#!/bin/bash # upload to bintray.com/schweikert set -e # do this only for the gcc run #if [ "$CC" != "gcc" ]; then # echo "skipped upload because $CC != gcc" # exit 0 #fi # do this only for the master and version3 branch if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" -a "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "v4.x" ]; then echo "skipped upload branch $TRAVIS_BRANCH isn't master or v4.x" exit 0 fi VERSION=$(ls fping-*.tar.gz | sed -e 's/^fping-//' | sed -e 's/\.tar\.gz$//') if [[ "$VERSION" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then REPO=release else REPO=beta fi curl -T fping-$VERSION.tar.gz -uschweikert:$BINTRAY_API_KEY https://api.bintray.com/content/schweikert/$REPO/fping/$VERSION/fping-$VERSION.tar.gz echo