* \section COPYRIGHT
* Copyright 2013-2020 Software Radio Systems Limited
* By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
* forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
* the distribution.
#include "asn1_utils.h"
* Forward declarations
namespace asn1 {
namespace s1ap {
struct init_context_setup_request_s;
struct ue_context_mod_request_s;
struct erab_setup_request_s;
struct erab_release_cmd_s;
struct ue_paging_id_c;
struct ho_request_s;
struct sourceenb_to_targetenb_transparent_container_s;
struct init_context_setup_resp_s;
struct erab_setup_resp_s;
struct rrc_establishment_cause_opts;
struct cause_radio_network_opts;
struct bearers_subject_to_status_transfer_item_ies_o;
template <class ies_set_paramT_>
struct protocol_ie_single_container_s;
using bearers_subject_to_status_transfer_list_l =
dyn_array<protocol_ie_single_container_s<bearers_subject_to_status_transfer_item_ies_o> >;
using rrc_establishment_cause_e = enumerated<rrc_establishment_cause_opts, true, 3>;
using cause_radio_network_e = enumerated<cause_radio_network_opts, true, 4>;
} // namespace s1ap
} // namespace asn1