* Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited
* This file is part of srsLTE.
* srsLTE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* srsLTE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in
* the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution
* and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
#include "sched_test_common.h"
#include "srsenb/hdr/stack/mac/sched_grid.h"
#include "srslte/common/test_common.h"
using namespace srsenb;
const uint32_t seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
const uint32_t PCell_IDX = 0;
const std::array<uint32_t, 6> prb_list = {6, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100};
uint32_t get_aggr_level(sched_ue& sched_ue, uint32_t enb_cc_idx, const std::vector<sched_cell_params_t>& cell_params)
srslte_dci_format_t dci_format = sched_ue.get_dci_format();
uint32_t nof_dci_bits = srslte_dci_format_sizeof(&cell_params[enb_cc_idx].cfg.cell, nullptr, nullptr, dci_format);
uint32_t aggr_level = sched_ue.get_aggr_level(enb_cc_idx, nof_dci_bits);
return aggr_level;
int test_pdcch_one_ue()
using rand_uint = std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t>;
const uint32_t ENB_CC_IDX = 0;
// Params
uint32_t nof_prb = prb_list[rand_uint{0, 5}(get_rand_gen())];
uint16_t rnti = rand_uint{70, 120}(get_rand_gen());
srslte::tti_point start_tti{rand_uint{0, 10240}(get_rand_gen())};
uint32_t nof_ttis = 100;
// Derived
std::vector<sched_cell_params_t> cell_params(1);
sched_interface::ue_cfg_t ue_cfg = generate_default_ue_cfg();
sched_interface::cell_cfg_t cell_cfg = generate_default_cell_cfg(nof_prb);
sched_interface::sched_args_t sched_args{};
TESTASSERT(cell_params[ENB_CC_IDX].set_cfg(ENB_CC_IDX, cell_cfg, sched_args));
sf_cch_allocator pdcch;
sched_ue sched_ue{rnti, cell_params, ue_cfg};
TESTASSERT(pdcch.nof_alloc_combinations() == 0);
TESTASSERT(pdcch.nof_allocs() == 0);
uint32_t tti_counter = 0;
for (; tti_counter < nof_ttis; ++tti_counter) {
tti_point tti_rx = start_tti + tti_counter;
TESTASSERT(pdcch.nof_cces() == cell_params[ENB_CC_IDX].nof_cce_table[0]);
TESTASSERT(pdcch.get_cfi() == 1); // Start at CFI=1
// Set DL CQI - it should affect aggregation level
uint32_t dl_cqi = std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t>{1, 25}(srsenb::get_rand_gen());
sched_ue.set_dl_cqi(to_tx_dl(tti_rx), ENB_CC_IDX, dl_cqi);
uint32_t aggr_idx = get_aggr_level(sched_ue, PCell_IDX, cell_params);
uint32_t max_nof_cce_locs =
(*sched_ue.get_locations(ENB_CC_IDX, sf_cch_allocator::MAX_CFI, to_tx_dl(tti_rx).sf_idx()))[aggr_idx].size();
// allocate DL user
uint32_t prev_cfi = pdcch.get_cfi();
const cce_cfi_position_table* dci_cce = sched_ue.get_locations(ENB_CC_IDX, prev_cfi, to_tx_dl(tti_rx).sf_idx());
uint32_t prev_nof_cce_locs = (*dci_cce)[aggr_idx].size();
TESTASSERT(pdcch.alloc_dci(alloc_type_t::DL_DATA, aggr_idx, &sched_ue));
TESTASSERT(pdcch.nof_allocs() == 1);
if (prev_nof_cce_locs == pdcch.nof_allocs() - 1) {
// CFI must be increased
TESTASSERT(pdcch.get_cfi() > prev_cfi);
} else {
// Previous CFI should be fine
TESTASSERT(pdcch.get_cfi() == prev_cfi);
dci_cce = sched_ue.get_locations(ENB_CC_IDX, pdcch.get_cfi(), to_tx_dl(tti_rx).sf_idx());
const cce_position_list& dci_locs = (*dci_cce)[aggr_idx];
// TEST: Check the first alloc of the pdcch result (e.g. rnti, valid cce mask, etc.)
sf_cch_allocator::alloc_result_t pdcch_result;
pdcch_mask_t pdcch_mask;
pdcch.get_allocs(&pdcch_result, &pdcch_mask, 0);
TESTASSERT(pdcch_result.size() == 1);
TESTASSERT(pdcch_result[0]->rnti == sched_ue.get_rnti());
TESTASSERT(pdcch_result[0]->total_mask.size() == cell_params[ENB_CC_IDX].nof_cce_table[pdcch.get_cfi() - 1]);
TESTASSERT(pdcch_result[0]->current_mask == pdcch_result[0]->total_mask);
TESTASSERT(pdcch_result[0]->current_mask.count() == 1u << aggr_idx);
TESTASSERT(std::count(dci_locs.begin(), dci_locs.end(), pdcch_result[0]->dci_pos.ncce) > 0);
// allocate UL user
if (max_nof_cce_locs == pdcch.nof_allocs()) {
// no more space
prev_nof_cce_locs = dci_locs.size();
prev_cfi = pdcch.get_cfi();
TESTASSERT(pdcch.alloc_dci(alloc_type_t::UL_DATA, aggr_idx, &sched_ue));
TESTASSERT(pdcch.nof_allocs() == 2);
if (prev_nof_cce_locs == pdcch.nof_allocs() - 1) {
// CFI must be increased
TESTASSERT(pdcch.get_cfi() > prev_cfi);
} else {
// Previous CFI should be fine
TESTASSERT(pdcch.get_cfi() == prev_cfi);
dci_cce = sched_ue.get_locations(ENB_CC_IDX, pdcch.get_cfi(), to_tx_dl(tti_rx).sf_idx());
const cce_position_list& dci_locs2 = (*dci_cce)[aggr_idx];
pdcch.get_allocs(&pdcch_result, &pdcch_mask, 0);
TESTASSERT(pdcch_result.size() == pdcch.nof_allocs());
TESTASSERT(pdcch_result[1]->rnti == sched_ue.get_rnti());
TESTASSERT(pdcch_result[1]->total_mask.size() == cell_params[ENB_CC_IDX].nof_cce_table[pdcch.get_cfi() - 1]);
TESTASSERT((pdcch_result[1]->current_mask & pdcch_result[0]->current_mask).none());
TESTASSERT(pdcch_result[1]->current_mask.count() == 1u << aggr_idx);
TESTASSERT(pdcch_result[1]->total_mask == (pdcch_result[0]->current_mask | pdcch_result[1]->current_mask));
TESTASSERT(std::count(dci_locs2.begin(), dci_locs2.end(), pdcch_result[0]->dci_pos.ncce) > 0);
srslog::fetch_basic_logger("TEST").info("PDCCH alloc result: %s", pdcch.result_to_string(true).c_str());
TESTASSERT(tti_counter == nof_ttis);
int main()
printf("This is the chosen seed: %u\n", seed);
auto& test_log = srslog::fetch_basic_logger("TEST", false);
// Start the log backend.
TESTASSERT(test_pdcch_one_ue() == SRSLTE_SUCCESS);