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srsRAN is a 4G/5G software radio suite developed by [SRS](http://www.srs.io).
See the [srsRAN project pages](https://www.srsran.com) for information, guides and project news.
The srsRAN suite includes:
* srsUE - a full-stack SDR 4G/5G-NSA UE application (5G-SA coming soon)
* srsENB - a full-stack SDR 4G/5G-NSA eNodeB application (5G-SA coming soon)
* srsEPC - a light-weight 4G core network implementation with MME, HSS and S/P-GW
For application features, build instructions and user guides see the [srsRAN documentation](https://docs.srsran.com).
For license details, see LICENSE file.
Mailing list: https://lists.srsran.com/mailman/listinfo/srsran-users