# Copyright 2013-2021 Software Radio Systems Limited
# This file is part of srsRAN
# srsRAN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# srsRAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License can be found in
# the LICENSE file in the top-level directory of this distribution
# and at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
set(CTEST_LABELS "srsenb;phy")
add_executable(enb_phy_test enb_phy_test.cc)
# eNb PHY test:
# - Single carrier
# - Transmission Mode 1
# - 1 eNb cell/carrier (no carrier aggregation)
# - 100 PRB
add_lte_test(enb_phy_test_tm1 enb_phy_test --duration=${ENB_PHY_TEST_DURATION} --cell.nof_prb=100 --tm=1)
# Single carrier TM2 eNb PHY test:
# - Single carrier
# - Transmission Mode 2
# - 1 eNb cell/carrier (no carrier aggregation)
# - 100 PRB
add_lte_test(enb_phy_test_tm2 enb_phy_test --duration=${ENB_PHY_TEST_DURATION} --cell.nof_prb=100 --tm=2)
# Single carrier TM3 eNb PHY test:
# - Single carrier
# - Transmission Mode 3
# - 1 eNb cell/carrier (no carrier aggregation)
# - 100 PRB
add_lte_test(enb_phy_test_tm3 enb_phy_test --duration=${ENB_PHY_TEST_DURATION} --cell.nof_prb=100 --tm=3)
# Single carrier eNb PHY test:
# - Single carrier
# - Transmission Mode 4
# - 1 eNb cell/carrier (no carrier aggregation)
# - 100 PRB
add_lte_test(enb_phy_test_tm4 enb_phy_test --duration=${ENB_PHY_TEST_DURATION} --cell.nof_prb=100 --tm=4)
# Five carrier aggregation using PUCCH3:
# - 5 eNb cell/carrier
# - Transmission Mode 1
# - 5 Aggregated carriers
# - 6 PRB
# - PUCCH format 3 ACK/NACK feedback mode and more than 2 ACK/NACK bits in PUSCH
add_lte_test(enb_phy_test_tm1_ca_pucch3 enb_phy_test --duration=${ENB_PHY_TEST_DURATION} --nof_enb_cells=5 --ue_cell_list=3,4,0,1,2 --ack_mode=pucch3 --cell.nof_prb=6 --tm=1)
# Five carrier aggregation using PUCCH3:
# - 5 eNb cell/carrier
# - Transmission Mode 4
# - 5 Aggregated carriers
# - 6 PRB
# - PUCCH format 3 ACK/NACK feedback mode and more than 2 ACK/NACK bits in PUSCH
add_lte_test(enb_phy_test_tm4_ca_pucch3 enb_phy_test --duration=${ENB_PHY_TEST_DURATION} --nof_enb_cells=5 --ue_cell_list=0,4,3,1,2 --ack_mode=pucch3 --cell.nof_prb=6 --tm=4)
# Two carrier aggregation using Channel Selection:
# - 5 eNb cell/carrier
# - Transmission Mode 1
# - 2 Aggregated carriers
# - 6 PRB
# - PUCCH format 1b with Channel selection ACK/NACK feedback mode
add_lte_test(enb_phy_test_tm1_ca_cs enb_phy_test --duration=${ENB_PHY_TEST_DURATION} --nof_enb_cells=5 --ue_cell_list=4,3 --ack_mode=cs --cell.nof_prb=6 --tm=1)
# Two carrier aggregation using Channel Selection:
# - 5 eNb cell/carrier
# - Transmission Mode 4
# - 2 Aggregated carriers
# - 6 PRB
# - PUCCH format 1b with Channel selection ACK/NACK feedback mode
add_lte_test(enb_phy_test_tm4_ca_cs enb_phy_test --duration=${ENB_PHY_TEST_DURATION} --nof_enb_cells=5 --ue_cell_list=1,4 --ack_mode=cs --cell.nof_prb=6 --tm=4)
# Two carrier aggregation using Channel Selection and HO:
# - 3 eNb cell/carrier
# - Transmission Mode 1
# - 2 Aggregated carriers
# - 100 PRB
# - PUCCH format 1b with Channel selection ACK/NACK feedback mode
add_lte_test(enb_phy_test_tm1_ca_cs_ho enb_phy_test --duration=1000 --nof_enb_cells=3 --ue_cell_list=2,0 --ack_mode=cs --cell.nof_prb=100 --tm=1 --rotation=100)
# 6 Carrier eNb shall end in error without breaking the PHY
add_lte_test(enb_phy_test_exceed_nof_carriers enb_phy_test --duration=${ENB_PHY_TEST_DURATION} --nof_enb_cells=6 --ue_cell_list=1,5 --ack_mode=cs --cell.nof_prb=6 --tm=4)