srsue_instance_type_t type = LTE ;
ue_base * ue = ue_base : : get_instance ( type ) ;
if ( ! ue ) {
cout < < " Error creating UE instance. " < < endl < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
cout < < " --- Software Radio Systems " < < srsue_instance_type_text [ type ] < < " UE --- " < < endl < < endl ;
if ( ! ue - > init ( & args ) ) {
exit ( 1 ) ;
metricshub . init ( ue , args . expert . metrics_period_secs ) ;
metricshub . add_listener ( & metrics_screen ) ;
metrics_screen . set_ue_handle ( ue ) ;
metrics_csv metrics_file ( args . expert . metrics_csv_filename ) ;
if ( args . expert . metrics_csv_enable ) {
metricshub . add_listener ( & metrics_file ) ;
metrics_file . set_ue_handle ( ue ) ;
pthread_t input ;
pthread_create ( & input , NULL , & input_loop , & args ) ;
cout < < " Attaching UE... " < < endl ;
while ( ! ue - > switch_on ( ) & & running ) {
sleep ( 1 ) ;
if ( running ) {
if ( args . expert . pregenerate_signals ) {
cout < < " Pre-generating signals... " < < endl ;
ue - > pregenerate_signals ( true ) ;
cout < < " Done pregenerating signals. " < < endl ;
if ( args . gui . enable ) {
ue - > start_plot ( ) ;
// Auto-start MBMS service by default
if ( args . expert . mbms_service > - 1 ) {
serv = args . expert . mbms_service ;
port = 4321 ;
mbms_service_start = true ;
int cnt = 0 ;
while ( running ) {
if ( mbms_service_start ) {
if ( ue - > mbms_service_start ( serv , port ) ) {
mbms_service_start = false ;
if ( show_mbms ) {
show_mbms = false ;
ue - > print_mbms ( ) ;
if ( args . expert . print_buffer_state ) {
cnt + + ;
if ( cnt = = 10 ) {
cnt = 0 ;
ue - > print_pool ( ) ;
sleep ( 1 ) ;
ue - > switch_off ( ) ;
pthread_cancel ( input ) ;
pthread_join ( input , NULL ) ;
metricshub . stop ( ) ;
ue - > stop ( ) ;
ue - > cleanup ( ) ;
cout < < " --- exiting --- " < < endl ;
exit ( 0 ) ;